-A Literary History of England. The 19th Century and after (1789-1939)

Samuel C.Chew. Bryn Maur College

Richard D.Altick. The Ohio State University

Edited by Albert C.Baugh- Second Edition

London, Routledge and Kegan Paul Ltd.

1967- Meredith Publishing Company.

- Eight Modern Writers. J.I.M.Steward Oxford History of English Literature

Edited by F.P.Wilson and Banamy Dobrée

Oxford at the Clarendon Press

Oxford University Press.- 1963

- Heart of Darkness Joseph Conrad

Penguin Popular Classics

First published 1902

Published in Penguin Popular Books 1994

-Heart of Darkness with the Congo Diary.

Introduction and Notes ãRobert Hampson, 1995

Penquin Books Ltd, Registered Offices: Harmondsworth, Middlesex, England.

- Joseph Conrad by Oliver Warner Published for THE BRITISH COUNCIL and the NATIONAL BOOK LEAGUE

by Longmans, Green and Co., London, New York, Toronto.

First published in 1950.

-The British Encyclopedia Volume 3. -The Metaphysics of Darkness. Royal Roussel. A study in the unity and development of Conrad's Fiction.

1971- The John's Hopkins Press by Baltimore and London.

- The World's Classics. Joseph Conrad. Youth, Heart of Darkness, The End of the Tether.

Edited with an introduction by Robert Kimbrough.

Introduction, Notes, Glossary ãRobert Kimbrough- 1984


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