EURORECERCA NÚM 886 Data: 9 de gener de 2012




Taller sobre gestió integral de crisis

El punt de contacte nacional per al tema "Seguretat" del Setè Programa Marc de recerca europeu recomana l'esdeveniment següent a les persones interessades en participar en el demostrador previst per a finançament a la propera convocatòria de seguretat del 7PM.

La informació sobre l'esdeveniment i la inscripció en línia estan disponibles en aquest enllaç.

We would like to inform you that the Security Research programme of DG ENTR is preparing a one-day Workshop on "Crisis and disaster management: Roadmap for a FP7 Demonstration Programme", which will be held on 25th January 2012 in Brussels (venue: BAO, rue Rue Félix Hap, 11, B-1040 Brussels -

The workshop will bring together a wide range of crisis and disaster end-users, security research stakeholders, civil society, first responders, crisis managers, public authorities, academia and industry. Stakeholder participation in this workshop is important.

The objective is to discuss the roadmap and priorities that should be taken into consideration within a future FP7 European demonstration programme on crisis and disaster management (FP7 SEC call for proposal expected in July 2012).

The programme will be divided into the four following sessions:
Session I: towards a FP7 demonstration programme on crisis and disaster management
Session II: R&D approaches and solutions of relevance for the demo programme
Session III: end users involvement
Session IV: suitable or potential demonstrations


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