MLR: The Modern Language Review

Annual index for Volume 90 (1995)

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BRAND, C. P., The Renaissance of Comedy: The Achievement of Italian
Commedia erudita                                                     xxvii

                              ARTICLES                                PAGE

Understanding Auditory': New Evidence of Playgoers at the First Globe
Theatre                                                                556

BOTZ-BORNSTEIN, THORSTEN, Rule-Following in Dandyism: `Style' as an
Overcoming of `Rule' and `Structure'                                   285

BROWN, RUTH, The Country, the City and The Tree of Man                 861

CARRICK, NEIL, A Familiar Story: Insurgent Narratives and Generic
Refugees in Daniil Kharms's The Old Woman                              707

CLARKE, JAN, Thomas Corneille's Circé - A Precursor of Racine's
Phèdre?                                                                325

COSGROVE, CIARAN, Discursive Anarchy or Creative Pluralism? The Cases
of Cortázar and Puig                                                    71

COX, VIRGINIA, Tasso's Malpiglio overo de la corte: The Courtier
Revisited                                                              897

DALTON-BROWN, SALLY, Centaurs, a Singing Squirrel, and a Lotus:
Anatolii Kim's Portrait of the Evolving Human Animal                   967

DALTON-BROWN, SALLY, Signposting the Way to the City of Night: Recent
Russian Dystopian Fiction                                              103

DANCY, JONATHAN, New Truths in Proust?                                  18

DARBY, T. L., Resistance to Rape in Persiles y Sigismunda and The
Custom of the Country                                                  273

DIFFLEY, P. B., From Translation to Imitation and Beyond: A
Reassessment of Boccaccio's Role in Marguerite de Navarre's
Heptaméron                                                             345

DOLLERUP, CAY, Translation as a Creative Force in Literature: The
Birth of the European Bourgeois Fairy-Tale                              94

DUFFY, JEAN, Claude Simon's L'Acacia: History as Anonymity, the Name
as Word                                                                 29

GILES, STEVE, Bertolt Brecht, Logical Empiricism, and Social
Behaviourism                                                            83

GORNALL, JOHN, Assonance in the Hispanic Romance: Precept and
Practice                                                               363

HART, THOMAS R., Deceit and Decorum in Cervantes                       370

HARVEY, SALLY, Jorge Guillén: The Quest for Precision                  659

HAWES, J. M., The Secret Life of Georg von Wergenthin: Nietzschean
Analysis and Narrative Authority in Arthur Schnitzler's Der Weg ins
Freie                                                                  377

HEALE, ELIZABETH, Women and the Courtly Love Lyric: The Devonshire MS
(BL Additional 17492)                                                  296

HIDDLESTON, J. A., Baudelaire and Constantin Guys                      603

HUTTON, MARGARET-ANNE, Assuming Responsibility: Christiane
Rochefort's Exploration of Child Sex Abuse in La Porte du fond         333

JAGENDORF, ZVI, Berma and the Scenes of Interpretation in A la
recherche du temps perdu                                               870

JANSOHN, CHRISTA, The Making of a National Poet: Shakespeare, Carl
Joseph Meyer, and the German Book-Market in the Nineteenth Century     545

Understanding Auditory': New Evidence of Playgoers at the First Globe
Theatre                                                                556

LOWE, N. F., The Dirty Jokes in Waiting for Godot                       14

McALINDON, TOM, Cultural Materialism and the Ethics of Reading: or,
the Radicalizing of Jacobean Tragedy                                   830

MARQUIS, PAUL A., Oppositional Ideologies of Gender in Isabella
Whitney's Copy of a Letter                                             314

MARSHALL, BILL, The Autobiographies of Daniel Guérin and Yves Navarre  622

NICHOLLS, PETER, An Experiment with Time: Ezra Pound and the Example
of Japanese Noh                                                          1

NIVEN, WILLIAM, `Das Geld ist nicht der Gral': Christoph Hein and the
Wende                                                                  688

PREECE, JULIAN, Sexual-Textual Politics: The Transparency of the Male
Narrative in Der Butt by Günter Grass                                  955

RIORDAN, COLIN, From Hallstein to Sinatra: Cultural Reflections of
Political Relations Between the Two Germanies, 1965-85                 676

ROBERTSON, ERIC, Painting Windows: Robert Delaunay, Blaise Cendrars,
and the Search for Simultaneity                                        883

ROWLAND, RICHARD, The Captives: Thomas Heywood's `Whole Monopoly off
Mischeiff'                                                             585

SAN ROMÁN, GUSTAVO, Amor turbio, Paranoia, and the Vicissitudes of
Manliness in Horacio Quiroga                                           919

SWANN, CHARLES, Miriam's Schooling and Other Papers: Historical
Fictions Ancient and Modern, Sacred and Secular                        847

SWEET, GEOFFREY, Historismus and Experimental Philosophy               944

TAMBLING, JEREMY, Getting Above the Thunder: Dante in the Sphere of
Saturn                                                                 632

TAYLOR, BARRY, Some Complexities of the exemplum in Ramon Llull's
Llibre de les bèsties                                                  646

THOMAS, NEIL, Hartmann's Der Arme Heinrich: Narrative Model and
Ethical Implication                                                    935

THOMAS, SIDNEY, The Integrity of King Lear                             572

THOMPSON, COLIN, `The Resonances of Words': Lope de Vega and Geoffrey
Hill                                                                    55

TRAINER, JAMES, Ludwig Tieck and Prinz Sayn-Wittgenstein-Hohenstein:
An Unpublished Letter                                                  673

USHER, JONATHAN, Calvino and the Computer as Writer/Reader              41

YATES, W. E., Hidden Depths in Hofmannsthal's Der Unbestechliche       388

ZIMMERMANN, GISELA, The Civil Servant as Educator: Effi Briest and
Anna Karenina                                                          817

                               REVIEWS                                PAGE

Adams, D. J., Bibliographie des ouvrages français en forme de
dialogue 1700-1750 (DAVID WILLIAMS)                                    193

Adelson, Leslie A., Making Bodies, Making History (CHRIS WEEDON)      1045

Anderson, Amanda, Tainted Souls and Painted Faces: The Rhetoric of
Fallenness in Victorian Culture (CATHERINE MAXWELL)                    153

Anderson, Harriet, Utopian Feminism: Women's Movements in
fin-de-siècle Vienna (BRIAN KEITH-SMITH)                               512

Anon., ed. [Herzog-August-Bibliothek], Überlieferung und Kritik:
Zwanzig Jahre Barockforschung in der Herzog-August-Bibliothek (R. T.
LLEWELLYN)                                                             503

Artigas-Menant, Geneviève, and others, eds, Leçons sur Les Illustres
Françaises de Robert Challe: Actes de la table ronde de Créteil (9
janvier 1993) (SIMON DAVIES)                                           445

Asher, R. E., National Myths in Renaissance France: Francus, Samothes
and the Druids (MALCOLM C. SMITH)                                      182

Ashworth, Anne-Marie, with Terence M. Russell, Architecture in the
Encyclopédie of Diderot and d'Alembert: The Letterpress Articles and
Selected Engravings (DAVID COWARD)                                    1002

Assaf, Francis, ed., Actes d'Athens: Tristan L'Hermite. Tallemant des
Réaux: Les Historiettes: Actes du XXIVe colloque de la North American
Society for Seventeenth-Century Literature, Athens, Georgia (1-3
octobre 1992) (DAVID SHAW)                                             186

Attridge, Derek, ed., Acts of Literature, by Jacques Derrida (NICK
GROOM)                                                                 726

Aust, Hugo, Der historische Roman (OSMAN DURRANI)                      805

Auster, Paul, sel. and trans., Selected Poems, by Jacques Dupin,
intr. by Mary Ann Caws (ANDREW ROTHWELL)                               211

Axelrod, M. R., The Politics of Style in the Fiction of Balzac,
Beckett and Cortázar (JOHN PILLING)                                    125

Backscheider, Paula R., Spectacular Politics: Theatrical Power and
Mass Culture in Early Modern England (CAROLYN D. WLLIAMS)              414

Bahti, Timothy, Allegories of History: Literary Historiography after
Hegel (STEVE GILES)                                                    242

Bailin, Miriam, The Sickroom in Victorian Fiction: The Art of Being
Ill (CATHERINE MAXWELL)                                                986

Bakhtin, M. M., Toward a Philosophy of the Act, trans. by Vadim
Liapunov, ed. by Michael Holquist and Vadim Liapunov (DAVID SHEPHERD)  813

Bakker, B. H, ed., Correspondance, by Émile Zola, Vol. IX: 1897-1899
(COLIN BURNS)                                                          767

Balsamo, Jean, Les Rencontres des muses: italianisme et
anti-italianisme dans les lettres françaises de la fin du XVIe siècle
(SARAH ALYN-STACEY)                                                    182

Bamforth, Stephen, ed., Molière: Proceedings of the Nottingham
Molière Conference 17-18 December 1993 (Nottingham French Studies,
33.1 (Spring 1994)) (MICHAEL HAWCROFT)                                 999

Barber, William, Ulla Kölving, and others, eds, The Complete Works of
Voltaire/åuvres complètes de Voltaire, Vol. XV: Éléments de la
philosophie de Newton, ed. by Robert L. Walters and W. H. Barber (E.
D. JAMES)                                                             1005

