Translations of Tolkien's Works

        This page is open to additions from our international readership or from anyone interested in translations.

 Translations Available:
  • Icelandic:

  • The Hobbit (translated around 1950-60)
    LotR has also been translated
    Information from Anton Brink Hansen in Iceland
  • Russian:

  • The Hobbit (1976 amd 1990)
    The Fellowship of the Ring (1988)
    The Two Towers (1990)
    LotR (1991)
    The Silmarillion (1992)
    Information from Cyril Slobin in Russia
  • Spanish:

  • The Hobbit
    Unfinished Tales
    The Adventures of Tom Bombadil (hard to find)
    Farmer Giles of Ham
    The Silmarillion
    Book of Lost Tales
    Information from Jorge Montero in Spain
  • Spanish:

  • (Author JRR Tolkien)
    El Hobbit
    El señor de los anillos (3 tomos + 1 apéndice)
    Cuentos inconclusos (4 tomos)
    El silmarilion
    Árbol y Hoja
    El señor Bliss
    Pinturas y Dibujos de JRR Tolkien
    El libro de los cuentos perdidos (2 tomos)
    Cartas a papa noel
    La traición de Insengard
    El retorno de la Sombra
    Edigio, el granjero de Ham ; Hoja de Niggle ; El herrero de Wootton Mayor
    (Other Authors)
    Tolkien, el autor y su obra : Jose Miguel Santamaría
    J.R.R. Tolkien : Daniel Grotta
    J.R.R. Tolkien : Paulino Arguijo
    J.R.R. Tolkien, una Bibliografía : Humphrey Carpenter
    El mundo de Tolkien : David Day
    19 relatos en homenaje a Tolkien
    Atlas de la tierra media : Karen Wynn Fonstad
    El bestiario de Tolkien : David Day
    J.R.R. Tolkien, enciclopedia ilustrada : David Day
    Castillos de leyenda : Alan Lee, David Day
    Information from Alejandro Botero Greiffenstein in Colombia
  • Catalan:

  • El hobbit ["The Hobbit"] (Barcelona, Ed. de la Magrana, 1993) Hardback edition; trans. by Francesc Parcerisas
    El Senyor dels Anells ["The Lord of the Rings"](Barcelona, Ed. Vicens Vives, 1986) 3 vols. paperback edition trans. by Francesc Parcerisas
    El Silmaril.lion ["The Silmarillion"] (Barcelona, Ed. Proa, 1992) Paperback edition trans. by Dolors Udina
    Contes inacabats de Numenor i la Terra Mitjana ["Unfinished Tales..."] (Barcelona, Ed. Proa, 1994) Hardback edition trans. by Dolors Udina
    Gil, el pages d'Ham ["Gil, farmer of Ham"] (Barcelona, Ed. Proa, 1995) Paperback edition trans. by Carles Llorach
    Fulla, de Niggle & El ferrer de Wooton Major ["Leaf, by Niggle" & "Smith of Wooton Major"] (Barcelona, Ed. Proa, 1995) Paperback edition trans. by Dolors Udina
    Information from Dr. Santiago Bueno-Salinas, Universitat de Barcelona
  • Portuguese:

  • The Hobbit (O Gnomo, first Tolkien work translated into Portuguese, illustrated by Portuguese artist, hard to find; O Hobbit, illustrated by JRRT)
    The Fellowship of the Ring (A Irmandade do Anel)
    The Two Towers (As Duas Torres)
    The Return of the King (O Regresso do Rei)
    The Silmarillion (O Silmarillion)
    Unfinished Tales (Contos Inacabados de Numenor e da Terra Media)
    The Adventures of Tom Bombadil (As aventuras de Tom Bombadil e outras historias) - preceding published by Publicaes Europa America
    Information from Joaquim Lopes in Portugal
  • Brazilian Portuguese:

  • LotR (Artenova) 1977
    LotR (Martin Fontes)
  • German:

  • List in Germany by Ulrich Knobloch.
  • Swedish:

