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El fil d'Ariadna

       D'Història. Recursos (Links to History resources) Pàgina personal d'Anaclet Pons





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Història Oral

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Relacions Internacionals

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Estudis culturals




     Gènere / Gender amunt.gif (991 bytes)

American Women's History: A Research Guide. Citations of print and online reference materials for women's history grouped into three sections: General Reference and Biographical Sources, Subject Index to Research Sources, and State and Regional History Sources.  Middle Tennessee State University. Excel.lent.

Archives for Research on Women and Gender . Center for the Study of Women and Gender at the University of Texas at San Antonio (UTSA).

ATHENA, the Advanced Thematic Network in European Women’s Studies

. Catalogue of selected Internet resources. Centre for Digital Library Research, Strathclyde University.

CEMHAL - Centro de Estudios La Mujer en la Historia de América Latina. Perú

Center for Gender Studies.Division of the Humanities. University of Chicago.

Core Lists in Women's Studies .  University of Wisconsin System Women's Studies Librarian

Distinguished Women of Past and Present. .

English social history: Women of Hastings & St Leonards. An Illustrated Historical Miscellany . Helena Wojtczak

Faces de Eva . Universidade Nova de Lisboa.

The Fawcett Library. "The Fawcett Library was established in 1926 as the library of the London Society for Women's Service". Ofereix accedir via telnet a la seua biblioteca (llibres, pamflets i revistes des de 1600) i al seu arxiu (des de les sufragistes fins ara). London Guildhall University .

Femina. Arts and Humanities.

Feminist Studies Collections: Women in Histor
y . Stanford University.

Feminist Theory Website . Hosted by the Center for Digital Discourse and Culture at Virginia Teach University.

Gender Inn . Universität zu Köln.

El género en historia . Anne Pérotin-Dumon.

History of Women's Suffrage. Susan B. Anthony University Center (University of Rochester).

Information Resources for Women's Studies.University of California, Santa Barbara.

International Federation for Research in Women's History. The Aim of IFRWH/FIRHF is to encourage and coordinate research in all aspects of women's history at the international level, by promoting exchange of information and publication and by arranging and assisting in arranging large-scale international conferences as well as more restricted and specialized meetings.

International Information centre and Archives for the Women's Movement.   The IIAV is the national centre of expertise in the Netherlands, providing information on the position of women and women's studies. The IIAV's uniqueness and comprehensiveness dates back to 1935.

Internet Resources on Women, Joan Korenman, University of Maryland

Las mujeres en la Union de Europa.   Pilar Ballarin, Universidad de Granada; Catherine Euler, Leeds Metropolitan Universit;, Nicky Le Feuvre, Université de Toulouse-Le Mirail; y Eeva Raevaara, University of Helsinki.

National Women's History Project .

Nordic Institute for Women's Studies and Gender Research

Resources in Women's Studies . Columbia and Barnard Libraries.

Rete Lilith . "LILITH e' il sistema informativo nazionale dei Centri delle donne italiani. Raccoglie e diffonde, in un'ottica di genere, informazione e documentazione su cio' che le donne scrivono e producono sul mondo e sul proprio stare al mondo".

Server Donne .  "Voci, Visioni e Azioni di donne. Sistema Informativo di Genere".

SOSIG: Women's History . Social Science Information Gateway (SOSIG). The service aims to provide a trusted source of selected, high quality Internet information for researchers and practitioners in the social sciences, business and law. It is part of the UK Resource Discovery Network.

Storia delle donneSocietà Italiana delle Storiche . "La Società italiana delle Storiche (S.I.S.) è stata fondata nel 1989 da un gruppo di donne accomunate dall'esperienza di militanza nel movimento delle donne e da una collocazione professionale riconducibile al mestiere di storico".

Women's and Gender Studies

Women in German

Women's History. A Bibliography;
"in English, French, German and Dutch, accrued from more than 60 European and American journals. Maintained at the International Institue of Social History, Amsterdam, Netherlands".

Womens History Network :  founded in britain in june 1991 by a group of researchers, teachers and academics.

Women's International Center . San Diego, California.

Women's International Studies Europe .Centre of Women's Studies of Antwerp, Belgium.

Women in Philosophy.   NOEMA: The Collaborative Bibliography of Women in Philosophy is a project in collaborative scholarship with a database now containing over 16,000 records representing the work of over 5,000 women. Indiana University Southeast.

The Women's Review of Books. Publishing monthly since 1983 at The Wellesley College Center for Research on Women.

Women and Social Movements in the United States, 1775-1940 . Center for the Historical Study of Women and Gender at the State University of New York at Binghamton.

Women's Studies. Compiled & edited by Karla Tonella, University of Iowa.

Women's Studies EuroMap . Centre of Women's Studies of Antwerp, Belgium

Women's studies information sources . Pàgina molt completa des de la University of York Library.

Women's Web . Ramsey Library Research Guides. UNCA.

Women In World History Curriculum . "Interactive site full of information and resources about women's experiences in world history". Especialment dedicat a la docència.

