Opening ceremony of the 2023-2024 academic year.

Josep Forcadell and La Cívica of Alacant, awarded with the XVII Prize Vicent Ventura

Photo of members of La Cívica

The language activist Josep Forcadell and the entity La Cívica of Alacant, have been awarded with the XVII Prize Vicent Ventura, established by the Universitat de València in 1998, the year of the death of the Valencian journalist. The award, which is an sculpture by Sebastià Miralles, will be given next 27 April, at 19 hours, at the Aula Magna at La Nau Cultural Centre of the Universitat de València (c / Universitat, 2).

This acknowledgment is given to people or collectives that have stood out for their civic trajectory and commitment with Valencian culture and language. The organising comission and the jury of the award is formed by the Universitat de València, the Universitat Jaume I, people that mantained a close relationship with Vicent Ventura, CCOO, STEPV, UGT, the ‘Unió de Llauradors i Ramaders’ (‘Farmers and livestock owners union’) and the ‘Unió de Periodistes Valencians’ (‘Valencian journalists union’).

La Cívica

L’Associació Cívica per a la Normalització del Valencià de l’Alacantí (The Civic Association for the Normalisation of the Valencian from Alacant), best known by La Cívica, was founded in February 1988 and it is federated in Escola Valenciana. 

Its main objectives are the normalisation of Valencian at every level of society: educational, cultural, social, public administrations, as well as to urge the public powers to comply with the rules that assure this linguistic implementation.

Another area of its dedication consits in publishing thier own texts in Valencian, organising with parents of students and teachers the ‘Trobades d’Escoles en Valencià’ (‘Meetings of Valencian Schools’) and the ones ‘d’Ensenyament Mitjà’ (‘Mitjà Teaching’), both of them of the variety from Alacant, organizing Valencian courses and collaborating with councils and other political and cultural entities in the extension of a communal culture that has Valencian as a media of support and communication.

Josep Forcadell Saport (Castelló de la Plana, 1954)

While he was studying at the Universitat, he collaborated in the organisation of the ‘Congrés de Cultura Catalana al País Valencià’ (‘Conference of Catalan Culture in the Valencian Country’), in 1976 and 1977. Aferwards, in private institutions, he actively worked in the dinamisation of Valencian, especially in the southern Valencian regions, always with a clear determination of cooperation with initiatives of a civil nature.

He graduated in Philosophy and Language Sciences (Faculty of Geography and History) at the Universitat de València and in Spanish (orientated to Valencian Language) at the University of Alacant. He was director of the Service for Promotion of the Valencian Language at the University of Alacant from June 1986 to March 2014. During this period, from 2003 to 2005 he was also director of the Observatory of the Language at the headquarters of Alacant. Since the foundation of the Universities Vives Network in 1994 he was secretary Language Committee until 2004. Since 1 April 2014, he is the director of the Publishing Service of the University of Alacant. 

In addition to his articles and other collaborations on philological topics, he has published ‘Els renoms de Castelló de la Plana. Una aproximació lingüística i cultural’ (‘The alias in Castelló de la Plana. A cultural and linguistic approach’) (1995), ‘Introducció als estudis àrabs i islàmics’ (‘Introduction to Arabic and Islamic studies’) directed by María Jesús Rubiera Mata (1994),  ‘El llenguatge de les ciències de la salut. Introducció a la formació de termes mèdics’ (‘The language of Health sciences. Introduction to the creation of medical terms’) directed by Josep Bernabeu (1995) and ‘Comunicar la ciència. Els llenguatges d’especialitat’ (‘Communicating science. Specialised languages’) by Patricia Arberola (1995). He has collaborated along with Joan M.Perujo in the Catalan translation of Míkel de Epalza of ‘El Corán’ (‘The Koran’), Ed. Proa, Barcelona, 2001 (Premio Ciutat de Barcelona and National Award for Translation 2002) and ‘El Corán y sus traducciones: propuestas’ (‘The Koran and its translations: proposals’), (University of Alacant). Recently, it has been published a pocket edition of the Koran. With the collaboration of Feran Isabel and prologues of the director of the Headquarters of Alacant, Manuel Alcaraz, edited two books with the contributions of the Observatory of the Catalan Language: ‘El valencià a Alacant’ (2002-2003) and ‘El valencià a Alacant’ (2002-2003) (‘Valencian in Alacant’).

Last update: 9 de april de 2016 07:00.

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