Short bio

Dr Quesada graduated in Economics from the Universitat de València and took his PhD in Economics at the University of Cincinnati (Ohio). He is currently a Professor of Economic Analysis at the Universitat de València and Research Professor at the Ivie. He was Director General of the Economy (1995-98) and Director of the Science and Technology Office of the Valencian regional government (1999-2003). His fields of research are financial and monetary economics, and the economics of new technologies and growth. He has jointly published 16 books —Infraestructuras, inversión privada e intangibles (CAM, 2009), BBVA Foundation-Ivie Reports on Growth and Competitiviness (2012, 2013 and 2014), Activos intangibles: Una inversión necesaria para el crecimiento económico en España (Ariel and Fundación Telefónica 2014), amongst others— and articles in E. Gardener et al. (eds.) Banking in the New Europe (Palgrave Macmillan 2003), in J.R. Cuadrado (ed.) Regional policy, economic growth and convergence: Lessons from the Spanish case (Springer 2009) and in F. Fiordelisi et al. (eds.) New Issues in Financial and Credit Markets (Palgrave Macmillan, 2010), as well as in specialized journals such as Applied Economics, European Journal of Finance, European Journal of Operational Research and Journal of International Financial Markets, Institutions and Money. He was a Visiting Scholar at Harvard University (1985-86). He is associate researcher of the National R&D Plan Project ECO2015-70632-R “El desarrollo en la era de la economía digital y sus condicionantes: aspectos metodológicos y análisis empírico”. He is Director of the Valencian Foundation of Advanced Studies, member of the European Academy of Science and Arts and Executive President of the Rey Jaime I Prizes.




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Facultad d'economia Universitat de València

Economic Analysis Department
Faculty of Economics
Edificio Departamental Oriental
Avda. Tarongers, s/n.
46022 Valencia (Spain)