13777 Literatura Inglesa


13777 Literatura Inglesa
Tipus de Curs/Type of Course:
Troncal - Primer cecle (2 Curs)
Condició prèvia/Initial Requirements:
Mètode docent/Teaching and Learning Methods:
Classe magistral i treball en equip (lecture and team-work).
Llengua en que s'imparteix/Language used by lecturer during the course:
Grup A/B: (Castellano) - (Valencià) - (English) - (Deutsch)
Descripció del Curs/Contents for the course:

Introduction and overview to English Literature.
Dyachronic and hypertextual analysis of authors and their works, up-date of current sociological, technological and postmodernist criticism. You should end the course with a broad overview of the literature available on the Internet. Such an overview gives you a chance to link ideas together, see historical shifts in tastes and ideology, create a frame and narrative for the wide array of literary works. As we read through British literature, We'll keep in mind how the British world changes, how the authors of these different historical periods map their own ideas of culture, nature, history, and art. How all that influenced the development of German literature.

In-class activities will be dealt with in-class.
Out_of_class activities will be dealt with virtually, that is based on the use of student e-mail and listserver set-ups.

Objetius/Aims of the Course:

To get acquainted with and know about authors, works and literary currents of English literature and to develop or improve a certain critical skill to analyse and comment on ©opyrighted/written text. which the student himself has to produce. You will also be encouraged to publish and contribute with articles to the wide existing number of electronic academic journals with which we maintain a close collaboration through our own publishing house called UVPress.


These materials, several books, including short, accessible discussions of theory, books and articles that provide model interpretations of some of these texts, as well as a few articles on the very act of reading and how we understand culture are already on-line.

You will have two formal writing assignments and several informal writing tasks. One short "engagement paper" discussing a critical theory (750-1000 words). One group project that will require each person in the group to write 2500-3000 words; this project is due on the day of thefinal exam. The final project will be defined during the academic course. This class will be very writing intensive.

Each class session we will discuss some aspect of literature, of reading strategies, and have some form of practice writing.
On days that are designated as "workshops" we will each bring a draft of the paper and work on improving it with several members of our workshop groups. A workshop only works if you ask questions of your peers and offer useful, concrete advice on how they may improve their papers. We will have several opportunities early on to practice group work if you are not familiar with this kind of classroom situation. Your work group will give two presentations during the semester. These oral presentations should discuss the critical strategy your group has developed, you won't be giving a lecture, you will be contributing to the development of a collective website where your individual contributions can be integrated.

Each assignment sheet describes how that writing task will be assessed. In brief, however, papers will be given a number score from 1 - 10; we will discuss what constitutes each number at the beginning of each assignment. At the end of the course, we will decide on a traditional grade scale to correlate with the numbers.

              Class participation     15%
              Original contribution 20%
              Editing and publishing web-site  20%
              Translation of other web-sites 15%
              Case Study final project 30%

Contents of the course structured by topics:

Tema 0

Literatura y autoria

Tema 2
Literatura y cronología

Tema 3
Literatura y espacio

Tema 4
Literatura y biografía

Tema 5
Literatura y poder

Tema 6
Literatura y géneros

Tema 7
Literatura y estilo

Tema 8
Literatura y crítica literaria

Tema 9
Literatura y bibliotextualidad


Modern Language Quarterly
Mary Shelley
The Angl-Saxon Chronicle: About Con2 - Addison Wesley Longman Research - Con2 Works Cited - conclusion -The Hypertext Edition

Textos de Referència

Històries breus de la literatura anglesa (1 volum):

Blamires, Harry (1960) A Short History of English Literature. London: Methuen.
Burgess, Anthony (1974) English Literature: A Survey for Students, London: Longman
Stephen (1993) The Penguin Short History of English Literature, Harmmondsowrth: Penguin.
Entwistle, William & Eric Gillet. (1962) The Literature of England. London: Arrow Books Ltd. 1a edició de 1943
Evans, Ifor (1976) A Short History of English Literature. Harmondsworth: Penguin Books.
Legouis, E. (1934) A Short History of Enlgish Literature.Oxford:Clarendon Press. (1971)
Rees (1973) English Literature. An Introduction for Foreign Readers. London: Macmillan.
Sampson, G. (1970) Concise Cambridge History of English Literature, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
sanders, Andrews (1994) The Short Oxford History of English Literature, Oxford: Clarendon Press.

