EURORECERCA NÚM 1036 Data: 2 d'octubre de 2012




Convocatòria de TRANSVAC per al desenvolupament de vacunes


Donem difusió a la informació rebuda del Centre per al Desenvolupament Tecnològic Industrial, sobre la convocatòria de la iniciativa europea TRANSVAC per a la recerca i el desenvolupament de vacunes.




This call is the last opportunity to apply for free access to the non-human primate in-vivo model, the reference reagents and the Illumina Deep Sequencing services. You can find more information in the linked PDF file and in the text below.

EXISTING & FREE SERVICES: In order to support and accelerate vaccine development in Europe, TRANSVAC ( is providing a vaccine development platform that may be accessed for free by innovative European groups. Through a peer-reviewed process on feasibility, European groups working in vaccine development may apply to benefit from the expertise, reagents, and facilities of TRANSVAC consortium.

TRANSVAC is a joint strategic effort to accelerate vaccine development in Europe funded by the European Commission. It is coordinated by the European Vaccine Initiative in Heidelberg and aims to accelerate the development of promising European vaccine candidates by bridging the gap between bench research and clinical trials. TRANSVAC strives to build an efficient and sustainable collaboration of experts and facilities to catalyse vaccine research in Europe.

An integral part of the program is the provision of services to other groups. Part of these services are paid for by the EC and thus for free. These services are not restricted to any disease in particular. Integrative applications for multiple services at one time are possible and encouraged.  However, only European user groups (from EU members States or associated States) can apply and only to TRANSVAC service infrastructures outside their own country.

TRANSVAC's remaining free-of-charge services, which the current call addresses, include:
1.       The production of Reference Assay Standards
2.       Global Analyses: microarray analysis and deep sequencing
3.       Animal models: Rhesus macaque model

Integrative applications for multiple services at one time are possible and encouraged.  More information can be found at: or email: Non-eligible research groups can always approach the service providers for services on a paid basis.

Next Deadline: 31 October 2012, 17:00 CEST

NEW SERVICES: We are also pleased to inform you that the TRANSVAC project is providing new services that may be accessed on a paid basis as well by innovative European groups. The five newly included services are:

·   The GMP Pilot Production Plant Service from the Vaccinology Department of the National Institute for Public Health and the Environment (RIVM, The Netherlands).
   The Vaccine Development and Production Service from the Animal Cell Technology Unit of the Institute of Experimental and Technological Biology (IBET, Portugal).
   The MultiBac Platform Service from the European Molecular Biology Laboratory (EMBL, France).
   The Protein and Peptide Chemistry Facility Service from the Department of Biochemistry of the University of Lausanne (UNIL, Switzerland).
   The Reverse Transcription Multiplex Ligation-Dependent Probe Amplification (RT-MLPA) Assay Service from the Department of Infectious Diseases of the Leiden University Medical Centre (LUMC, The Netherlands).

Interested users can get more information on the paid services on the TRANSVAC website and can directly liaise with the service providers until new funding capacity is available within TRANSVAC.  An "advisory scientific review process" is also offered to the applicants who want to get advice on their project, objectives, and the methodology used.  This review process is organised in parallel to the review of the applications to the free-of-charge services.  The next advisory scientific review process will take place after closing of the submission period, on the 31 October 2012.

If you have any specific questions about the service and/or how to best apply you can contact the project management team at: 

Please feel free to pass this message on to anyone who might benefit from these services.

Céline Dutruel  Project Manager
Tel: +49 176 3161 5200 //   Email: 
European Vaccine Initiative
UniversitätsKlinikum Heidelberg // Im Neuenheimer Feld 326 //  69120 Heidelberg - Germany




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