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Ser o no res
‘Ser o no res’ en el Teatre Micalet

Teatro en valenciano. Pasad por los CAL y recoged los bonos intercambiables pot entradas.


Ser o no res’

Directed by: Resu Belmonte

With Pilar Almería, Sergio Caballero, Empar Canet and Pep Ricart

From 8 to 19 April, 2015

Performances: Wednesday, Thursday and Friday at 20:30, Saturday and Sunday at 19:00

Four actors reflect on to talk about, how to communicate with the audience, their concerns and feelings. The work is actually the choice of works, finding out fragments and scenes for comparison with current situations, from feelings triggered by those situations.

From everyday situations, they connect by characters of Shakespeare’s work; they talk about life, power, love, in terms of comedy and drama. That is, like life itself.

With your university ID, ask the CAL (Independent Language Learning Centre) for the passes. Campuses where the CAL is located: (Burjassot, Library of Sciences; Tarongers, Aulari Nord; Blasco Ibáñez, Aulari V), where you can exchange the passes for tickets at the box office of the theatre one hour before the show.

You can use the passes of previous campaigns.

  • From 8 april 2015 to 19 april 2015. Wednesday at 20:30 to 22:30.
  • From 8 april 2015 to 19 april 2015. Saturday and sunday at 19:00 to 21:00.

Teatre el Micalet, carrer del Mestre Palau, 3, València

Organized by

Teatre el Micalet

Colabora: Servei de Política Lingüística .



Contact dinamitza@valencia.edu

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