Històries de la literatura anglesa en diversos volums i més detallades:

Baugh, Albert C. (ed.) (1967) A Literary History of England, London: Routledge and Kegan Paul.
Bergonzi, Bernard (ed.) (1970) Sphere History of Literature in the English Literature, Sphere Boooks, Ltd: London.
Carrol, David & Michael Wheeler (gen. eds.) Longman Linterature in English Series, London: Longman
The Penguin History of English Literature, Harmmondswoth: Penguin.
Daiches, D. (1968) A Critical History of English Literature, London: Ronald Press.
Drabble, Margaret (ed.) (1990) The Oxford Companion to English Literature, Oxford University Press: Oxford.
Entwistle, William & Eric Gillet. (1962) The Literature of England. London: Arrow Books Ltd. 1ra edició de 1943
Ford, Boris (ed.) (1982) A Guide to English Literature. Harmondsworth: Penguin. Vol. 3 From Donne to Marvell, i Vol. 4 From Dryden to

Estudis específics:

Althusser, Louis. For Marx. Translated by Ben Brewster. London: Verso, 1979.
Bakhtin, Mikhail. Problems of Dostoevsky's Poetics. Edited and Translated by Caryl Emerson. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press,
Barthes, Roland."Authors and Writers." In A Barthes Reader. Edited by Susan Sontag. New York; Hill and Wang, 1982. 185-193.

              _____. The Eiffel Tower and Other Mythologies. Translated by Richard Howard. New York: Hill and Wang, 1979.
              _____. Elements of Semiology. Translated by Annette Lavers and Colin Smith. London: Jonathan Cape: 1967.
              _____. Mythologies. Translated by Annette Lavers. New York: Hill and Wang, 1972.
              _____. Sade, Fourier, Loyola. Translated by Richard Miller. New York: Hill and Wang, 1976.
              _____. S/Z. Paris: °ditions du Seuil, 1970. S/Z. Translated by Richard Miller. New York: Hill and Wang, 1974.
              _____.Writing Degree Zero. Translated by Annette Lavers and Colin Smith. London: Jonathan Cape: 1967.
              Baudrillard, Jean. The Ecstasy of Communication. Translated by Bernard and Caroline Schutze. New York: Semiotext(e), 1988.
              _____. Fatal Strategies. Translated by Philip Beitchman and W. G. J. Niesluchowski. New York: Semiotext(e)/Pluto, 1990.
              _____. Simulations. New York: Semiotext(e), 1983.