WSSLINKS . Women's Studies Section Collection Development Committee of the Association of College and Research Libraries

Història Oral/ Oral History   amunt.gif (991 bytes)

Bombsand Babies - Oral history on the Web. Historisk institutt, Universitetet i Bergen (Noruega).

Center for Oral History . University of Conneticut

H-Oralhist. H-Oralhist is a network for scholars and professionals active in studies related to oral history. It is affiliated with the Oral History Association.

International Oral History Association. Constituted in June 1996 at the IXth International Oral History Conference in Göteborg, Sweden.

Oral History Association .  Dickinson College

Oral History Related Internet Resources. Columbia University.




Treball/ Labour Resources    amunt.gif (991 bytes)

Labour and Business History . The International Institute of Social History & The Netherlands Economic History Archive.

Working Class Movement Library. Research library concerned with the activities, expression and enquiries of the labour movement since the late eighteenth century.




Economia / Economic Resources   amunt.gif (991 bytes)


Association Charles Gide pour l'Etúde de la Pensée Economique.

Documents for the History of Economics. University of Bristol.

Economic History Society Site. The Economic History Society exists to support reseach and teaching in economic and social history, broadly defined.

Economics Working Paper Archive. Washington University.

Gallery of Economists . This is the cast of characters from Robert Heilbroner's The Worldly Philosophers, in order of appearance. Bellevue Comunity College.

History of Economic Thought Home Page. This web site includes home pages for over three hundred economists from the 17th Century until the modern day, organized in three main forms - through an Alpahebtical Index, by division into Schools of Thought (loosely defined) and via linked surveys on topics. Each individual web page contains a bibliography of their most important works plus some comments, composed by ourselves, on their individual contributions to economic theory. Department of Economics The New School for Social Research (New York).

Ressources Internet en Économie . Statec. Institut Nacional d'Estadística de Luxemburg.
WWW Resources in Economics. Helsinki School of Economics i la University of Helsinki.

Demografia / Demografhic Resources    amunt.gif (991 bytes)

Cyndi's List of Genealogy Sites on the Internet

La démographie sur internet
. Comité International de Coopération dans les Recherches Nationales en Démographie.

Demography and Population Studies WWW VL. Australian National University.

Population Movements & Migration . Population Movements, Applied History Research Group, University of Calgary

Population. Resources On the Web .Population Studies Center (University of Michigan).


Sociologia / Sociology    amunt.gif (991 bytes)

Dead Sociologists Society

The European Sociological Association. Universitty of Helsinki.

Melissa - Mettre En LIgne les Sciences Sociales Aujourd'hui :  le projet de portail coopératif pour les sciences sociales à l'ecole normale supérieure de cachan a été lancé en 2001.

The SocioLog.
Comprehensive Guide to Sociology On-Line.
A Sociological Tour Through Cyberspace . Department of Sociology & Anthropology, Trinity University.


Sociology Timeline from 1600. A summary of sociology from 1600, recording dates, events and contributions to the subject area. Some of the entries link to other sites, where events and contributions are detailed further. Western Washington University.

SocioSite . The Sociological Institute of the University of Amsterdam.  

WWW Virtual Library: Sociology. Maintained by Dr. Carl Cuneo, Dept. of Sociology, McMaster University, Hamilton, Ontario, Canada.

Antropologia / Anthropology    amunt.gif (991 bytes)

Anthropology Resources on the Internet.. American Anthropological Association.

Resources for a history of anthropology . Timothy Mason, Institut Universitaire de Formation des Maîtres de
l'Académie de Versailles.

TheWorld-Wide Web Virtual Library: Anthropology.

Filosofia / Philosophy    amunt.gif (991 bytes)

An extensive index to political philosophy on the Net . Università di Pisa.

Bjorn's Guide To Philosophy .   

Contemporary Philosophy, Critical Theory and Postmodern Thought. University of Colorado at Denver.

Episteme Links: Philosophy Resources on the Internet

Erratic Impact's Philosophy Research Base

Gallery of History and Philosophy of Science.
Kyoto University.

Guide to Philosophy on the Internet. Peter Suber, Philosophy Department, Earlham College (Indiana): "Index of resources including guides in languages other than English, major philosophers, philosophical topics ranging from bioethics and fuzzy logic to transhumanism, philosophical societies and associations, journals and newsletters, bibliographies, newsgroups and projects".

Illuminations : The Critical Theory Website is a WWW research resource for those interested in the Critical Theory project. Firmly based in Frankfurt School thought, this site maintains a collection of articles, excerpts, and chapters from many contemporary writers of and about Critical Theory. University of Texas at Arlington.

Philosophy Around the Web
. Oxford University.

Philosophical Dictionary: A Dictionary of Philosophical Terms and Names

Philosophy Documentation Center . Bowling Green State University.

Philosophy Pages .Garth Kemerling. 

Philosophy since the Enlightenment. Collection of short introductions to philosophical concepts and thinkers. Main contents are Enlightenment, Romanticism, God, Analytic Philosophy, Existentialism, Mind, Science, and Post Structuralism: Foucault, Hegel, Marx, Nietzsche, Wittgenstein, etc. By Roger Jones

The World-Wide Web Virtual Library: Philosophy. Located at the University of Bristol, jointly by the department of Philosophy and the Institute for Learning and Research Technology.