Barber, William, Ulla Kölving, and others, eds, The Complete Works of
Voltaire/åuvres complètes de Voltaire, Vol. XXIA: Rome sauvée, ou
Catilina, ed. by Paul LeClerc; Oreste, ed. by David H. Jory;
Dissertations sur les principales tragédies anciennes et modernes qui
ont paru sur le sujet d'Electre et en particulier sur celle de
Sophocles, ed. by David H. Jory (CHRISTOPHER TODD)                     195

Barbour, Sarah, Nathalie Sarraute and the Feminist Reader: Identities
in Process (VALERIE MINOGUE)                                           456

Barnes, Geraldine, Counsel and Strategy in Middle English Romance
(PHILLIPA HARDMAN)                                                     973

Barnes, John C., and Jennifer Petrie, eds, Word and Drama in Dante:
Essays on the Divina Commedia (MARK BALFOUR)                           467

Barratt, Andrew, The Early Fiction of Maxim Gorky (BARRY P. SCHERR)    267

Bartels, Emily C., Spectacles of Strangeness: Imperialism,
Alienation, and Marlowe (SIMON SHEPHERD)                               407

Basker, David, Chaos, Control and Consistency: The Narrative Vision
of Wolfgang Koeppen (STUART PARKES)                                    262

Bastert, Bernd, Der Münchener Hof und Füetrers Buch der Abenteuer.
Literarische Kontinuität im Spätmittelalter (W. H. JACKSON)           1036

Bate, Jonathan, Shakespeare and Ovid (C. B. HARDMAN)                   980

Bath, Michael, Speaking Pictures: English Emblem Books and
Renaissance Culture (C. W. R. D. MOSELEY)                              976

Batts, Michael S., A History of Histories of German Literature,
1835-1914 (BRUCE THOMPSON)                                             485

Baumgartner, Emmanuèle, and Michèle Szkilnik, eds, Le Roman de
Tristan en prose, Vol. VI: Du séjour des amants à la Joyeuse Garde
jusqu'aux premières aventures de la Queste du Graal (gen. ed.
Philippe Ménard) (PHILIP E. BENNETT)                                   995

Beardsell, Peter, ed., Siete cuentos, by Julio Cortázar (JASON
WILSON)                                                                783

Beeson, David, Maupertuis: An Intellectual Biography (JOHN RENWICK)    196

Behler, Ernst, German Romantic Literary Theory (ROGER PAULIN)         1040

Bell, David F., Circumstances: Chance in the Literary Text (RICHARD
BOLSTER)                                                               450

Benay, Jeanne, Friedrich Kaiser (1814-1874) et le théâtre populaire
en Autriche au XIXe siècle (W. E. YATES)                               510

Bennett, Benjamin, Beyond Theory: Eighteenth-Century German
Literature and the Poetics of Irony (OSMAN DURRANI)                    797

Bercovitch, Sacvan, The Rites of Assent: Transformations in the
Symbolic Construction of America (PAT RIGHELATO)                       421

Berkvens-Stevelinck, Christiane, and Jeroom Vercruysse, Le métier de
journaliste au dix-huitième siècle: Correspondance entre Prosper
Marchand, Jean Rousset de Missy et Lambert Ignace Douxfils
(CHRISTOPHER TODD)                                                     755

Berlin, Isaiah, intr., Joseph de Maistre: Considerations on France,
trans. and ed. by Richard A. Lebrun (CERI CROSSLEY)                   1010

Bernard, Catherine, åuvres, Vol. I: Romans et nouvelles, ed. by
Franco Piva (MARTIN HALL)                                             1002

Bernardo, Aldo S., Reta A. Bernardo, and others, trans, Letters of
Old Age: Rerum senilium libri I-XVIII, by Francis Petrarch (PETER
HAINSWORTH)                                                            212

Bernini, Cornelia, and Hans Wysling, eds, Jahre des Unmuts. Thomas
Manns Briefwechsel mit René Schickele 1930-1940 (HINRICH SIEFKEN)      255

Birenbaum, Harvey, Between Blake and Nietzsche: The Reality of
Culture (DUNCAN LARGE and STEVEN VINE)                                 241

Bischoff, Bernhard, Manuscripts and Libraries in the Age of
Charlemagne, trans. and ed. by Michael Gorman (GLANVILLE PRICE)        743

Bloch, Olivier, ed., Parité de la vie et de la mort: La Réponse du
médecin Gaultier (CHRISTOPHER TODD)                                    756

Bond, D. G., German History and German Identity: Uwe Johnson's
Jahrestage (COLIN RIORDAN)                                             809

Bonhôte, Nicolas, Jean-Jacques Rousseau: Vision de l'histoire et
autobiographie (DAVID WILLIAMS)                                        446

Boulé, Jean-Pierre, Sartre médiatique (MICHAEL SCRIVEN)                462

Bowd, Gavin, Guillevic: Sauvage de la modernité (MICHAEL SHERINGHAM)   210

Bradfield, Scott, Dreaming Revolution: Transgressing in the
Development of American Romance (R. W. (HERBIE) BUTTERFIELD)           422

Brady, Patrick, Memory and History as Fiction: An Archetypal Approach
to the Historical Novel (MONICA NURNBERG)                             1012

Brady, Patrick, Rococo Poetry in English, French, German, Italian: An
Introduction (T. M. PRATT)                                             722

Brake, Laurel, Subjugated Knowledges: Journalism, Gender and
Literature in the Nineteenth Century (CATHERINE MAXWELL)               986

Branan, Elisabeth Girod, La Fontaine: Au-delà des `bagatelles' des
Contes et des `badineries' des Fables (TERENCE ALLOTT)                 440

Brandt, George W., and Wiebe Hogendoorn, comps, German and Dutch
Theatre, 1600-1848 (PETER SKRINE)                                      506

Brantley, Richard E., Coordinates of Anglo-American Romanticism:
Wesley, Edwards, Carlyle & Emerson (R. W. (HERBIE) BUTTERFIELD)        158

Brashinsky, Michael, and Andrew Horton, eds, Russians Critics on the
Cinema of Glasnost (RICHARD TAYLOR)                                   1055

Braungart, Georg, ed. and intr., Ars Apophthegmatica. Das ist:
Kunstquellen Denkwürdiger Lehrsprüche und Ergötzlicher Hofreden, by
Georg Philipp Harsdörffer (repr. of Nuremberg edn, 1655), 2 vols (W.
A. COUPE)                                                              233

Bretz, Mary Lee, Voices, Silences and Echoes: A Theory of the Essay
and the Critical Reception of Naturalism in Spain (DAVID HENN)         479

Brooks, William, ed., Le théâtre et l'opéra vus par les gazetiers
Robinet et Laurent (1670-1678) (DAVID SHAW)                           1000

Brown, Robert H., Nature's Hidden Terror: Violent Nature Imagery in
Eighteenth-Century Germany (ROBIN HARRISON)                            235

Bruhn, Gert, Das Selbstzitat bei Thomas Mann. Untersuchungen zum
Verhältnis von Fiktion und Autobiographie in seinem Werk (HINRICH
SIEFKEN)                                                               528

Bullen, J. B., The Myth of the Renaissance in Nineteenth-Century
Writing (ROBERT FRASER)                                                424

Bürger, Peter, The Decline of Modernism, trans. by Nicholas Walker
(JEREMY TAMBLING)                                                      723

Burkman, Katherine H., and John L. Kundert-Gibbs, eds, Pinter at
Sixty (RONALD KNOWLES)                                                 737

Burrow, Colin, Epic Romance: Homer to Milton (ALASTAIR FOWLER)         126

Burrow, J. A., Langland's Fictions (KATHRYN KERBY-FULTON)              728

Burton, T. L., ed., Annotated Bibliographies of Old and Middle
English Literature, Vol. IV: Old English Prose of Secular Learning,
by Stephanie Hollis, Michael Wright, and others (T. A. SHIPPEY)        402

Busby, Keith, ed., Chrétien de Troyes: Le Roman de Perceval ou Le
Conte du Graal (STEWART GREGORY)                                       436

Buschinger, Danielle, ed., Le Droit et sa perception dans la
littérature et les mentalités médiévales: Actes du Colloque de Centre
d'Études Médiévales de l'Université de Picardie, Amiens, 17-19 mars
1989 (LESLIE C. BROOK)                                                 744

Cahn, Victor L., Gender and Power in the Plays of Harold Pinter
(RONALD KNOWLES)                                                       737

Calder, Andrew, Molière: The Theory and Practice of Comedy (NOËL A.
PEACOCK)                                                               188

Calhoun, Craig, and others, eds, Bourdieu: Critical Perspectives
(ANDREW BROWN)                                                        1023

Canova-Green, Marie-Claude, La Politique-spectacle au grand siècle:
les rapports franco-anglais, preface by Alain Viala (HENRY PHILLIPS)   439

Caprio, Alfonso, and others, eds, Gabriele Rossetti: Carteggi, Vol.
III (LUIGI POLO FRIZ)                                                  777

Cardinal, Marie, Les Mots pour le dire, ed. by Phil Powrie (CARYS
OWEN)                                                                  774

Carlson, David R., English Humanist Books: Writers and Patrons,
Manuscript and Print, 1475-1525 (JEREMY J. SMITH)                      406

