
The Official M. C. Escher Website.
— http://www.mcescher.com/


Il·lusions - Paradoxes - En aquesta secció hi ha informació i imatges sobre les il·lusions i les paradoxes produïdes per imatges que veiem de manera diferent a com són en realitat. 
— http://www.cerdanya.net/personal/gael/illusion.htm

MAURITS CORNELIS ESCHER - Escher va ser un artista inusual, guiat per un desig de resoldre problemes que podia semblar més propi d´un matemàtic que d'un artista, un desig que volia ampliar les limitacions artístiques de la superfície plana. 
— http://www.geocities.com/WestHollywood/Stonewall/6296/Intro.htm

Museo Virtual de Escher - Bienvenido al primer museo virtual dedicado a la obra del pintor holandés M. C. Escher, famoso por sus obras que combinan arte y matemática de una manera fascinante.

Dibujos increíbles - Web dedicado al genio de la perspectiva y de los patrones de repetición: su biografía, sus increíbles dibujos, fondos de pantalla, colección de enlaces y ofertas especiales en libros y pósters del artista. Disponible en inglés y en español. Available in English.
— http://www.geocities.com/mcescher76/

Escher y el infinito (en Área fractal) - ...Su [de Escher] aproximación al infinito surgió del modelo de Poincaré, que representa una superficie infinita en un círculo finito. A partir de aquí desarrolló sus propios modelos, aunque mucho tiempo antes ya había coqueteado con esta idea en "Evolución II" y "Más y más pequeño"... Aunque los fractales no son invención de nadie, simplemente están esperando a que alguien dé con su fórmula, no me puedo resistir a hablar de fractales "Escherianos", en honor de quien los sacó a luz sin necesidad de fórmulas.
— http://www.arrakis.es/~sysifus/escher.htm

Eschermanía - Bienvenido al mundo de Maurits Cornelis Escher donde se encuentran las imágenes más extrañas e imposibles que probablemente podrás ver nunca. Te lo advierto... cuando salgas de aquí no sabrás si ir al oculista o al psicólogo porque en Eschermanía nada es lo que parece.
— http://usuarios.tripod.es/eschermania/

M. C. Escher - Una amplia lista de trabajos de Escher o relacionados con Escher con resoluciones desde 640x480 hasta 1280x1024. 
— http://aixa.ugr.es/escher/table.html

M.C. Escher - M.C. Escher about the artist. Notes on art. All M.C. Escher works (c) Cordon Art B.V.-Baarn-the Netherlands. All rights reserved. Used by permission.
— http://www.etropolis.com/escher/

M. C. Escher (en Artcyclopedia) [Dutch illustrator, 1898-1972]. Especializes in optical art. The artwork of M.C. Escher can be found in the following online exhibits....

M. C. Escher (en Fine Arts Museum of San Francisco) Image DataBase.

Neal's Escher pages - M.C. Escher (1898-1972) is my favorite graphic artist. He lived and worked in Europe, mostly Switzerland and Italy, and is very well known for his of tesselations of natural figures, and for his depictions of unusual spaces and buildings.
— http://users.erols.com/ziring/escher.htm

M. C. Escher (en The National Gallery of Art, Washington, D. C.) - The Dutch artist Maurits C. Escher (1898-1972) was a draftsman, book i lustrator, tapestry designer, and muralist, but his primary work was as a printmaker.

M. C. Escher: Optical Illusions - Maurits Cornelis Escher was born June 17th, 1898 in Holland and died in 1972. He was an important Dutch graphic artist that used mathematics to draw tessellations.

