EURORECERCA NÚM 1056 Data: 15 de novembre de 2012




Consulta pública sobre l'Agenda Digital Europea

digital agenda

Donem difusió a la informació rebuda de la DG de Xarxes de Comunicació, Continguts i Tecnologia (CONNECT) de la Comissió Europea, sobre una consulta pública al voltant de l'Agenda Digital Europea. La consulta estarà oberta fins al 2 de desembre de 2012 mitjançant l'enllaç següent:

Dear colleagues,
We would like to bring to your attention the recently launched European Commission/DG CONNECT's Stakeholder Survey that is open until 2 December.

We would be grateful if you could help us spread the word and invite members of your networks to take part in the survey.

The aim of the survey is to learn more about individuals, groups, organisations and entities who are involved in, or have views on, shaping Digital Agenda for Europe.

We seek more information on the areas stakeholders are interested in as well as rating the importance and level of satisfaction of certain aspects of interaction, for example easy access to information and the importance of timely and accurate feedback.

The survey will take from 5 to 10 minutes to complete. Answers will remain anonymous.

In January 2013 the main findings of the survey will be published on the Digital Agenda for Europe website.

The address of the survey is:

If you tweet, please use #daestakeholder

With thanks and kind regards,

European Commission
CONNECT- Communications Networks, Content and Technology Directorate-General

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