EURORECERCA NÚM 879 Data: 20 de desembre de 2011




Esdeveniment Space-EU


El punt de contacte nacional per al tema "Espai (aeronàutica inclosa)" del Setè Programa Marc europeu de recerca recomana a les persones interessades fer la inscripció el més aviat possible per a l'esdeveniment següent:




Don't miss SpaceEU - Registration now available

28 - 29 February 2012, Diamant Conference Center, Brussels (Belgium)

Understanding, Matchmaking, Global bridging - this is SpaceEU. It offers first-hand information on future key European Space programmes, an overview of the European Space landscape and pre-arranged matchmaking meetings.

The event website is now online. Find out more about SpaceEU and register.

Don't miss your chance to join. This will be a big event, with room for 350 participants. But demand for places will be high, so register early!




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