Escher Art Collection - A large collection of M. C. Escher's art, presented with permission of the copyiright owner
— http://www.cs.unc.edu/~davemc/Pic/Escher

The World of Escher - Artwork Gallery - The web site to explore the great M.C. Escher artworks. Each image has commentary and a zoom mode. Online tesselation contests, reading material and secure shopping area for the 170 Escher related products.
— http://www.worldofescher.com/

M. C. Escher - Maurits Cornelius Escher was born on June 17 1898 in Leeuwarden, the Netherlands as the youngest son of a hydraulic engineer. His father wanted him to become an architect. From 1919 to 1922 Escher studied at the School of Architecture and Decorative Arts in Haarlem, where he became highly skilled in the technique of woodcut. He studied briefly under the architect Vorrink, until Samuel Jesserun de Mesquita gave a lecture in graphic techniques. It was then that he left architecture to study the decorative arts.
— http://www.whitedawn.be/escher/index.htm

M. C. Escher (in Poster Check out) - A web site that sells tons of Escher posters.

ESCHER UN ARTISTE PEINTRE QUI UTILISE LES TRANSFORMATIONS GÉOMÉTRIQUES! - Pour certains artistes, le lien entre les mathématiques et les arts est apparent, voire même flagrant! C'est en effet le cas de Maurits Cornelis Escher dont la plupart des oeuvres exploitent certains concepts mathématiques. Découvrez donc Escher et les transformations géométriques! 
— http://jupiter.rtsq.qc.ca/aiguillart/projet/rech/artmath/escher/escher.htm 

La Galleria Virtuale del Gaunt dedicata a Maurits Cornelis Escher. - Escher, un genio. Ecco una piccola galleria di suoi lavori, suddivisa in cinque sezioni cronologiche. Al momento [9/5/00] essa comprende ventidue opere che vanno dal 1923 al 1969.
— http://www.nightgaunt.org/escher/escher.htm

Tributo a Escher. - Escher è stato certamente uno dei grandi artisti di questo secolo, nonostante la critica lo abbia quasi trascurato evidentemente non comprendendo l'intelligenza e la raffinatezza grafica dietro le sue illusioni di mondi impossibili e i rigori matematico-geometrici nascosti nelle sue divisioni geometriche del piano. La validità della sua opera è tuttora attuale e riutilizzata ampiamente in molti campi, dal mondo della grafica a quello dell'arredamento. A partire dalle sue opere (e quelle del matematico Penrose) si sono pure potute sentire speculazioni sul relativismo da qualche filosofo della scienza... ma meglio risparmiarsi il tedio!
— http://www.cclinf.polito.it/~s84041/escher/escher.html

Poster und Kunstdrucke: M.C. Escher.
— http://www.posterwelt.de/escher.htm

Escher Interactief - In het jubileumjaar van Escher -Maurits C. Escher werd geboren in 1898- zal de media veel aandacht besteden aan de kunst en het leven van M.C. Escher. Naast een tentoonstelling in De Kunsthal in Rotterdam zullen activiteiten in de woonplaats Baarn en de geboorteplaats Leeuwarden zorgen voor extra aandacht voor de belangrijke kunst die hij heeft gemaakt.
— http://www.awbruna.nl/catalog/escher.htm

M. C. Escher.
— http://alfarrabio.um.geira.pt/escher/

Visual Math: The mathematical art of M. C. Escher. - For me it remains an open question whether [this work] pertains to the realm of mathematics or to that of art. M.C. Escher.
— http://www.mathacademy.com/platonic_realms/minitext/escher.html

Totaly Tessellated - In this section, you will learn about the role tessellations have had in history and in cultures around the world.
— http://library.thinkquest.org/16661/history.html
— http://library.thinkquest.org/16661/escher.html

M. C. Escher: Artist or Mathematician? - The Dutch graphic artist Maurits Corneille Escher was born on June 17, 1898, and died on March 27, 1972. You can find out more about his life and artworks.
— http://library.thinkquest.org/11750/index.shtml

Escher - M.C. Escher has uncommon visions and intuitions. Many of Escher's drawings contain mathematical ideas never seen elsewhere. One of the things that he did touched me deeply - the interlocking shapes of people, birds, fish which repeat over a flat surface with no gaps. This group of drawings are not his best contribution to mankind, but it is art for me because it stirred my imagination immediately. 

