1st Joint Meeting UTSW Medical Center & School of Medicine and Dentistry UVEG


Valencia, 5-6 March 2015. Aula Magna, Facultat de Medicina i Odontologia












Abstract submission








The University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center, one of the leading medical education and biomedical research institutions in the United States, and the School of Medicine & Dentistry of the University of Valencia have an agreement of educational and scientific collaboration for the development of research and exchange activities for both students and researchers. Under this agreement, the next March 5th and 6th will take place the "1st Joint Meeting of the UTSW Medical Center and the School of Medicine and Dentistry of the University of Valencia". This meeting will lay the foundations for our collaborative research efforts.


UT Southwestern Medical Center is distinctive for its overall quality and for the strength of its three core missions of education, research, and patient care. UT Southwestern is proud of its distinguished record of breakthrough scientific discoveries, outstanding medical education and training, and excellence in patient care. Founded in 1943 as a private medical school by a group of prominent Dallas citizens, it became part of the University of Texas System in 1949, and has evolved over the years to become one of the leading academic medical centers in the country. Its faculty is renowned for including six Nobel Laureates (one now Emeritus) and many members of the United States National Academy of Sciences and Institute of Medicine.


The University of Valencia of today is the outcome of more than five centuries of history that have led to the accumulation of knowledge and unique documentary treasures, making it one of the top Spanish universities. The School of Medicine and Dentistry of the University of Valencia can be considered, from a historical point of view, as one of the most prominent Spanish Medical Schools for five centuries. In this time, it has been subjected to diverse social, economic, political and cultural factors. For this reason, the quality of teaching, the peak of its scientific production and its capacity for adaptation to the most renewing medical trends has placed this Medical School among the top centers in Spain. The integration between the faculty of the Medical School and the clinical departments of the different University Hospitals of the city have favored high quality basic, translational and clinical research over the years.