Books presentation:

De la il·lusió al desencís. La Transició valenciana a través de ‘Valencia Semanal’ (From excitement to disappointment. The Valencian Transition through ‘Valencia Semanal’), by Carles Senso

Interventions by:

Emilia Bolinches, journalist of Valencia Semanal

Ernest Sena, economist and co-founder of Valencia Semanal

Carles Senso, author of the book

Maite Simon, editor of the UV Publications Service

De la il·lusió al desencís. La Transició valenciana a través de’ Valencia Semanal’ by Carles Senso

This study makes an approach to the most important events of the Transition at the Valencian Country. In Valencia Semanal journal many of the keys of the Valencian and Spanish political-social life are gathered. It is a weekly publication that, despite of not being a medium with great commercial success, had a big impact in the political sphere, and became a school for journalists and an avant-garde experiment.


Date 28 april 2017 at 19:00 to 20:00. Friday.


Sala Museu 1 · Jardí de Vivers · Fira del Llibre de València

Organized by

Publicacions de la Universitat de València.



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