Carlson, Julie A., In the Theatre of Romanticism: Coleridge,
Nationalism, Women (TIM FULFORD)                                       985

Carlyle, Thomas, Life of Friedrich Schiller (1825), facsimile edn,
intr. by Jeffrey L. Sammons (F. J. LAMPORT)                            239

Casa, Frank P., and Michael D. McGaha, eds, Editing the Comedia, II
(CAROLINE MONAHAN)                                                     476

Casey, Erika, trans., Jean Paul: A Reader, ed. by Timothy J. Casey
(MARTIN L. DAVIES)                                                     240

Casey, Timothy J., ed., Jean Paul: A Reader, trans. by Erika Casey
(MARTIN L. DAVIES)                                                     240

Caspar, Marie-Hélène, Fantastique et mythe personnel dans l'úuvre de
Dino Buzzati (JUDY RAWSON)                                             470

Caws, Mary Ann, intr., Selected Poems, by Jacques Dupin, sel. by Paul
Auster, trans. by Paul Auster and others (ANDREW ROTHWELL)             211

Cazenobe, Colette, Le Système du libertinage de Crébillon à Laclos
(JOHN DUNKLEY)                                                         443

Chances, Ellen, Andrei Bitov: The Ecology of Inspiration (ROSALIND
MARSH)                                                                 543

Chaplin, P. E., ed., Gillet de la Tessonerie: L'Art de régner (DAVID
SHAW)                                                                 1000

Charrière, Isabelle de, Letters of Mistress Henley Published by her
Friend, trans. by Philip Stewart and Jean Vaché, ed. by Joan Hinde
Stewart and Philip Stewart (T. M. PRATT)                               761

Charrière, Isabelle de, Lettres de Mistriss Henley publiées par son
amie, ed. by Joan Hinde Stewart and Philip Stewart (T. M. PRATT)       761

Chinca, Mark, History, Fiction, Verisimilitude: Studies in the
Poetics of Gottfried's Tristan (W. H. JACKSON)                        1035

Chouillet, Anne-Marie, and others, eds, Condorcet: Almanach
anti-superstitieux et autres textes (ROBERT NIKLAUS)                   197

Christensen, Jerome, Lord Byron's Strength: Romantic Writing and
Commercial Society (MALCOLM KELSALL)                                   418

Classen, Albrecht, ed., Women as Protagonists and Poets in the German
Middle Ages: An Anthology of Feminist Approaches to Middle High
German Literature (MARION E. GIBBS)                                    227

Cohen, Ed, Talk on the Wilde Side (JOHN STOKES)                        154

Cohen, Robert, Understanding Peter Weiss (TOM KUHN)                    811

Cohen, Susan D., Women and Discourse in the Fiction of Marguerite
Duras: Love, Legends, Language (CATHERINE RODGERS)                    1022

Coleman, James A., and Gabrielle Parker, eds, French and the
Enterprise Path: Developing Transferable and Professional Skills
(DAVID PLATTEN)                                                        171

Collot, Michel, Gérard de Nerval ou la dévotion à l'imaginaire (PETER
WHYTE)                                                                1014

Colwell, D. J., ed., Questions d'art et de littérature, by George
Sand (EDITH McCORMACK)                                                 199

Compagnon, Antoine, Chat en poche: Montaigne et l'allégorie (KEITH
CAMERON)                                                               185

Compagnon, Antoine, Proust Between Two Centuries, trans. by Richard
E. Goodkin (ROBIN MACKENZIE)                                           203

Comte-Sponville, André, `Je ne suis pas philosophe': Montaigne et la
philosophie (KEITH CAMERON)                                            996

Conermann, Klaus, ed., Die Deutsche Akademie des 17. Jahrhunderts
Fruchtbringende Gesellschaft, Reihe 2, Dokumente und Darstellungen,
Abt. A. Köthen, Vol. I: Fürst Ludwigs von Anhalt-Köthen. Werke.
Erster Band. Die ersten Gesellschaftsbücher der Fruchtbringenden
Gesellschaft [u.a.] (ANTHONY J. HARPER)                                503

Conermann, Klaus, and Dieter Merzbacher, eds, Die Deutsche Akademie
des 17. Jahrhunderts Fruchtbringende Gesellschaft, Reihe 1, Kritische
Ausgabe der Briefe, Beilagen und Akademiearbeiten, Abt. A. Köthen,
Vol. I: Briefe der Fruchtbringenden Gesellschaft und Beilagen: Die
Zeit Fürst Ludwigs von Anhalt-Köthen 1617-1650. Erster Band 1617-1626
(ANTHONY J. HARPER)                                                    503

Cook, Albert, Canons and Wisdoms (COLIN NICHOLSON)                     400

Cook, Malcolm, Fictional France: Social Reality in the French Novel,
1775-1800 (J. E. FOWLER)                                              1008

Cook, Malcolm, ed., Dialogues Révolutionnaires (CHRISTOPHER TODD)     1010

Cook, Malcolm, ed., French Culture since 1845 (DAVID PLATTEN)          775

Copley, Stephen, and Peter Garside, eds, The Politics of the
Picturesque: Literature, Landscape and Aesthetics since 1770 (PETER
de VOOGD)                                                              984

Corbineau-Hoffmann, Angelika, Paradoxie der Fiktion: Literarische
Venedig-Bilder 1797-1984 (RAYMOND FURNESS)                             797

Corfis, Ivy A., and Joseph T. Snow, eds, Fernando de Rojas and
Celestina: Approaching the Fifth Centenary. Proceedings of an
International Conference in Commemoration of the 450th Anniversary of
the Death of Fernando de Rojas (Purdue University, West Lafayette,
Indiana, 21-24 November 1991) (DAVID HOOK)                             780

Cormier, Jacques, and Michèle Weil, eds, Robert Challe: Continuation
de l'histoire de l'admirable Don Quichotte de La Manche (ROBIN
HOWELLS)                                                              1004

Corns, Thomas N., Uncloistered Virtue: English Political Literature,
1640-1660 (CEDRIC C. BROWN)                                            413

Cornwell, Neil, Pushkin's The Queen of Spades (MAXIM D. SHRAYER)      1051

Cortázar, Julio, Siete cuentos, ed. by Peter Beardsell (JASON WILSON)  783

Costelow, Jane, and others, eds, Sexuality and the Body in Russian
Culture (J. A. E. CURTIS)                                              814

Coudere, Pierre, ed., Rencontre autour de Charles-Louis Philippe:
Actes du Colloque de Clermont-Ferrand (septembre 1991) (JOHN FLOWER)   207

Couvreur, Manuel, Jean-Baptiste Lully: Musique et dramaturgie au
service du prince (ELIZABETH WOODROUGH)                                190

Cox, Virginia, The Renaissance Dialogue: Literary Dialogue in its
Social and Political Contexts, Castiglione to Galileo (JUDITH BRYCE)   216

Craft-Fairchild, Catherine, Masquerade and Gender: Disguise and
Female Identity in Eighteenth-Century Fictions by Women (CAROLYN D.
WILLIAMS)                                                              149

Crawford, Robert, Identifying Poets: Self and Territory in
Twentieth-Century Poetry (COLIN NICHOLSON)                             739

Crépel, Pierre, and others, eds, Condorcet: Almanach
anti-superstitieux et autres textes (ROBERT NIKLAUS)                   197

Crossley, Ceri, French Historians and Romanticism: Thierry, Guizot,
the Saint-Simonians, Quinet, Michelet (MICHAEL GLENCROSS)              763

Culler, Jonathan, intr., Charles Baudelaire: The Flowers of Evil,
trans. by James McGowan (C. E. J. DOLAMORE)                            452

Dagen, Jean, ed., Vauvenargues: Fragments sur Montaigne (with an
essay on `Vauvenargues et les philosophes') (KEITH CAMERON)            996

Dandrey, Patrick, and Alain Génetiot, eds, Actes du colloque `La
Fontaine de Château-Thierry à Vaux-le-Vicomte': Première partie: Les
Années de formation (Le Fablier: Revue des Amis de Jean de La
Fontaine, 5) (TERENCE ALLOTT)                                          751

Daum, Josef, and others, eds, Jahrbuch der Raabe-Gesellschaft, 1992
(WILLIAM HANSON)                                                       511

Dauses, August, Prognosen sprachlichen Wandels: Möglichkeiten und
Grenzen der erklärenden Philologie (CHRISTOPHER BEEDHAM)               785

Davidson, Hugh M., Pascal and the Arts of the Mind (ELIZABETH MOLES)   753

Davies, Oliver, Meister Eckhart: Mystical Theologian (JOHN MARGETTS)   230

Davies, Peter V., ed., Glanures occitanes recueillies dans trois
livres d'Heures (fin XIVe s.-XVe s.) (MICHAEL J. ROUTLEDGE)            435

Dawson, Robert L., The French Booktrade and the `permission simple'
of 1777: Copyright and Public Domain, with an Edition of the Permit
Registers (CHRISTOPHER TODD)                                           195

Dayan, Peter, Nerval et ses pères: Portrait en trois volets avec deux
gonds et un cadenas (PETER WHYTE)                                     1014

Defaux, Gérard, ed., Clément Marot: åuvres poétiques complètes, Vol.
II (ANNWYL WILLIAMS)                                                   748

de Julio, Maryann, Rhetorical Landscapes: The Poetry and Art
Criticism of Jacques Dupin (ANDREW ROTHWELL)                           211