              Benjamin, Walter, Illuminations. Edited by Hannah Arendt. Translated by Harry Zohn. New York: Schocken, 1969.
              Bloom, Harold, Paul de Man, Jacques Derrida, Geoffrey H. Hartman, and J. Hillis Miller. Deconstruction and Criticism.
              London: Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1979.
              Bolter, J. David.Writing Space: The Computer in the History of Literacy. Hillsdale, N. J.: Lawrence Erlbaum, 1990.
              Borges, Jorge Luis. The Aleph and Other Stories, 1933-1969. Translated by Norman Thomas di Giovanni. New York: Bantam,
              _____. Other Inquisitions, 1937-1952. Translated by Ruth L. C. Simms. New York: Washington Square Press, 1966.
              Bush, Vannevar. "As We May Think." Atlantic Monthly 176 (July 1945): 101-8.
              _____. Endless Horizons. Washington, D.C.: Public Affairs Press, 1946.
              _____. "Memex Revisited" in Science is Not Enough. New York: William Morrow, 1967. 75-101.
              Chatman, Seymour. Story and Discourse: Narrative Structure in Fiction and Film. Ithaca, N.Y.: Cornell University Press, 1978.
              Conklin, E. Jeffrey. "Hypertext: An Introduction and Survey." IEEE Computer 20 (1987): 17-41. Coombs, James H., Anne Scott,
              George P. Landow, and Arnold Sanders, Eds., A Pre-Raphaelite Friendship: The Correspondence of William Holman Hunt
              and John Lucas Tupper. Ann Arbor, Michigan: UMI Research Press, 1986.
              Delany, Paul and George P. Landow, eds. Hypermedia and Literary Studies. Cambridge: MIT Press, 1991.
              Derrida, Jacques. De la Grammatolgie. Paris: Les *ditions de Minuit, 1967. Of Grammatology. Translated by Gayatri
              Chakravorty Spivak. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 1976.
              _____. La Dissemination. Paris: Editions du Seuil, 1972. Dissemination. Translated by Barbara Johnson. Chicago: University
              of Chicago Press, 1981.
              _____. "Structure, Sign, and Play in the Discourse of the Human Sciences." In The Structuralist Controversy: The Languages
              of Criticism and the Sciences of Man, edited by Richard A. Macksey and Eugenio Donato (Baltimore: Johns Hopkins
              University Press, 1972).
              _____. Writing and Difference. Translated by Alan Bass. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1978. Eagleton, Terry. Criticism
              and Ideology: A Study in Marxist Theory. London: NLB, 1976.
              _____. Literary Theory: An Introduction. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 1983.
              Ede, Lisa, and Andrea Lunsford. Singular Texts/Plural Authors: Perspectives on Collaborative Writing. Carbondale: Southern
              Illinois University Press, 1990.
              Eisenstein, Elizabeth L. The Printing Press as An Agent of Change: Communications and Cultural Transformations in
              Early-Modern Europe. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1980.
              Fishman, Barry J. "The Works of Graham Swift: A Hypertext Thesis." Honors Thesis, Brown University, 1989.
              Flaxman, Rhoda L. Victorian Word Painting and Narrative: Toward the Blending of Genres. Ann Arbor, Mich.: UMI Research
              Press, 1987.
              Foucault, Michel. The Archeology of Knowledge and the Discourse on Language. Translated by A. M. Sheridan Smith. New
              York: Harper & Row, 1976.
              _____. The Order of Things: An Archeology of the Human Sciences. New York: Vintage, 1973
              _____. "What is an Author?" In Language, Counter-Memory, Practice: Selected Essays and Interviews, 113-38. Translated by
              Donald F. Bouchard and Sherry Simon. Ithaca, N. Y.: Cornell University Press, 1977.
              Friedlander, Larry. "The Shakespeare Project: Experiments in Multimedia Education." Academic Computing 2 (May/June
              1988): 26-29, 66-68.
              Galegher, Jolene. Carmen Egido, and Robert Kraut, eds. Intellectual Teamwork, Hillsdale, N. J.: Lawrence Erlbaum, 1990.
              Genette, Gérard. Figures of Literary Discourse. Translated by Alan Sheridan. New York: Columbia University Press, 1980.
              _____. Narrative Discourse: An Essay in Method . Translated by Jane E. Lewin. Ithaca: Cornell University Press, 1980.
              Gilbert, Sandra M. and Susan Gubar. The Madwoman in the Attic: The Woman Writer and the Nineteenth-Century
              Imagination. New Haven: Yale University Press, 1984.
              Gilbert, Steven W. "Information Technology, Intellectual Property, and Education." EDUCOM Review 25 (Spring 1990): 14-20.
              Gombrich, E. H. Art and Illusion: A Study in the Psychology of Pictorial Representation. 2nd ed. New York: Pantheon, 1961.
              Gore, Albert. "Remarks on the NREN." EDUCOM Review 25 (Summer 1990): 12-16. Hawkins, Brian L. "Campus-wide
              Networking at Brown University." Academic Computing 3 (1988): 32-33, 36-39, 44, 46-49.
               Jameson, Fredric. Marxism and Form: Twentieth-Century Dialectical Theories of Literature. Princeton: Princeton University
              Press, 1971.
              _____. The Political Unconscious: Narrative as a Socially Symbolic Act. Ithaca, N. Y.: Cornell University Press, 1981.
              Jonassen, David H. and Heinz Mandl, eds. Designing Hypertext/Hypermedia for Learning. Heidelberg: Springer-Verlag, 1990.
              Joyce, Michael. "Siren Shapes: Exploratory and Constructive Hypertexts." Academic Computing 3 (November 1988): 10-14,
              37-42. Kernan, Alvin. Printing Technology, Letters & Samuel Johnson. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1987.
              _____. Victorian Types, Victorian Shadows: Biblical Typology and Victorian Literature, Art, and Thought. Boston: Routledge
              & Kegan Paul, 1980.
              LaQuey, Tracy. "Networks for Academics." Academic Computing 4 (November 1989): 32-34, 39, 65. Larson, James A. "A Visual
              Approach to Browsing in a Database Environment." IEEE Computer (1986): 62-71.
              Lavers, Annette. Roland Barthes: Structuralism and After. Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1982. Learning How to Write
              Means Learning How to Think. Cupertino, Calif.: Apple Computers, 1989.
              Lee, Dorothy. "Lineal and Nonlineal Codifications of Reality." In Symbolic Anthropology: A Reader in the Study of Symbols
              and Meanings. Ed. Janet L. Dolgin, David S. Kemnitzer, and David M. Schneider. New York: Columbia University Press, 1977.
              Lévi-Strauss, Claude. The Raw and the Cooked: Introduction to a Science of Mythology: I. Translated by John and Doreen
              Weightman. New York: Harper & Row, 1969.
              _____. The Scope of Anthropology. Translated by Sherry Ortner Paul and Robert A. Paul. London: Jonathan Cape, 1967.
              Lyotard, Jean-François. The Postmodern Condition: A Report on Knowledge. Trans Geoff Bennington and Brian Massumi.
              Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 1984.

