EURORECERCA NÚM 990 Fecha: 18 de junio de 2012




Aspectos sociales del envejecimiento activo


Damos difusión a la información sobre el evento Active Ageing - The Potential for Society, que se celebrará del 9 al 11 de julio en Dublín, durante el transcurso del Euroscience Open Forum ESOF 2012. El evento cuenta con el apoyo de la Comisión Europea y está organizado por Net4Society, la red europea de puntos de contacto nacionales del tema "Ciencias socioeconómicas y humanidades" (SSH) del Séptimo Programa Marco europeo de investigación.


El tercer día está dedicado a un brokerage event estructurado, donde los participantes tendrán la oportunidad de contactar con socios potenciales para presentar propuestas a la convocatoria de SSH 2013, que abrirá el plazo hacia el 10 de julio de 2012.

NET4SOCIETY, the network of National Contact Points, supporting and promoting Socio-Economic Sciences and Humanities (SSH) researchers' engagement in FP7, will host a transnational research and brokerage event, which is an official satellite event of the EuroScience Open Forum (ESOF). The event will be themed around the 2012 European Year for Active Ageing and Solidarity between Generations and will focus on the human and social aspects and implications of active ageing.

The event, targeted to approximately 350 researchers, policymakers and stakeholders from the international SSH community, will showcase a positive approach to ageing and its potential for society, presenting international SSH research in this field and identifying future research needs. In addition, it will promote and encourage engagement with FP7 SSH research programmes through a brokerage event that will form part of the conference programme. The event is sponsored by the European Commission.

Key note speakers include Anne-Sophie Parent, Director of the AGE network and Lenia Samuel from the European Commission's Year for Active Ageing initiative. Thematic sessions will be based on the following four key topics:

  • Employment
  • Social participation
  • Intergenerational solidarity
  • Ageing, economy and innovation

The third day of the conference will be dedicated to a structured brokerage event that will provide researchers and stakeholders with the opportunity to engage with the FP7 SSH research programme with special focus on the topics of the conference, with a view to finding potential partners for research projects in the FP7 call SSH-2013.

For further information, please visit 
For information regarding the conference content and management, please contact Maria O'Brien,  or Keji Adunmo,  
For information regarding practical issues such as travel, accommodation, venue and logistics, please contact  




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