Delcourt, Thierry, and Denis Lalande, eds, Le Roman de Tristan en
prose, Vol. V (gen. ed. Philippe Ménard) (EVELYN MULLALLY)             181

de Mandach, André, Le Roman du Graal Originaire. I: Sur les traces du
modèle commun `en code transpyrénéen' de Chrétien de Troyes et
Wolfram von Eschenbach (ALAN DEIGHTON)                                 497

Denby, David J., Sentimental Narrative and the Social Order in
France, 1760-1820 (MALCOLM COOK)                                      1007

Dendle, Brian J., and Stephen Miller, eds, Estudios sobre Armando
Palacio Valdés (ANTHONY H. CLARKE)                                     782

Denkler, Horst, and Hans Otto Horch, eds, Conditio Judaica. Judentum,
Antisemitismus und deutschsprachige Literatur vom Ersten Weltkrieg
bis 1933/1938, Dritter Teil (ANDREA REITER)                            522

Denon, Vivant, Point de Lendemain, foreword by Poulet-Malassis,
historical note by Anatole France (MALCOLM COOK)                       448

de Phalèse, Hubert, Voltaire portatif: Le Dictionnaire philosophique
à travers les nouvelles technologies (CHRISTOPHER TODD)               1007

Derrida, Jacques, Acts of Literature, ed. by Derek Attridge (NICK
GROOM)                                                                 726

Desan, Philippe, Les Commerces de Montaigne: le discours économique
des Essais (DAVID MASKELL)                                             183

Detering, Heinrich, and others, eds, Jahrbuch der Raabe-Gesellschaft,
1992 (WILLIAM HANSON)                                                  511

Diderot, Denis, `This Is not a Story' and Other Stories, trans. and
intr. by P. N. Furbank (MALCOLM COOK)                                  761

Dobson, Andrew, Jean-Paul Sartre and the Politics of Reason (MICHAEL
SCRIVEN)                                                               462

Doglio, Mariangela Mazzocchi, ed., Nicolas Drouin, dit Dorimond:
Théâtre (DAVID SHAW)                                                   189

Donato, Eugenio, The Script of Decadence: Essays on the Fictions of
Flaubert and the Poetics of Romanticism (TIMOTHY UNWIN)                453

Drew-Bear, Annette, Painted Faces on the Renaissance Stage: The Moral
Significance of Face-Painting Conventions (ROWLAND WYMER)              974

Duchêne, Roger, and Pierre Ronzeaud, eds, Ordre et contestation au
temps des classiques: Actes du 21e colloque du Centre Méridional de
Rencontres sur le XVIIe siècle jumelé avec le 23e colloque de la
North American Society for Seventeenth Century French Literature
(Marseille, 19-23 juin 1991), 2 vols (C. J. GOSSIP)                    997

Dufner, Max, trans. and ed., History of the Abderites, by Christoph
Martin Wieland (ALAN MENHENNET)                                        237

Duncan, Alastair, Claude Simon: Adventures in Words (JEAN DUFFY)      1021

Dundas, Judith, Pencils Rhetorique: Renaissance Poets and the Art of
Painting (ROWLAND WYMER)                                               974

Dunkley, John, ed., Le Philosophe sans le sçavoir, by Michel-Jean
Sedaine (DEREK F. CONNON)                                              762

Dunn, Peter N., Spanish Picaresque Fiction: A New Literary History
(C. A. LONGHURST)                                                      221

Dupin, Jacques, Selected Poems, sel. by Paul Auster, trans. by Paul
Auster and others, intr. by Mary Ann Caws (ANDREW ROTHWELL)            211

Duranton, Henri, and others, eds, Condorcet: Almanach
anti-superstitieux et autres textes (ROBERT NIKLAUS)                   197

Ehrard, Jean, ed., Le Collège de Riom et l'enseignement oratorien en
France aux XVIIIe siècle (Colloquium, Riom, 28-30 March 1991),
postscript by Dominique Julia (CHRISTOPHER TODD)                       442

Ellis, Frank, Vasiliy Grossman: The Genesis and Evolution of a
Russian Heretic (JOHN GARRARD)                                        1053

Emerson, Sheila, Ruskin: The Genesis of Invention (ROBERT FRASER)      423

Empson, William, Essays on Renaissance Literature, Vol. 1: Donne and
the New Philosophy, ed. by John Haffenden (JOHN LUCAS)                 142

Escallier, Claude, Mauriac et l'Evangile (JOHN FLOWER)                 772

Evans, Margery A., Baudelaire and Intertextuality: Poetry at the
Crossroads (J. A. HIDDLESTON)                                          766

Falk, Thomas H., Elias Canetti (HARRIET MURPHY)                        812

Federico, Joseph, Confronting Modernity: Rationality, Science, and
Communication in German Literature of the 1980s (TOM KUHN)             264

Fenoglio, Beppe, Romanzi e racconti, ed. by Dante Isella (PHILIP
COOKE)                                                                 219

Ferraté, Joan, Llegir Ausiàs March (ROBERT ARCHER)                     474

Ferris, David, Theory and the Evasion of History (JEREMY TAMBLING)     123

Ferris, Lesley, Crossing the Stage: Controversies on Cross-Dressing
(CAROLYN D. WILLIAMS)                                                  732

Ferrucci, Carlo, ed., Leopardi e il pensiero moderno (JOHN TOOK)       469

Finck, Adrien, and others, eds, René Schickele aus neuer Sicht.
Beiträge zur deutsch-französischen Kultur (MARGARET ROGISTER)          519

Flieder, Laurent, Jean Tardieu ou la présence absente (ANDREW
ROTHWELL)                                                              459

Forestier, Georges, ed., Suréna, général des Parthes (Pierre
Corneille) (DAVID SHAW)                                                186

Forestier, Louis, ed., Maupassant et l'écriture: Actes du colloque de
Fécamp, 21-22-23 mai 1993 (DAVID BRYANT)                               771

Forker, Charles R., ed., Edward the Second, by Christopher Marlowe
(MARK ROBSON)                                                          978

Forsyth, Elliott, La Tragédie française de Jodelle à Corneille
(1553-1640), 2nd edn (DAVID SHAW)                                     1000

Franchetti, Anna Lia, Il Salotto e la Scena: Le forme della Commedia
galante da Corneille a Musset (ANNA PILETTI)                           179

Fraser, Robert, Proust and the Victorians: The Lamp of Memory (W. L.
HODSON)                                                               1018

Fredman, Stephen, The Grounding of American Poetry: Charles Olson and
the Emersonian Tradition (STEPHEN MATTERSON)                           164

Fromm, Hans, ed., Heinrich von Veldeke, Eneasroman. Die Berliner
Bilderhandschrift mit Übersetzung und Kommentar (D. H. GREEN)          494

Furbank, P. N., trans. and intr., `This Is not a Story' and Other
Stories, by Denis Diderot (MALCOLM COOK)                               761

Furness, Raymond, and Malcolm Humble, Introduction to German
Literature 1871-1990 (BRIAN KEITH-SMITH)                              1042

Furst, Lilian R., and Peter W. Graham, eds, Disorderly Eaters: Text
in Self-Empowerment (JO LABANYI)                                       725

Garavini, Fausta , Monstres et Chimères: Montaigne, le texte et le
fantasme, trans. by Isabel Picon (KEITH CAMERON)                       996

Garside, Peter, and Stephen Copley, eds, The Politics of the
Picturesque: Literature, Landscape and Aesthetics since 1770 (PETER
de VOOGD)                                                              984

Gärtner, Kurt, and others, Findebuch zum mittelhochdeutschen
Wortschatz. Mit einem rückläufigen Index (ELIZABETH A. ANDERSEN)      1030

Garton, Janet, Norwegian Women's Writing 1850-1990 (MARIE J. WELLS)   1048

Garvin, Barbara, ed., Del raddoppiamento da parola a parola, by
Claudio Tolomei (BRIAN RICHARDSON)                                     215

Gautier, Théophile, Correspondance générale, ed. by Claudine
Lacoste-Veysseyre, Pierre Laubriet, and others, Vol. IV: 1849-1851;
Vol. V: 1852-1853; Vol. VI: 1854-1857; Vol. VII: 1858-1861; Vol.
VIII: 1862-1864 (PETER WHYTE)                                         1015

Gearhart, Suzanne, The Interrupted Dialectic: Philosophy,
Psychoanalysis, and their Tragic Other (PHILIP THODY)                  176

Gelber, Mark, ed., The Jewish Reception of Heinrich Heine (ANTHONY
PHELAN)                                                                245

Geld, Isidore, Dictionary of Omissions for Russian Translators: With
Examples from Scientific Texts (JAMES HALLIDAY)                       1050

Génetiot, Alain, and Patrick Dandrey, eds, Actes du colloque `La
Fontaine de Château-Thierry à Vaux-le-Vicomte': Première partie: Les
Années de formation (Le Fablier: Revue des Amis de Jean de La
Fontaine, 5) (TERENCE ALLOTT)                                          751

Gentzler, Edwin, Contemporary Translation Theories (DEREK LEWIS)       400

Gerhardt, Christoph, and others, Findebuch zum mittelhochdeutschen
Wortschatz. Mit einem rückläufigen Index (ELIZABETH A. ANDERSEN)      1030