Welcome to Escher's World - Escher's World is a math studio where the questions students ask and the computer tools they use to answer them explore important geometric and artistic ideas
— http://lcs.www.media.mit.edu/groups/el/Projects/EW

Celebrate 100 years of M.C. Escher - A page celebrating 100 years (1898-1998) of M.C. Escher's amazing graphical artwork.
— http://www.iproject.com/escher/escher100.html

M. C. Escher Gallery - Escher Fine Art Gallery,Escher Originals, Escher limited editions, Escher Books, Escher bio,...
— http://www.aejv.com/escher.htm

Maurits Cornelius Escher - M. C. Escher homepage people directory M.C.Escher The Dutch graphic artist Maurits Cornelius Escher, b. June 17, 1898, d. Mar. 27, 1972, explored a strange world of optical illusion, visual puns, and distorted perspectives in his work.
— http://www.insite.com.br/bio/rodrigo/text/escher.html

Jason's M.C. Escher Page - Jason's M.C. Escher Page Here are some other Cool Links and M.C. Escher Pictures Ready for Download!.
— http://www.iinet.net.au/~sprat/escher

Chris' Art of M.C. Escher - The Art of M.C. Escher Maurits Cornelis Escher (1898-1972) is one of my favorite artists. Here are the very few links pointing to Escher resources that I found on the net. BEWARE of copyright infringement when using images.
— http://www.mindspring.com/~cspruck/escher.html

M.C. Escher's Virtually Gone Gallery - M.C. Escher's Virtually Gallery.
— http://dragon.klte.hu/~ztar/html/escher.html

The Shrine of Escher, Inner Sanctuary - Welcome to The Shrine of Escher NEWS UPDATE Now that the semester's over here at the University of Vermont, I have more free time to dedicate to my webpages. I will be making The Shrine more user friendly, especially to those with slower.
— http://www.uvm.edu/~mstorer/escher/shrine.html


BOOL, F. H., KIST, J. R., LOCHER, J. L. y WIERDA, F. (1982), M. C. Escher, His Life and Complete Graphic Work, Harry N. Abrams, New York.

COXETER, H. S. M., EMMER, M. PENROSE, R. y TEUBER, M. (1987), Escher: Art and Science, North Holland, Amsterdam.

ERNST, B. (1994), El Espejo Mágico de Mauritis Cornelius Escher, Taschen, Köln. Traducció al castellà de The Magic Mirror of M. C. Escher, Random House, 1976.

ESCHER, M. C. (1958), Regelmatige Vlakverdeling, De Roose Fundation (edició limitada), Utrecht. 

ESCHER, M. C. (1971), The Graphic Work of M. C. Escher, Ballantine Books, New York.

ESCHER, M. C. (1996), The Graphic Work of M. C. Escher, Wings Press, New York.

ESCHER, M. C., VERMEULEN, J. W. y FORD, K. (1989), Escher on Escher: Exploring the Infinite, Harry N. Abrams, New York.

GARDNER, M. (1993), Miscelania Matemática (capítulo 7), Salvat Editores, Barcelona.

GRÜNBAUM, B. i SHEPHARD, G. C. (1986), Tilings and Paterns, W. H. Freeman & Co., New York.

LOCHER, J. L. (1971), The World of M. C. Escher, Hary N. Abrams, Inc., New York.

MACGILLARY, C. (1976), Fantasy and Symmetry. The Periodic Drawings of M. C. Escher, Harry N. Abrams, Inc., New York.

O'DAFFER, R. G. i CLEMENS, S. R. (1976), Geometry: An Investigative Approach, Addison-Wesley, Menlo-Park, California.

SCHATTSCHNEIDER, D. (1990), Visions on Symmetry: Notebooks, Periodic Drawings, and Related Work of M. C. Escher, W. H. Freeman Co., New York.

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