  • LotR (trans. Ohlmarks)
    Appendices A - F from RotK (trans. Ohlmarks)
    Unfinished Tales - "Sagor fron Midgord" (trans. Roland Adlerberth)
    The Silmarillion (trans. Adlerberth)
    The Book of Lost Tales I and II (trans. Adlerberth)
    The Hobbit (trans. Britt G. Hallqvist)
    Farmer Giles of Ham (trans. Ohlmarks)
    Beowulf: The Monsters and the Critics (trans. Ohlmarks)
    Tree and Leaf (trans. Ohlmarks)
    The Father Christmas Letters - "Breven fron Jultomter"
    Mr. Bliss - "Herr Salig" (trans. Adlerberth)
    Smith of Wootton Major (trans. Hallqvist)
    The Adventures of Tom Bombadil
    J.R.R. Tolkien - en biografi by Humphrey Carpenter (trans. Disa Torngren?)
    Tolkien Bestiarium by David Day (trans. Ohlmarks)
    Tolkien's Ring by David Day (trans. Ylva Spongberg)
    Tolkien's World by Randel Helms (trans. Ohlmarks)
    Master of Middle-earth by Paul H. Kocher (trans. Ohlmarks)
    Sagan om Tolkien, Tolkien's arv, Tolkien-lexikon, and Tolkien och den svarta magin by Ohlmarks
    En Tolkienbibliografi 1911-80 by Jonsson?
    Tolkien's Midgord: en uppslagsbok by Ingvar Svensson
    Information from Christoffer Johansson in Sweden
  • Estonian:

  • The Hobbit (THERE AND BACK [Kaabik, ehk Sinna ja Tagasi], translated by Lia Rajandi and Harald Rajamets, illustrated by Mart Kernumees, published by Eesti Raamat, 1977, Tallinn)
    Farmer Giles of Ham
    soon LotR?
    Information from Laur Kelder in the Estonian Republic
  • Croatian:

  • The Hobbit (THE HOBBIT, translated by Zlatko Crnkovic and Neven Anticevic [songs], illustrated by Igor Kordej and JRRT, published by Algoritam, 1994, Zagreb, hardcover, 240p)
    Information from Srdjan Gulic in Croatia
  • French:

  • The Hobbit (Bilbo le Hobbit)
    The Fellowship of the Ring (Le communaute de l'anneau) - 1972
    The Two Towers (Les deux tours)
    The Return of the King (Le retour du roi)
    The Lord of the Rings (Le Seigneur des Anneaux)
    The Silmarillion (Le Silmarillion)
    Unfinished Tales (Contes et legendes inacheves)
    The Adventures of Tom Bombadil (Les aventures de Tom Bombadil) - bilingual edition, 1975
    "Faerie" containing Farmer Giles of Ham, Smith of Wooton Major, Leaf by Niggle, and On Fairy Stories, 1974
    Bilbo's Last Song (L'album de Bilbo le Hobbit), 1991
    Poems by JRRT (3 mini books), 1993
    The Book of Lost Tales I
    Tolkien: A Biography by H. Carpenter (JRRT, une biographie), 1980
    After the King: Stories in Honor of JRRT (Chansons pour JRRT) - 3 books
    Tolkien's World, Paintings of Middle-earth
    Tolkien's Ring (L'anneau de Tolkien), 1996
    Information from Mathieu Pascal in Belgium and Tristan Willmott in France
  • Hungarian:

  • The Hobbit
    Lord of the Rings (trans by Goncz Arpad, current President of Hungary)
    The Silmarillion
    The Book of Lost Tales I
    Smith of Wootton Major
    Farmer Giles of Ham
    Tree and Leaf
    Information from Egon Toth in Hungary
  • Israel (Hebrew):

  • The Hobbit
    The Lord of the Rings
    Information from Dov Tzidony in Israel
  • Japanese:

  • Lord of the Rings
  • Polish:

  • The Hobbit: First edition in 1958, trans. by Maria Skibniewska. Subsequent editions followed, the most recent from 1994.
    LoTR: First edition 1960-62, trans. by Maria Skibniewska (without appendices D and E). Reprinted many times in hardback and paperback. Edition of Warszawskie Wydawnictwo Literackie (Warsaw Literary Society), Warsaw 1996. Complete hardback edition; an amendment of the above. Edition of Zysk S-ka, FoTR only so far, trans. by Jerzy L/ozin/ski, Poznan 1996. Paperback, notorious for its "polonizing" of personal names.
    Silmarillion: First edition 1984, trans. by Maria Skibniewska. Second edition 1996 by Amber S.A., Poznan (with index and glossaries).
    Smith of Woodton Major...: First edition ?, trans. by Maria Skibniewska. To be reprinted soon by Amber S.A.
    On Fairy Stories, Leaf by Niggle...: First edition 1994, trans. by Krzysztof Sokol/owski and Joanna Papuzin/ska (sp?). Leaf by Niggle was also published in some fantasy magasine in 1984, trans. by Jo/zef Brodzien/ski.
    Tolkien: A Bestiary by D.Day: Edited in 1995, trans. collective. Hardback edition.
    S/wiaty Tolkienowskie (Tolkien's World), issued Oct 1996, an album of Tolkien paintings by J. Howe, T. Nasmith et al., with quotations.
    Information from Gwidon S. Naskrent in Poland.


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