Gervais, David, Literary Englands: Versions of `Englishness' in
Modern Writing (PETER FAULKNER)                                        740

Giacchetti, Claudine, Maupassant: espaces du roman (CHRISTOPHER
LLOYD)                                                                 454

Gibbons, Brian, Shakespeare and Multiplicity (C. E. McGEE)             735

Gifford, Paul, and Brian Stimpson, eds, Paul Valéry: Musique,
Mystique, Mathématique (URSULA FRANKLIN)                               455

Gimenez, Raphaël, L'Espace de la douleur chez Loaisel de Tréogate,
1752-1812 (MALCOLM COOK)                                               449

Glad, John, ed., Conversations in Exile: Russian Writers Abroad
(HELEN L. TILLY)                                                       271

González, Aníbal, Journalism and the Development of Spanish American
Narrative (STEPHEN HENIGHAN)                                           483

González de Escandón, Blanca, trans., Mitologías: Don Juan.
Segismundo, by Maurice Molho (MARGARET A. REES)                        477

Goodall, Jane, Artaud and the Gnostic Drama (SARA POOLE)              1020

Goodkin, Richard E., trans., Proust Between Two Centuries, by Antoine
Compagnon (ROBIN MACKENZIE)                                            203

Gorman, Michael, trans. and ed., Manuscripts and Libraries in the Age
of Charlemagne, by Bernhard Bischoff (GLANVILLE PRICE)                 743

Görner, Rüdiger, ed., Heimat im Wort. Die Problematik eines Begriffs
im 19. und 20. Jahrhundert (ANDREA REITER)                             247

Graham, Peter W., and Lilian R. Furst, eds, Disorderly Eaters: Text
in Self-Empowerment (JO LABANYI)                                       725

Gras, Henk, Studies in Elizabethan Audience Response to the Theatre,
Part 1: How Easy Is a Bush Suppos'd a Bear? Actor and Character in
the Elizabethan Viewer's Mind (CAROLYN D. WILLIAMS)                    732

Gras, Henk, Studies in Elizabethan Audience Response to the Theatre,
Part 2: As I Am a Man: Aspects of the Presentation and Audience
Perception of the Elizabethan Female Page (KATHLEEN McLUSKIE)          138

Gray, Margaret E., Postmodern Proust (W. L. HODSON)                    205

Green, Martin, Wriothesley's Roses: In Shakespeare's Sonnets, Poems
and Plays (ROBERT F. FLEISSNER)                                        736

Grenzler, Thomas, Erotisierte Politik - Politisierte Erotik? Die
politisch-ständische Begründung der Ehe-Minne in Wolframs Willehalm,
im Nibelungenlied und in der Kudrun (MARION E. GIBBS)                  499

Grimm, Gunter E., and Frank Rainer Max, eds, Deutsche Dichter. Leben
und Werk deutschsprachiger Autoren vom Mittelalter bis zur Gegenwart.
Durchgesehene und aktualisierte Auswahlausgabe (OSMAN DURRANI)        1032

Grimm, Jürgen, Molière en son temps, revised edn, trans. by Béatrice
Naudet and François Londeix (STEPHEN BAMFORTH)                         752

Gruenter, Rainer, Tristan-Studien, ed. by Wolfgang Adam (D. H. GREEN)  790

Günther, Renate, Duras: Le Ravissement de Lol V. Stein and L'Amant
(LESLIE HILL)                                                          773

Haage, Bernhard Dietrich, Studien zur Heilkunde im Parzival Wolframs
von Eschenbach (D. N. YEANDLE)                                         502

Haase, Ingeborg, and others, eds, Dramen, 10 (Vol. XII of Hugo von
Hofmannsthal: Sämtliche Werke. Kritische Ausgabe (gen. eds Rudolf
Hirsch and others)) (W. E. YATES)                                      516

Habib, Imtiaz, Shakespeare's Pluralistic Concepts of Character: A
Study in Dramatic Anamorphism (C. E. McGEE)                            735

Haezewindt, Bernard P. R., Guy de Maupassant: De l'anecdote au conte
littéraire (DAVID BRYANT)                                              771

Haffenden, John, ed., William Empson: Essays on Renaissance
Literature, Vol. 1: Donne and the New Philosophy (JOHN LUCAS)          142

Hagenlocher, Albrecht, Der guote vride. Idealer Friede in deutscher
Literatur bis ins frühe 14. Jahrhundert (D. H. GREEN)                  489

Haida, Peter, and Jürgen Hein, eds, Der Talisman (Stücke 17/1 of
Johann Nestroy: Sämtliche Werke. Historisch-kritische Ausgabe (gen.
eds Jürgen Hein and Johann Hüttner)) (HERBERT HERZMANN)                802

Hall, Stuart, intr., Carnival, Hysteria, and Writing: Collected
Essays and Autobiography, by Allon White (JEREMY TAMBLING)             170

Haltmeier, Roland, and others, eds, Dramen, 10 (Vol. XII of Hugo von
Hofmannsthal: Sämtliche Werke. Kritische Ausgabe (gen. eds Rudolf
Hirsch and others)) (W. E. YATES)                                      516

Happé, Peter, ed., The Devil is an Ass, by Ben Jonson (BRIAN
WOOLLAND)                                                              982

Hardy, Alexandre, Didon se sacrifiant, ed. by Alan Howe (TERENCE
ALLOTT)                                                                751

Härle, Gerhard, ed., `Heimsuchung und süßes Gift'. Erotik und Poetik
bei Thomas Mann (HINRICH SIEFKEN)                                      255

Harney, Michael, Kinship and Polity in the Poema de Mio Cid (MILIJA
N. PAVLOVIC)                                                          1023

Harpham, Geoffrey Galt, Getting it Right: Language, Literature and
Ethics (JOHN SCHAD)                                                    722

Harrison, Victoria, Elizabeth Bishop's Poetics of Intimacy (PAT
RIGHELATO)                                                             165

Harsdörffer, Georg Philipp, Ars Apophthegmatica. Das ist:
Kunstquellen Denkwürdiger Lehrsprüche und Ergötzlicher Hofreden
(repr. of Nuremberg edn, 1655), 2 vols, ed. and intr. by Georg
Braungart (W. A. COUPE)                                                233

Hart, Stephen M., White Ink: Essays on Twentieth-Century Feminine
Fiction in Spain and Latin America (LILIT Z. THWAITES)                 784

Harth, Erica, Cartesian Women: Versions and Subversions of Rational
Discourse in the Old Regime (JEAN H. BLOCH)                            185

Hein, Jürgen, and Johann Hüttner, eds, Johann Nestroy: Sämtliche
Werke. Historisch-kritische Ausgabe, Stücke 17/1: Der Talisman, ed.
by Jürgen Hein and Peter Haida (HERBERT HERZMANN)                      802

Heinze, Denise, The Dilemma of `Double-Consciousness': Toni
Morrison's Novels (CHRISTINE MACLEOD)                                  429

Hemming, T. D., ed., La Chanson de Roland, The Text of Frederick
Whitehead (PHILIP E. BENNETT)                                          994

Hemmings, F. W. J., The Theatre Industry in Nineteenth-Century France
(D. HILLERY)                                                           762

Henkle, Roger B., and Robert M. Polhemus, eds, Critical
Reconstructions: The Relationship of Fiction and Life (PAUL
SMETHURST)                                                             987

[Herzog-August-Bibliothek], Überlieferung und Kritik: Zwanzig Jahre
Barockforschung in der Herzog-August-Bibliothek (R. T. LLEWELLYN)      503

Heylen, Romy, Translation, Poetics, and the Stage: Six French Hamlets
(CLAUDE SCHUMACHER)                                                    431

Higgins, Ian, trans. and ed., Piranesi, by Pierre Seghers (MARTIN
SORRELL)                                                               463

Hill, Leslie, Marguerite Duras: Apocalyptic Desires (CATHERINE
RODGERS)                                                               465

Hill, Ordelle G., The Manor, the Plowman, and the Shepherd: Agrarian
Themes and Imagery in Late Medieval and Early Renaissance English
Literature (PRISCILLA MARTIN)                                          731

Hillery, David, ed., Lamartine: The Méditations poétiques (CERI
CROSSLEY)                                                              451

Hinz, Manfred, Rhetorische Strategien des Hofmannes: Studien zu den
italianieschen Hofmannstraktaten des 16- und 17-Jahrhunderts (CESARE
MOZZARELLI)                                                            776

Hirsch, Rudolf, and others, eds, Hugo von Hofmannsthal: Sämtliche
Werke. Kritische Ausgabe, Vol. XII: Dramen, 10, ed. by Martin Stern
and others (W. E. YATES)                                               516

Hodgkins, Christopher, Authority, Church, and Society in George
Herbert: Return to the Middle Way (RICHARD TODD)                       145

Hoenselaars, A. J., Images of Englishmen and Foreigners in the Drama
of Shakespeare and his Contemporaries: A Study in Stage Characters
and National Identity in English Renaissance Drama (LORAINE FLETCHER)  140

Hofmannsthal, Hugo von, Sämtliche Werke. Kritische Ausgabe, ed. by
Rudolf Hirsch and others, Vol. XII: Dramen, 10, ed. by Martin Stern
and others (W. E. YATES)                                               516

