EURORECERCA NÚM 1118 Data: 8 de maig de 2013




Convocatòria de GÉANT


GÉANT, la infraestructura europea de recerca i educació que connecta les xarxes nacionals europees en aquests camps (NRENs) ha obert una convocatòria per a incorporar beneficiaris addicionals. La convocatòria romandrà oberta fins al proper 29 de maig de 2013. La informació es troba al seu web, en l'enllaç següent:

El personal de la Universitat de València amb interès per presentar una sol·licitud per a aquesta convocatòria, pot contactar amb la nostra oficina a l'adreça, telèfon 96-3983621.


GÉANT Competitive Open Call for Additional Beneficiaries

The GÉANT (GN3plus) project has reserved a portion of project budget to fund specific tasks. These tasks will be carried out by new beneficiaries who may join the project either as Partners or as Third Parties to existing consortium members and will be selected by means of a competitive Open Call.

GÉANT Open Calls are structured around three key themes:

  • Use cases to run on existing GÉANT production and experimental network facilities.
  • Self-contained Research and Technology Development (RTD) work packages to support on-going project activities.
  • RTD to promote, develop and demonstrate Innovation in a Multi-Domain Research and Education Networking Environment.

Click here for detailed Call Text

GÉANT has assigned an indicative total EC funding of up to 3.3M€ to be spend on Open Calls. It is expected that projects selected for funding will take place between October 2013 and March 2015.

Participants to this call will propose concrete and specific plans that enable GÉANT to achieve its goals during the given time-frame across 18 topics. Selected beneficiaries will be invited to refine and implement the final plan together with the GÉANT Open Calls Coordinator and GN3plus activity leaders.

All proposals must be received by May 29, 2013 (17:00 Brussels Time).

More information about the GN3plus project can be found here




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