Erasmus Mundus programme in the European Union
PHd. Prof. jose m. peiro                                                      [HOME]

III International Winter School 2010




All these seminars have been supported by a grant fromSpanish Agency of Education and Dirección General de Política Universitaria

 Dirección General de Política Universitaria Spanish Agency of Education

Date 22Feb -5March

ZIJLSTRA, Fred Universidad de Maastricht Organization: Organizational Change
ROE Robert University of Maastricht Organization and Personnel Intervention: WOP as a technology: design methodology and its applications
GUEST David King's College, London Personnel Intervention: HRM, well-being and organizational performance
ANDERSON, Neil University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands. Personnel Intervention: “assessment center”
GLAZER Sharon San José University, USA Organization and Personnel Intervention
ANDRIESSEN Erik Delft University of Technology, Netherlands Organization and Personnel Intervention: Context issues and global differences relevant for Psychologists



Module: Workshop on Organizational Intervention

               The topic for the Joint Intensive Learning Unit is 'Organizational change'. Prof. Zijlstra will apply the Problem Based Learning method, whereby students learn from a practical case (or problem). He provides them with a case, and in small groups they had to discuss the various aspects of the case, and needed to find out what knowledge they would require to handle this case. This knowledge or information than should be found in the literature.

              The role of the teacher is to ask questions and with those questions students should be guided to ask themselves the right questions. The whole process can be described in a few steps: to review two papers (summarized for the others) requested by prof. Zjilstra and to prepare the presentation about the case (power point).

ROE Robert

Work & Organizational psychology as a technology: Design methodology and its applications”

This contribution will begin with a discussion of the dual nature of W&O psychology, i.e. as an explanatory and an applied science. After describing the distinctive features of W&O psychology as technological science, the aim and logic of design will be introduced, and the principles of design methodology will be discussed. This will include: the basic design cycle, collaborating with stakeholders to define a design target, and establishing a program of requirements. Next, the focus will be on structuring the design process and managing it in practice. To illustrate the design approach and it application some practical examples will be presented from the subfields of work psychology and personnel psychology. The examples vary from very simple to rather complex. Finally, students will be asked to make some exercises in order to improve their understanding of design methodology, and to familiarize themselves with various aspects of its application.


Organization and Personnel Intervention

Context and content of organizational functioning are key factors for diagnosing, planning, implementing, and evaluating success of organizational development and change projects. During the course of the week students will consider both contextual factors and content related to a case study while also gathering diagnostic information from stakeholders of a client group in order to plan and pitch an organizational intervention proposal to the client group. Students will need to utilize both theory and practical best practices in designing their intervention strategy/ies and consider alternative interventions. They will also need to take into consideration context of the organization while interpreting information obtained from interviews, information not provided (as is typically the case with real clients), state-of-the-art programs, best practices, costs and benefits of engaging in the proposed intervention, and remuneration. Students will work in small 5-person groups comprised of no more than one student from a host university. Students will work on these projects simultaneously with other proposed projects of the WS in order to provide them experience multi-tasking on client projects. My role will be to coach the students by guiding and supporting the students’ through their experiences. Students will be provided with feedback, but not answers, as they are to learn that there are multiple approaches to developing an intervention and no one way is foolproof. At the end of the week students will gain essential experience for data gathering, planning interventions, presenting planned interventions, and garnering client buy-in. They will also develop an understanding of equifinality when designing interventions.


“Context issues and global differences relevant for Psychologists”

The objective of this module is that students develop insights:

  1. in the important world-contextual issues to be taken into consideration by Psychologists in their work.

  2. in the differences between regions in the world, with regard to Work and Organizational concepts and practices (interventions); and in the reasons for these differences.

These objectives imply three tasks (A, B, C). These tasks will be performed by groups of students. For this module each group has been allocated a certain region in the world outside Western Europe / USA, such as Africa, the Far East or Latin America.
The module consists of two phases
Phese 1, before the seminar, where students collect articles and integrate these into papers and power point presentation
Phase 2, during the seminar, where students present powerpoint presentations, regroup and develop integrated visions on the issues at stake.


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“HRM, well-being and organizational performance”

The seminar will focus on an exploration of the issues associated with the relationship between human resource management, employee well-being and organisational performance.  It will address theoretical, methodological and empirical issues within a comparative framework”.

More info about the next Winter School [here]


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Winter School

" Joint Intensive learning unit (Winter School)" 2010


The European Master in Work, Organizational and Personnel Psychology (WOP-P) opens its Winter Schools to 12 postgraduate students interested in this area of expertise and non-registered in the Master (deadline is over: 16th October 2009)

What is the Winter School?

As part of its educational programme, the Master offers a Joint Intensive Learning Unit (Winter School). For the next year the Master offers two alternative Winter Schools:

a) Organizational Psychology Intervention

b) Personnel Psychology Intervention

Emphasis will be placed in the design and development of models, strategies, methods and tools. The teaching staff is composed of well-recognised university professors and researchers from different European countries. Click here to know more.


Application and Contact:

Coordinating University of WOP-P Master:


Facultad de Psicología

Inmaculada Aleixos Borrás

Dpto. Psicología Social

Universitat de València

Avda. Blasco Ibáñez, 21

46010 Valencia (España / Spain)

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When, where and how?

Both Winter Schools are organized as a blended learning combining e-learning with an internship of 2 weeks. A total number of 26 students per Winter School will follow different lessons and seminars either in Organizational or Personnel Psychology.

The total workload will be 10 ECTS according to the following calendar:

- E-learning phase - From 2nd November 2009 till 30th March 2010. Study supported by electronic platform.

- Internship phase - From 22nd February to 5th March 2010. Both seminars for Organizational and Personnel Psychology will take place in Coimbra, Portugal.

- Assignment phase - From 23rd February till 23rd March 2010. Assignment (e-learning).


A Certificate will be issued by the Consortium of the Master for external students (fees for obtaining the Certificate are not included in the Registration Fees)


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To whom is addressed?

The Winter School is addressed to students already registered in the second year of WOP-P Master and to external postgraduate students. Places for external students are limited to 12.

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Application procedure.

Application procedure.

Winter Schools Application Form for External Students must be sent to (or by 16th October 2009 together with other documents required in the AF.

download Winter Schools Application Form for External Students last modification: 4 September 2009
download Winter Schools Application Form for External Students last modification: 4 September 2009


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Fees and other logistic information.

WHERE? The intership will take place in:

Coimbra. More information will be soon available in this web page


HOW MUCH? The registration fees for External Students cost 350 euros. This amount does not include the fees for official mark certificates or diplomas.
Fees for WOP-P Students are included in the general registration fees of the second year of the master (Academic Year 2009-2010 which include 10 ECTS of Joint Intensive Learning Unit)

COSTS OF LODGING during Intership Phase is not yet available

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