Emily Brontë's Biography
(1818 - 1848)

Emily Jane Brontë was born on July 30 in 1818, on Thornton at Bradford. She was the fifth child of a family of six children, five girls and a boy. Their father was a clergyman, and they moved to a region of nothern England called Haworth (in 1820).a tiny village deep in the moors of Yorkshire, the life there was very blunt and the manners of the moors were considered "too coarse".

When Emily was three her mother died, and four years later her eldest two sisters, Maria and Elizabeth, died of typhus fever in 1825. The four remaining children Charlotte, Patrick, Emily and Anne were brought up and educated by their father and their aunt Elizabeth Branwell, moved in to take the position of main caregiven of the Brontë family. Emily and her siblings were not fond of their aunt, so Mr. Brontë hired a servant: Tabitha Akryoyd to be the "mother-figure" in the house.

The first of her brothers to leave their home at Haworth was her older sister Charlotte. Growing up, Emily and sister Charlotte were very close, so her sisters absence had a profound impact on her happiness. While her sister was away at school, Emily and her younger sister Anne were left to find their own way in literature. Together Anne and Emily began to work on a fantasy series called the "Gondal Chronicles." The Chronicles deal predominately with a feminist, royalist world, similar to her other works. In particular, the heroine in Wuthering Heights was female and most of the major roles in the story were played by women while the weaker roles were given to men.

On July 29, 1835 Bronte departed for school at Roe Head to be with Charlotte. This was the beginning of her career path as a school teacher. Bronte hated everything about school- the organized routine, hours of classroom time, and even play time- and eventually she grew extremely unhappy and homesick. She became so unhappy that her health declined, she suffered from a psycho-somatic condition, and had to return home. Bronte returned home to find her brother addicted to drugs and alcohol and her younger sister Anne, whom she grew very close to, was leaving to go to school as well.On July 12 in 1836 she wrote the earliest dated poem. Since not much was going right at home, on October 2, 1837 Emily decided to move to a place known as Law Hill to become a teacher. The school in which she taught was large and consisted of forty students. According to her sister Charlotte, the job was very stressful and Emily would soon quit. But Emily Bronte was determined to finish her job and prove that she was not a total failure in education. During her stay at Law Hill she wrote many poems that would later be published by her sister.

In 1846 Bronte's first literary work was published, Poems by Currer, Ellis, and Acton Bell. They used these pseudonyms because they wanted their work to be taken seriously. Female literature was not taken seriously during that time, so they used neutral names to get their work published. Ellis Bell-Emily's pen name- stuck with her for the remainder of her life and by the end of 1846, she had written Wuthering Heights. Wuthering Heights was rejected for a whole year before T.C. Newby accepted it.

In September of 1848 Branwell, Emily's brother, died of a serious form of cold- influenza. While attending her bother's funeral Emily caught a cold that eventually turned into tuberculosis. On December 19, 1848 Emily Bronte died of inflammation of the lungs, and shortly afterwards her younger sister Anne died of a similar disease.

In 1850, Wuthering Heights were reissued, with a selection of poems, and a biographical notice by her sister Charlotte. In 1893, The Brontë Society established in Haworth and nowadays is one of the most important society of literature. Finally, The Complete Poems of Emily Jane Brontë were published by Hatfield.

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