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Assessment and future of creativity and creative thinking in the Spanish education system
The project focuses on investigating creativity and creative thinking in the Spanish education system by looking at the different domains of students' creativity and teachers' perceptions and beliefs.
Assessment of creativity in teaching
This project explores the creativity and creative thinking of Valencian teachers by looking at their attitudes, beliefs and development of the different domains of creativity.
Creativewear. Creative Clothing for Mediterranean Space
The objective of CREATIVEWEAR is to revitalize the textile-confection sector (T&C) with special attention to creativity, personalized design, craftsmanship and small-scale production for specific value chains at the territorial level with customer-oriented business models.
De la lectura a la multialfabetització: cànon, diversitat i sostenibilitat a través de l'educació literària
Prova de publicació d'un projecte actual Curs Web Elcis
Digital library of Valencian scientists and humanists
The main objective of the VESTIGIUM project is to disseminate among the international scientific community and among the general public the recent scientific and humanistic heritage of the Valencian Country.
History and Historiography of Spanish Language in its Diachrony
The aim of the project is to investigate the historical and historiographical processes in the diachrony of Spanish from a contrastive perspective.
La imatge d'Espanya i Hispanoamèrica en la literatura de viatges de llengua alemanya
Informació disponible en breu.
Mujer y Teatro (1780-1900)
“Mujer y Teatro (1780-1900)” es el resultado del proyecto de investigación (GV/2018/A/106) financiado por la Generalitat Valenciana que tiene como objetivo visibilizar el trabajo de recuperación de los clásicos greco-latinos realizado por mujeres dentro de la industria teatral británica a lo largo del siglo XIX. En este proyecto consideramos una selección de autoras anglosajonas con adaptaciones, traducciones (desde sus originales o desde otras traducciones modernas) o apropiaciones indirectas de obras procedentes de la tradición greco-latina publicadas entre 1780 y 1900 .
PRO 2011 Newcimed, new cities for the Mediterranean Sea Basin
El objetivo del proyecto es el desarrollo económico sostenible de las “Nuevas Ciudades” de la cuenca mediterránea, tanto en las áreas rurales como urbanas, mediante el fomento de la innovación en sectores claves y la cooperación para crear sinergias a nivel internacional, europeo, nacional, regional y local
El projecte es desenvolupa en Uxmal (Yucatán, Mèxic) i pretén abordar la investigació arqueològica de les àrees encara inexplorades d'aquesta ciutat maia, entre elles, el Grup de les Columnes.
Re-constructing Europe: literatures in contact and literary archetypes
Great Britain is changing, and so is Europe. The aim of this project is to reflect on the processes of (re)creation of art and literature within the context of the changing paradigms of the world as we know it today. At a time when political relations between Britain, Europe and the rest of the world are being redefined, this project examines the (de)construction of modern identities through the (de)codification of classical and contemporary mythologies.
Reconfigurations of gender, race, and social class in North-American Ethnic Minority Literatures of the Obama/Trump Eras
The main objective of the GVA-AICO project "Reconfigurations of gender, race and social class in North American ethnic literature of the Obama/Trump era" is to study the new reconfigurations and assemblages of gender, race and social class that have arisen in the literary production of the American ethnic minority writers during the Obama/Trump era, following the political, cultural and economic changes of the second decade of the third millennium.
Sostenuto - Thinking culture as a factor of economic and social innovation
It is a three-year transnational project focused on the Mediterranean and carried out within the framework of the European Union's Med Programme (INTERREG IV B) with the support of the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) and the Instrument for Assistance to Pre-Accession (IPA).
Women enterpreneurs and the performing arts in Great Britain (1800-today)