Política / Political Resources     amunt.gif (991 bytes)

Ciencia Política en Internet. Departamento de Ciencia Política y de la Administración I. Universidad Complutense de Madrid.

Political Resources on the Net.   "Listings of political sites available on the Internet sorted by country, with links to Parties, Organizations, Governments, Media and more from all around the world".

Political Science Resources/Political Theory . University of Michigan Documents Center.

Political Studies Association . The Political Studies Association of the United Kingdom was founded in 1950. Its aim is to develop and promote the study of politics. The server contains details of the membership committee and specialist groups within the association.

R.K. Political Science Resources .Keele University, UK.

Relacions Internacionals / International Relations      amunt.gif (991 bytes)

Canadian Institute of International Affairs.

Center for Security Studies and Conflict Research
The Center for Security Studies and Conflict Research is based at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Zurich. It is an independent academic institution doing research and teaching in the fields of national and international security policy and conflict analysis.

Centre d'Études et de Recherches Internationales :Siences Po (CNRS).

CIFP -- Country Indicators for Foreign Policy : Paterson School of International  Affairs, Carleton University, Ottawa.

Comparative Politics and International Relations. Central Library, Vanderbilt University.

Diploweb.com.Revue d'etudes geopolitiques: europe, elargissement de l'union europeenne aux pays d'europe centrale et orientale, russie et cei, etats-unis, asie, chine, cartes, protection strategique.

E-Conflict World Encyclopedia, country information.

EINIRAS - European Information Network on International Relations and Area Studies. The European Information Network on International Relations and Area Studies (EINIRAS) is an association of European research institutions dealing with information and documentation on international relations in research and political practice.

The Graduate Institute of International Studies .

INCORE (Initiative on Conflict Resolution and Ethnicity) . Incore was set up in 1993 by the University of Ulster and the United Nations University to undertake research and policy work that is useful to the resolution of ethnic, political and religious conflicts.

International Development Research Centre.Ottawa, Canada.

International Studies Association on the world wide web.

IRIS, Institut de Relations Internationales et Stratégiques

Istituto Affari Internazionali . Lo IAI si caratterizza, innanzitutto, come un vero e proprio centro di ricerca. La priorità assoluta è data alle attività di analisi e interpretazione della realtà internazionale. Nello svolgere questo compito i ricercatori seguono tre criteri guida. Il primo è quello di affrontare gli argomenti con un approccio interdisciplinare. Il secondo è di avere come obiettivo l'elaborazione di proposte. Il terzo è di confrontare le nostre idee e percezioni con quelle espresse al di fuori del contesto strettamente nazionale.

Répertoire PSI - Paix et Sécurité Internationales : plus de 800 sites classés et annotés, relatifs à la paix et la sécurité internationales, au droit international, aux organisations internationales, au droit international humanitaire et aux droits de l'homme. 

Resources for the Study of International Relations and Foreign Policy . Vincent Ferraro, Professor of International Politics, Mount Holyoke College.

Le site de la stratégie et de l'histoire . L’Institut de Stratégie Comparée (ISC), l'Institut d'Histoire des Conflits Contemporains (IHCC), la Commission Française d'Histoire Militaire (CFHM) et leurs partenaires sont des centres de recherches indépendants qui se consacrent à la stratégie générale et militaire ainsi qu'à son illustration par l'histoire
Los Angeles).

WWW Virtual Library: International Affairs Resources . Wayne A.Selcher, Professor of International Studies, Department of Political Science, Elizabethtown College.


Nacionalisme /Nationalism       amunt.gif (991 bytes)

ARENA. Association for Research in Ethnicity and Nationalism in the Americas.

ASEN: The Association for the Study of Ethnicity and Nationalism. London School of Economics and Political Science..

CEIFO. Centre for Research in International Migration and Ethnic Relations,CEIFO, is an inter-disciplinary research unit established 1983 at the Faculty ofSocial Sciences, Stockholm University. Its research programme covers international migration, ethnicity, nationalism, xenophobia and racism, ethnicrelations, immigration policies and refugee reception models.

Centre for the Study of Nationalism in Europe. The School of Slavonic and East European Studies (SSEES). University of London.

European Research Centre on Migration and Ethnic Relations . ERCOMER is a European research centre with a strong interest in comparative research in the fields of international migration and ethnic relations within the European context. We are based at the Faculty of Social Sciences, Utrecht University, the Netherlands.

The Nationalism Project: Nationalism Related Book Reviews and Abstracts .

Nationalismen - dess historia och nutida roll.

Nations, States & Politics. A page devoted to politics and the study of political theory, especially as concerns nations and nationalism. Peter Ravn Rasmussen.



Estudis Culturals / Cultural Studies      amunt.gif (991 bytes)

Biblioteca Virtual de Estudos Culturais.
Programa Prossiga. Brasil.

culturalstudies.it Excel·lent. Exploreu-lo.

Cultural Studies Central.

Cultural Studies at George Mason University.



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