Hogendoorn, Wiebe, and George W. Brandt, comps, German and Dutch
Theatre, 1600-1848 (PETER SKRINE)                                      506

Hollerbach, Wolf, The Syntax of Contemporary French: A Pedagogical
Handbook and Reference Grammar (GLANVILLE PRICE)                       991

Hollis, Stephanie, and others, Old English Prose of Secular Learning
(Vol. IV of Annotated Bibliographies of Old and Middle English
Literatures (gen. ed. T. L. Burton)) (T. A. SHIPPEY)                   402

Holquist, Michael, and Vadim Liapunov, eds, , Toward a Philosophy of
the Act, by M. M. Bakhtin, trans. by Vadim Liapunov (DAVID SHEPHERD)   813

Hope, Jonathan, The Authorship of Shakespeare's Plays: A
Socio-Linguistic Study (MacD. P. JACKSON)                              979

Hopster, Norbert, and Petra Josting, Literaturlenkung im `Dritten
Reich' (RAYMOND FURNESS)                                               808

Horch, Hans Otto, and Horst Denkler, eds, Conditio Judaica. Judentum,
Antisemitismus und deutschsprachige Literatur vom Ersten Weltkrieg
bis 1933/1938, Dritter Teil (ANDREA REITER)                            522

Horch, Hans Otto, and Itta Shedletzky, eds, Deutsch-jüdisches Exil
und Emigrationsliteratur im 20. Jahrhundert (J. M. RITCHIE)            808

Horne, P. H., and others, eds, Gabriele Rossetti: Carteggi, Vol. III
(LUIGI POLO FRIZ)                                                      777

Horton, Andrew, and Michael Brashinsky, eds, Russians Critics on the
Cinema of Glasnost (RICHARD TAYLOR)                                   1055

Hotzenköcherle, Rudolf, and others, eds, Sprachatlas der deutschen
Schweiz, Vol. VII: Wortgeographie IV: Haus und Hof, by Rudolf Trüb
and others (R. E. KELLER)                                             1029

Howard, Jean E., The Stage and Social Struggle in Early Modern
England (CAROLYN D. WILLIAMS)                                          732

Howe, Alan, ed., Didon se sacrifiant, by Alexandre Hardy (TERENCE
ALLOTT)                                                                751

Howells, Christina, ed., The Cambridge Companion to Sartre (PHILIP
THODY)                                                                 460

Hubenschmid, Markus, Genus und Kasus der russischen Substantive
(MICHAEL KIRKWOOD)                                                     530

Huber, Martin, Text und Musik. Musikalische Zeichen im narrativen und
ideologischen Funktionzusammenhang ausgewählter Erzähltexte des 20.
Jahrhunderts (R. T. LLEWELLYN)                                         252

Humble, Malcolm, and Raymond Furness, Introduction to German
Literature 1871-1990 (BRIAN KEITH-SMITH)                              1042

Hutchison, Ross, Locke in France, 1688-1734 (JOHN RENWICK)             192

Hutner, Heidi, ed., Rereading Aphra Behn: History, Theory, and
Criticism (CAROLYN D. WILLIAMS)                                        147

Hüttner, Johann, and Jürgen Hein, eds, Johann Nestroy: Sämtliche
Werke. Historisch-kritische Ausgabe, Stücke 17/1: Der Talisman, ed.
by Jürgen Hein and Peter Haida (HERBERT HERZMANN)                      802

Irwin, John T., The Mystery to a Solution: Poe, Borges, and the
Analytic Detective Story (JOHN MOWAT)                                  427

Isella, Dante, ed., Romanzi e racconti, by Beppe Fenoglio (PHILIP
COOKE)                                                                 219

Jackson, Susan K., Rousseau's Occasional Autobiographies (JUDITH
STILL)                                                                 757

Jaehrling, Jürgen, and others, Findebuch zum mittelhochdeutschen
Wortschatz. Mit einem rückläufigen Index (ELIZABETH A. ANDERSEN)      1032

Jain, Manju, T. S. Eliot and American Philosophy: The Harvard Years
(ROBERT CRAWFORD)                                                      163

Jansohn, Christa, ed., Shakespeares Sonette in der Übersetzung
Dorothea Tiecks (ROGER PAULIN)                                        1041

Johnson, Christopher, System and Writing in the Philosophy of Jacques
Derrida (SÉAN HAND)                                                    774

Jolly, Roslyn, Henry James: History, Narrative, Fiction (TAMARA
FOLLINI)                                                               425

Jones, Malcom V., ed., Dostoevsky and the Twentieth Century: The
Ljubljana Papers (W. J. LEATHERBARROW)                                 815

Jones, Martin H., and Roy Wisbey, eds, Chrétien de Troyes and the
German Middle Ages: Papers from an International Symposium (D. H.
GREEN)                                                                 491

Jöns, Dietrich, ed., Die betrübte Pegnesis (W. A. COUPE)               233

Jonson, Ben, The Devil is an Ass, ed. by Peter Happé (BRIAN WOOLLAND)  982

Jory, David H., ed., Oreste; Dissertations sur les principales
tragédies anciennes et modernes qui ont paru sur le sujet d'Electre
et en particulier sur celle de Sophocles (in Vol. XXIA of The
Complete Works of Voltaire/åuvres complètes de Voltaire (gen. eds
William Barber, Ulla Kölving, and others)) (CHRISTOPHER TODD)          195

Josting, Petra, and Norbert Hopster, Literaturlenkung im `Dritten
Reich' (RAYMOND FURNESS)                                               808

Joyce, Douglas A., Hugo von Hofmannsthal's Der Schwierige: A
Fifty-Year Theater History (W. E. YATES)                               516

Juan, Rachel, Le Thème de l'évasion dans le théâtre de Jean Anouilh
(JOHN ROTHENBERG)                                                      464

Julia, Dominique, postscr., Le Collège de Riom et l'enseignement
oratorien en France au XVIIIe siècle (Colloqium, Riom, 28-30 March
1991), ed. by Jean Ehrard (CHRISTOPHER TODD)                           442

Kaulbach, Ernest, Imaginative Prophecy in the B-Text of Piers Plowman
(KATHRYN KERBY-FULTON)                                                 728

Kavanagh, Thomas M., Enlightenment and the Shadows of Chance: The
Novel and the Culture of Gambling in Eighteenth-Century France (ROBIN
HOWELLS)                                                               443

Keith-Smith, Brian, ed., German Women Writers, 1900-1933: Twelve
Essays (HAMISH RITCHIE)                                               1043

Kelly, Catriona, A History of Russian Women's Writing, 1820-1992
(OL'GA DEMIDOVA)                                                       541

Kelly, Douglas, The Art of Medieval French Romance (LESLIE C. BROOK)   180

Kelly, Douglas, Medieval French Romance (LESLIE C. BROOK)              180

Kennedy, Dennis, Looking at Shakespeare: A Visual History of
Twentieth-Century Performance (DAVID DANIELL)                          141

Kennedy, Dennis, ed., Foreign Shakespeare: Contemporary Performance
(CHRISTINE DYMKOWSKI)                                                  411

Kerr, Douglas, Wilfred Owen's Voices: Language and Community (ADRIAN
CAESAR)                                                                157

Ketelsen, Uwe-K., Literatur und Drittes Reich (D. G. BOND)             260

Kiernander, Adrian, Ariane Mnouchkine and the Théâtre du Soleil
(DAVID BRADBY)                                                         465

Killick, Rachel, Victor Hugo: Notre-Dame de Paris (MONICA NURNBERG)   1012

Kingcaid, Renée A., Neurosis and Narrative: The Decadent Short
Fiction of Proust, Lorrain and Rachilde (ROBIN MACKENZIE)              203

Kistler, Renate, Heinrich von Veldeke und Ovid (D. H. GREEN)          1033

Kiwit, Wolfram, `Sehnsucht nach meinem Roman': Arthur Schnitzler als
Romancier (J. M. HAWES)                                                253

Klein, Nancy Deighton, The Female Protagonist in the Nouvelles of
Madame de Villedieu (DAVID SHAW)                                       186

Knape, Joachim, Dichtung, Recht, und Freiheit. Studien zu Leben und
Werk Sebastian Brants 1457-1521 (JOHN L. FLOOD)                        231

Knights, Ben, From Reader to Reader: Theory, Text, and Practice in
the Study Group (JOSEPH NATOLI)                                        122

Kohpeiss, Ralph, Der historische Roman der Gegenwart in der
Bundesrepublik Deutschland: Ästhetische Konzeption und
Wirkungsintention (OSMAN DURRANI)                                      805

Kölving Ulla, William Barber, and others, eds, The Complete Works of
Voltaire/åuvres complètes de Voltaire, Vol. XV: Éléments de la
philosophie de Newton, ed. by Robert L. Walters and W. H. Barber (E.
D. JAMES)                                                             1005

Kölving, Ulla, William Barber, and others, eds, The Complete Works of
Voltaire/åuvres complètes de Voltaire, Vol. XXIA: Rome sauvée, ou
Catilina, ed. by Paul LeClerc; Oreste, ed. by David H. Jory;
Dissertations sur les principales tragédies anciennes et modernes qui
ont paru sur le sujet d'Electre et en particulier sur celle de
Sophocles, ed. by David H. Jory (CHRISTOPHER TODD)                     195

