Short bio

Dr Fernández de Guevara graduated and obtained his PhD (with special honors) in Economics from the Universitat de València, where he is currently Associate Professor of Economic Analysis and Research Professor at the Ivie. Accredited as University Associate Professor and Full Professor by ANECA. His specialized fields are banking, social capital, productivity analysis and the role of the ICT and the intangible assets in economic growth. He has been researcher in the projects funded by the EU 7th Framework Programme, INDICSER and SPINTAN, and advisor to the European Investment Bank and the UN. He has been researcher of four projects of National Research plan, and has been principal researcher of a project of the regional R&D plan. He has authored more than 30 books and book chapters and has co-edited three books for Palgrave MacMillan and the BBVA Foundation. Also, he has published more than 30 articles in specialized journals such as Journal of Banking and Finance, The Manchester School, The European Journal of Finance, Journal of International Money and Finance, Revista de Economía Aplicada, Regional Studies, Applied Economics Letters, Journal of Higher Education and Journal of Financial Stability, among others, and has taken part in numerous national and international congresses. In 2015, he received the prize for the best co-authored paper from Funcas in its Research Promotion Programme.



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Telf.: +34 963 19 00 50
Fax: +34 963 19 00 55

Facultad d'economia Universitat de València

Economic Analysis Department
Faculty of Economics
Edificio Departamental Oriental
Avda. Tarongers, s/n.
46022 Valencia (Spain)