The spring workshops on languages, electric cars at La Coma, the development of ‘El enviado’ and a book about Valencianist press... at InfoUniversitat

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The spring workshops on languages, electric cars to improve the economic and ecologic sustainability of neighbourhoods such as La Coma, the development of the series ‘El enviado’ ('The envoy') and a book about Valencianist press... at this issue of InfoUniversitat. The weekly journal of the Universitat can be consulted by clicking here.

The spring workshops on languages of the Language Policy Service (SPL) come to an end and, one more year, its acceptance among the university community has been a success.

Electric cars in order to improve the economic and ecologic sustainability at disadvantaged neighbourhoods.  This is the basis of the project outlined by the researchers of the LISITT (Integrated Laboratory of Intelligent Systems and Traffic Information Technology), belonging to the University Research Institute on Robotics and Information and Communication Technologies (IRTIC) of the Universitat de València.

‘El enviado’ is a television series project placed within the framework of political genre, in which economic power can corrupt anyone, and for that reason the two producers affirm that there are no characters that are completely bad or good. It is an idea promoted by Àlex Garzó and Raúl Molina, both of them Masters in Audiovisual Contents and Formats by the Universitat de València.

‘Premsa valencianista. Repressió, resistència cultural i represa democràtica (1958-1987)’ (‘Valencianist press. Repression, cultural resistance and democratic resumption [1958-1987]’), by the journalist and historian Francesc Martínez, who is also adjunct professor of the Degree in Journalism of the institution. The book has been published by the Universitat and expects to fill a significant gap.

Last update: 5 de may de 2016 07:40.

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