König, Christoph, and Eberhard Lämmert, eds, Literaturwissenschaft
und Geistesgeschichte 1910 bis 1925 (ANTHONY PHELAN)                   514

Konstantin, Kustanovich, The Artist and the Tyrant: Vassily Aksenov's
Works in the Brezhnev Era (ARNOLD McMILLIN)                            269

Korhammer, Michael, and others, eds, Words, Texts, and Manuscripts:
Studies in Anglo-Saxon Culture. Presented to Helmut Gneuss on the
Occasion of his Sixty-Fifth Birthday (RICHARD NORTH)                   130

Kowalik, Jill Anne, The Poetics of Historical Perspectivism:
Breitinger's Critische Dichtkunst and the Neoclassic Tradition
(RÜDIGER GÖRNER)                                                       234

Kowallik, Sabine, and Johannes Kramer, Das Französische in
Deutschland. Eine Einführung (PETER SCHLÄUBLIN)                        226

Kramer, Johannes, and Sabine Kowallik, Das Französische in
Deutschland. Eine Einführung (PETER SCHLÄUBLIN)                        226

Krobb, Florian, Die schöne Jüdin. Jüdische Frauengestalten in der
deutschsprachigen Erzählliteratur vom 17. Jahrhundert bis zum Ersten
Weltkrieg (RITCHIE ROBERTSON)                                          507

Kundert-Gibbs, John L., and Katherine H. Burkman, eds, Pinter at
Sixty (RONALD KNOWLES)                                                 737

La Charité, Virginia A., Twentieth-Century French Avant-Garde Poetry,
1907-1990 (ANDREW ROTHWELL)                                            209

Lacoste-Veysseyre, Claudine, Pierre Laubriet, and others, eds,
Théophile Gautier: Correspondance générale, Vol. IV: 1849-1851; Vol.
V: 1852-1853; Vol. VI: 1854-1857; Vol. VII: 1858-1861; Vol. VIII:
1862-1864 (PETER WHYTE)                                               1015

Lafon, Henri, Les Décors et les choses dans le roman français du
dix-huitième siècle de Prévost à Sade (THOMAS DiPIERO)                 193

Laing, Margaret, Catalogue of Sources for a Linguistic Atlas of Early
Medieval English (J. D. BURNLEY)                                       136

Lalande, Denis, and Thierry Delcourt, eds, Le Roman de Tristan en
prose, Vol. V (gen. ed. Philippe Ménard) (EVELYN MULLALLY)             181

L'Aminot, Tanguy, Images de Jean-Jacques Rousseau de 1912 à 1978
(JEAN BLOCH)                                                           760

Lämmert, Eberhard, and Christoph König, eds, Literaturwissenschaft
und Geistesgeschichte 1910 bis 1925 (ANTHONY PHELAN)                   514

Lancaster, Rosemary, La Poésie éclateé de René Char (ANDREW ROTHWELL) 1020

Largier, Niklaus, ed., Meister Eckhart. Werke, 2 vols (D. H. GREEN)    792

Larnaudie, Suzanne, Paul Valéry et la Grèce (PAUL GIFFORD)             206

Laronde, Michel, Autour du roman beur: immigration et identité (ALEC
G. HARGREAVES)                                                         466

Larrington, Carolyne, A Store of Common Sense: Gnomic Theme and Style
in Old Icelandic and Old English Wisdom Poetry (T. A. SHIPPEY)         402

Laubriet, Pierre, Claudine Lacoste-Veysseyre, and others, eds,
Théophile Gautier: Correspondance générale, Vol. IV: 1849-1851; Vol.
V: 1852-1853; Vol. VI: 1854-1857; Vol. VII: 1858-1861; Vol. VIII:
1862-1864 (PETER WHYTE)                                               1015

Lawton, David, Blasphemy (JEREMY TAMBLING)                             123

Lebrun, Richard A., trans. and ed., Joseph de Maistre: Considerations
on France, intr. by Isaiah Berlin (CERI CROSSLEY)                     1010

LeClerc, Paul, ed., Rome sauvée, ou Catilina (in Vol. XXIA of The
Complete Works of Voltaire/åuvres complètes de Voltaire (gen. eds
William Barber, Ulla Kölving, and others)) (CHRISTOPHER TODD)          195

Lehnert, Herbert, and Eva Wessell, Nihilismus der
Menschenfreundlichkeit. Thomas Manns `Wandlung' und sein Essay
`Goethe und Tolstoi' (HINRICH SIEFKEN)                                 255

Lethbridge, Robert, and Christopher Lloyd, eds, Maupassant conteur er
romancier (P. W. M. COGMAN)                                            770

Levi, Anthony, Guide to French Literature (DEREK F. CONNON)            173

Levi, Jan Heller, ed., A Muriel Rukeyser Reader, intr. by Adrienne
Rich (RICHARD GRAY)                                                    990

Levin, Saul, and others, trans, Letters of Old Age: Rerum senilium
libri I-XVIII, by Francis Petrarch (PETER HAINSWORTH)                  212

Levin, Yu. D., The Perception of English Literature in Russia:
Investigations and Materials, trans. by Catherine Phillips (W. GARETH
JONES)                                                                 531

Liapunov, Vadim, trans. and ed., Toward a Philosophy of the Act, by
M. M. Bakhtin (DAVID SHEPHERD)                                         813

Lichtlé, Michel, ed., L'Année balzacienne, 1992 (TIM FARRANT)          766

Link, Franz, ed., Tanz und Tod in Kunst und Literatur (JOACHIM
WHALEY)                                                                484

Lipuma, Edward, and others, eds, Bourdieu: Critical Perspectives
(ANDREW BROWN)                                                        1023

Little, Roger, ed., Madame de Duras: Ourika (RICHARD BOLSTER)          451

Littler, Margaret, Alfred Andersch (1914-1980) and the Reception of
French Thought in the Federal Republic of Germany (STUART PARKES)      263

Lloyd, Christopher, and Robert Lethbridge, eds, Maupassant conteur er
romancier (P. W. M. COGMAN)                                            770

Lodge, R. Anthony, French: From Dialect to Standard (REBECCA POSNER)   742

Londeix, François, and Béatrice Naudet, trans, Molière en son temps,
by Jürgen Grimm, revised edn (STEPHEN BAMFORTH)                        752

Losse, Deborah N., Sampling the Book: Renaissance Prologues and the
French Conteurs (TREVOR PEACH)                                         746

Luongo, Salvatore, ed., Le redazioni C e D del Charroi de Nîmes
(PHILIP E. BENNETT)                                                    993

Lüsebrink, Hans-Jürgen, and Alexandre Mussard, eds, Avantages et
désavantages de la découverte de l'Amérique, Chastellux, Raynal et le
concours de l'Académie de Lyon (R. NIKLAUS)                           1009

Lutz, Bernd, ed., Metzler Autoren Lexikon. Deutschsprachige Dichter
und Schriftsteller vom Mittelalter bis zur Gegenwart. Zweite,
überarbeitete und erweiterte Auflage (OSMAN DURRANI)                  1032

Lyons, John D., and Mary B. McKinley, eds, Critical Tales: New
Studies of the Heptameron and Early Modern Culture (KEITH CAMERON)     748

McEachern, Jo-Ann E., Bibliography of the Writings of Jean-Jacques
Rousseau to 1800, Vol. I: Julie, ou la Nouvelle Héloïse (D. J. ADAMS)  447

McGaha, Michael D., and Frank P. Casa, eds, Editing the Comedia, II
(CAROLINE MONAHAN)                                                     476

McGowan, James, trans., Charles Baudelaire: The Flowers of Evil,
intr. by Jonathan Culler (C. E. J. DOLAMORE)                           452

McGowan, Moray, and Ricarda Schmidt, eds, From High Priests to
Desecrators: Contemporary Austrian Writers (J. H. REID)               1046

Mackenzie, David, and Ian Michael, eds, Hispanic Studies in Honour of
F. W. Hodcroft (LYNN WILLIAMS)                                         471

McKenzie, John R. P., Social Comedy in Austria and Germany 1890-1933
(JOHN WARREN)                                                          248

McKilligan, K. M., Mauriac: Le Núud de vipères (MALCOLM SCOTT)        1019

McKinley, Mary B., and John D. Lyons, eds, Critical Tales: New
Studies of the Heptameron and Early Modern Culture (KEITH CAMERON)     748

McMullan, Anna, Theatre on Trial: Samuel Beckett's Later Drama
(DEBORAH COTTREAU)                                                     168

Maier, Carol, and Noël Valis, eds, In the Feminine Mode: Essays on
Hispanic Women Writers (JO LABANYI)                                    473

Makin, Michael, Marina Tsvetaeva: Poetics of Appropriation (CATRIONA
KELLY)                                                                 539

Mann, Thomas, and Agnes E. Meyer, Briefwechsel 1937-1955, ed. by Hans
Rudolf Vaget (HINRICH SIEFKEN)                                         526

Mapp, Nigel, and Christopher Norris, eds, William Empson: The
Critical Achievement (JOHN LUCAS)                                      142

Maraschio, Nicoletta, ed., Trattati di fonetica del Cinquecento (T.
GWYNFOR GRIFFITH)                                                      214

Marlowe, Christopher, Edward the Second, ed. by Charles R. Forker
(MARK ROBSON)                                                          978

