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Opening 5 September at 20:00.


The Office of the Vice-Principal for Territorial Projection and Participation shows us with the exhibition “La Universidad de Valencia y sus entornos comarcales: la Vall d’Albaida” (“The University of Valencia and its regional surroundings: La Vall d’Albaida”) the main different aspects that define this space. It is the case of its geographical (orography, soils, hydrography, precipitation, demography, traditional irrigation), historical (prehistoric settlements, 20th century history), philological (onomastics), artistic (stately architecture, urban art, photographic representation), economic (industry, Xàtiva-Alcoi railway), ecological (birds, flora, hiking), and, specially, social aspects (audio-visual communication, relationship of the University of Valencia with this territory, traditional sports, teachers and schools, association movement and festivities). Undoubtedly, this exhibition of the University of Valencia will help us to better understand how the current reality of a Valencian region as unique as La Vall d'Albaida has been built up.

  • From 5 september 2014 to 26 september 2014. Monday, tuesday, wednesday, thursday and friday at 17:30 to 20:30.
  • From 5 september 2014 to 26 september 2014. Saturday and sunday at 19:00 to 21:00.

Casa Cultura Calle Mayor, 4. 46890 Agullent

Organized by

The Office of the Vice-Principal for Territorial Projection and Participation together with the City Council of Agullent.


Contact vicerec.participacio.projeccio@uv.es unitatsuport@uv.es

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