EURORECERCA NÚM 1092 Fecha: 26 de febrero de 2013




Internet de las cosas: convocatoria del proyecto BUTLER


Damos difusión a la información recibida del punto de contacto nacional para el tema ICT del Séptimo Programa Marco europeo de investigación, sobre una convocatoria abierta por el proyecto BUTLER para incorporar un nuevo socio al proyecto, con experiencia en integración de tecnologías de la denominada "internet de las cosas" y realizar pruebas por parte de los usuarios finales.


We would like to inform you that the FP7-ICT Call 7 project BUTLER (287901) requires the participation of a new partner to carry out certain tasks within the project. Therefore it has published an open call with deadline on 17 April. More in particular, the project is looking for a partner established in an EU Member State or FP7 Associated State and having comprehensive expertise in the integration of Internet of Things technologies and conduct of end user trials. The tasks involve the participation to the setup of a cross domain (horizontal) field trial based on the prototype of the BUTLER platform.

The new partner will have to:·

- Implement a cross domain "Smart Life" field trial. The domains that are being looking for include health, home/office, transportation and shopping;

- Provide access to end users and have the ability and experience of conducting end user trials;

- Participate to the technology integration and software industrialisation of BUTLER's platform into a consistent and reliable field trial.

One partner will be selected for funding in this competitive call, which will be preferably a SME or an organisation demonstrating plans for sustainable exploitation of BUTLER project achievements. 

More information on the open call can be found at the project's website or can be obtained via the project coordinator Dr Franck Le Gall, e-mail:



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