              McLuhan, Marshall. The Gutenberg Galaxy: The Making of Typographic Man. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1962.
              Miller, J. Hillis. Fiction and Repetition: Seven English Novels. Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1982.
              _____. "Literary Theory, Telecommunications, and the Making of History." International Conference on Scholarship and
              Technology in the Humanities, Elvetham Hall, England, May 1990. Sponsored by the British Library, the British Academy, and
              the American Council of Learned Societies.
              _____. Versions of Pygmalion. Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1990.
              Mitchell, W. J. T., ed. On Narrative. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1980.
              Moers, Ellen. Literary Women. New York: Oxford University Press, 1985.
              Moi, Toril. Sexual/Textual Politics: Feminist Literary Theory. London: Methuen, 1985.
              Morgan, Thais E. "Is There an Intertext in This Text?: Literary and Interdisciplinary Approaches to Intertextuality." American
              Journal of Semiotics 3 (1985): 1--40.
              Morrell, Kenneth. "Teaching with Hypercard. An Evaluation of the Computer-based Section in Literature and Arts C-14: The
              Concept of the Hero in Hellenic Civilization." Perseus Project Working Paper 3. Cambridge, Mass: Department of Classics,
              Harvard University, 1988.
              Nelson, Theodor H. Computer Lib/Dream Machines. Seattle, Wash.: Microsoft Press, 1987.
              _______ . Literary Machines. Swarthmore, Pa.: Self-published, 1981.
              Pagels, Heinz R. The Dreams of Reason: The Computer and the Rise of the Sciences of Complexity. New York: Bantam, 1989.
              Rooney, Ellen. Seductive Reasoning. Ithaca, N.Y.: Cornell University Press, 1990.
              Said, Edward W. Beginnings: Intention and Method. New York: Columbia University Press, 1985. Showalter, Elaine. A
              Literature of Their Own: British Women Novelists from Brontë to Lessing. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1977.
              Todorov, Tzvetan. The Poetics of Prose. Translated by Richard Howard. Ithaca, N. Y.: Cornell University Press, 1977.
              Ulmer, Gregory L. Applied Grammatology: Post(e)-Pedagogy from Jacques Derrida to Joseph Beuys. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins
              University Press, 1985.
              Watt, Ian (1967) The Rise of the Novel. Studies in Defoe, Richardson and Fielding, London: Chatto & Windus.
              Weissman, Ronald F. "From the Personal Computer to the Scholar's Workstation." Academic Computing 3 (October 1988):
              10-14, 30-34, 36, 38-41.
              Wittgenstein, Ludwig. Philosophical Investigations. 3rd ed. Translated by G. E. M. Anscombe. New York: Macmillan, 1968.
              Wedgwood, C.V.(1970) Seventeenth-Century English Literature , London: Oxford University Press.
              Yankelovich, Nicole, Norman Meyrowitz, and Andries van Dam. "Reading and Writing the Electronic Book," IEEE Computer
              18 (October 1985): 15-30.
              Zimmer, Carl. "Floppy Fiction," Discover (November 1989): 34-36.


AcqWeb (Vanderbilt University)
An Online Literature Library
Banned Books Online
Bartleby Library (Columbia University)
Berkeley Digital Library Project
Bibliomania: The Network Library
Books and Authors (Denver Post Online)
Book Awards, Reviews and Lists (Eugene Public Library)
Book Lovers Page (Piet Wesselman)
Book Review Links (IBIC)
Book Spot
Book Web (American Booksellers Association)
BookWire (Publishers Weekly/Library Journal)
CMU On-line Books Page
Classic Short Stories
Columbia University's Bartleby Library
Computer and Internet Related Online Books
Concordances of Great Books
Early English Books Online
Eighteenth Century Fiction 1700-1780 (LION)
Electronic Literature Foundation: The Great Books
Electronic Texts and Publishing Resources (Library of Congress)
Elements of Style
English Server (CMU)
Etext Archives (etext.org)
Fiction (English Server)
Great Books Five Star Sites (Russell McNeil)
Index of /Gopher/Library/Classic
Internet Public Library Online Texts (University of Michigan)
Internet Book Information Center - IBIC
Jane Austen Information Page
LION - Web Access,
Literary Calendar
Macmillan Computer Publishing (mcp.com)
Mythological Booklist
On-line Books Page (CMU)
Online Books
Oxford Text Archive Catalogue
Publishers Directory (AcqWeb)
Project Gutenberg
Publishers Weekly
Publisher's Weekly Online
Purdue Online Writing Lab
The Camelot Project
The Encyclopedia Mythica
The Logical World of Etymology
The Luminarium
The Modern English Collection at the Electronic Text Center, University of Virginia
The University of Virginia Electronic Text Library
The Web Concordances
The Western Canon
Ultimate Book List and Writer's Page
Universal Library Project (CMU)
Victorian Women Writers
WATCH File - Writers, Authors and Their Copyright Holders



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