Martin, Daniel, L'Architecture des Essais de Montaigne: mémoire
artificielle et mythologie (DAVID MASKELL)                             183

Martin, Dieter, Das deutsche Versepos im 18. Jahrhundert. Studien und
kommentierte Gattungsbibliographie (K. F. HILLIARD)                   1037

Mason, H. T., ed., Studies on Voltaire and the Eighteenth Century,
308 (CHRISTOPHER TODD)                                                 441

Mason, H. T., ed., Studies on Voltaire and the Eighteenth Century,
311 (T. M. PRATT)                                                     1003

Mason, H. T., ed., Studies on Voltaire and the Eighteenth Century,
314 (DAVID WILLIAMS)                                                   754

Mason, H. T., ed., Transactions of the Eighth International Congress
on the Enlightenment/Actes du huitième congrès international des
Lumières, 3 vols (MALCOLM COOK)                                        755

Max, Frank Rainer, and Gunter E. Grimm, eds, Deutsche Dichter. Leben
und Werk deutschsprachiger Autoren vom Mittelalter bis zur Gegenwart.
Durchgesehene und aktualisierte Auswahlausgabe (OSMAN DURRANI)        1032

Mayer, Mathias, Hugo von Hofmannsthal (W. E. YATES)                    518

Ménard, Philippe, gen. ed., Le Roman de Tristan en prose, Vol. V, ed.
by Denis Lalande and Thierry Delcourt (EVELYN MULLALLY)                181

Ménard, Philippe, gen. ed., Le Roman de Tristan en prose, Vol. VI: Du
séjour des amants à la Joyeuse Garde jusqu'aux premières aventures de
la Queste du Graal, ed. by Emmanuèle Baumgartner and Michèle Szkilnik
(PHILIP E. BENNETT)                                                    995

Mertens, Volker, and Friedrich Wolfzettel, eds, Fiktionalität im
Artusroman (D. H. GREEN)                                               788

Merzbacher, Dieter, and Klaus Conermann, eds, Die Deutsche Akademie
des 17. Jahrhunderts Fruchtbringende Gesellschaft, Reihe 1, Kritische
Ausgabe der Briefe, Beilagen und Akademiearbeiten, Abt. A. Köthen,
Vol. I: Briefe der Fruchtbringenden Gesellschaft und Beilagen: Die
Zeit Fürst Ludwigs von Anhalt-Köthen 1617-1650. Erster Band 1617-1626
(ANTHONY J. HARPER)                                                    503

Meyer, Agnes E., and Thomas Mann, Briefwechsel 1937-1955, ed. by Hans
Rudolf Vaget (HINRICH SIEFKEN)                                         526

Michael, Ian, and David Mackenzie, eds, Hispanic Studies in Honour of
F. W. Hodcroft (LYNN WILLIAMS)                                         471

Michie, Elsie B., Outside the Pale: Cultural Exclusion, Gender
Difference, and the Victorian Woman Writer (CATHERINE MAXWELL)         152

Mickel, Emmanuel J., Jr, ed., The Shaping of the Text: Style,
Imagery, and Structure in French Literature: Essays in Honor of John
Porter Houston (RACHEL KILLICK)                                        175

Miernowski, Jan, Dialectique et connaissance dans La Sepmaine de Du
Bartas: `Discours sur discours infiniment divers' (STEPHEN BAMFORTH)   750

Miles, Patrick, ed., Chekhov on the British Stage (NATAL'IA
SOLOV'EVA)                                                             537

Miller, Stephen, and Brian J. Dendle, eds, Estudios sobre Armando
Palacio Valdés (ANTHONY H. CLARKE)                                     782

Mills, Gwynneth M. D., and others, Old English Prose of Secular
Learning (Vol. IV of Annotated Bibliographies of Old and Middle
English Literatures (gen. ed. T. L. Burton)) (T. A. SHIPPEY)           402

Miralles, Carles, Sobre Foix (JUAN ANTONIO MASOLIVER)                 1027

Misurella, Fred, Understanding Milan Kundera: Public Events, Private
Affairs (ROBERT THOMAS)                                                272

Molho, Maurice, Mitologías: Don Juan. Segismundo, trans. by Blanca
González de Escandón (MARGARET A. REES)                                477

Montandon, Alain, ed., Étiquette et politesse (PETER FRANCE)           174

Moureau, François, ed., De bonne main: La communication manuscrite au
XVIIIe siècle (CHRISTOPHER TODD)                                       756

Müller, Dieter, Discours réaliste et discours satirique: l'écriture
dans les romans politiques de Marcel Aymé (CHRISTOPHER LLOYD)          458

Müller, Ulrich, and Werner Wunderlich, eds, `Waz sider da geschach':
American-German Studies on the Nibelungenlied: Text and Reception
with Bibliography 1980-1990/91 (NEIL THOMAS)                           229

Mulryne, J. R., and Margaret Shewring, eds, Theatre and Government
under the Early Stuarts (JOHN D. COX)                                  144

Murphy, Peter T., Poetry as an Occupation and an Art in Britain:
1760-1830 (ALLAN INGRAM)                                               151

Murphy, Steve, ed., Revue Verlaine, 1 (D. HILLERY)                     769

Mussard, Alexandre, and Hans-Jürgen Lüsebrink, eds, Avantages et
désavantages de la découverte de l'Amérique, Chastellux, Raynal et le
concours de l'Académie de Lyon (R. NIKLAUS)                           1009

Naess, Harald S., ed., A History of Norwegian Literature (Vol. II of
A History of Scandinavian Literature (gen. ed. Sven H. Rossel))
(MARIE J. WELLS)                                                      1047

Naudet, Béatrice, and François Londeix, trans, Molière en son temps,
by Jürgen Grimm, revised edn (STEPHEN BAMFORTH)                        752

Nestroy, Johann, Sämtliche Werke. Historisch-kritische Ausgabe, ed.
by Jürgen Hein and Johann Hüttner, Stücke 17/1: Der Talisman, ed. by
Jürgen Hein and Peter Haida (HERBERT HERZMANN)                         802

Newton, Sam, The Origins of Beowulf and the Pre-Viking Kingdom of
East Anglia (RAYMOND P. TRIPP, Jr)                                     132

Nicholson, Colin, Writing and the Rise of Finance: Capital Satires of
the Early Eighteenth Century (BREAN S. HAMMOND)                        982

Noe, Alfred, Der Einfluß des italienischen Humanismus auf die
deutsche Literatur vor 1600: Ergebnisse jüngerer Forschung und ihre
Perspektiven (HELEN WATANABE-O'KELLY)                                  795

Norris, Christopher, and Nigel Mapp, eds, William Empson: The
Critical Achievement (JOHN LUCAS)                                      142

Novy, Marianne, ed., Cross-Cultural Performances: Differences in
Women's Re-Visions of Shakespeare (LORAINE FLETCHER)                   410

Nuttall, A. D., Openings: Narrative Beginnings from the Epic to the
Novel (JEREMY TAMBLING)                                                120

O'Grady, Deirdre, The Last Troubadours: Poetic Drama in Italian Opera
1597-1887 (BOJAN BUJIC)                                                218

Okken, Lambertus, Kommentar zur Artusepik Hartmanns von Aue (D. H.
GREEN)                                                                 495

O'Neill, Michael, ed., Percy Bysshe Shelley (Durham University
Journal, 85.2 (July 1993), special issue) (TIM FULFORD)                419

Pakenham, Michael, ed., Mémoires de ma vie, by Ex-Madame Paul
Verlaine (RACHEL KILLICK)                                              454

Pape, Walter, ed., 1870-71 - 1989-90: German Unifications and the
Change of Literary Discourse (JOACHIM WHALEY)                          804

Parish, Richard, Racine: The Limits of Tragedy (JOHN CAMPBELL)         440

Parker, Gabrielle, and James A. Coleman, eds, French and the
Enterprise Path: Developing Transferable and Professional Skills
(DAVID PLATTEN)                                                        171

Parthé, Kathleen F., Russian Village Prose: The Radiant Past (DAVID
GILLESPIE)                                                             542

Paster, Gail Kern, The Body Embarrassed: Drama and the Disciplines of
Shame in Early Modern England (KATHLEEN McLUSKIE)                      138

Paterson, Linda M., The World of the Troubadors: Medieval Occitan
Society, c. 1100-1300 (MICHAEL J. ROUTLEDGE)                           434

Peace, Richard, Dostoevsky's Notes from Underground (LIDDY CROFT)      535

Peacock, Noël, Molière in Scotland 1945-1990 (DAVID SHAW)              189

Pedder, Adrienne, and others, Old English Prose of Secular Learning
(Vol. IV of Annotated Bibliographies of Old and Middle English
Literatures (gen. ed. T. L. Burton)) (T. A. SHIPPEY)                   402

Penuel, Arnold M., Intertextuality in García Márquez (ANNY BROOKSBANK
JONES)                                                                 225

Perkins, David, Is Literary History Possible? (JEREMY TAMBLING)        120

Petrarch, Francis, Letters of Old Age: Rerum senilium libri I-XVIII,
trans. by Aldo S. Bernardo and others (PETER HAINSWORTH)               212

Petrie, Jennifer, and John C. Barnes, eds, Word and Drama in Dante:
Essays on the Divina Commedia (MARK BALFOUR)                           467

Phelan, Anthony, Rilke: Neue Gedichte (JOHN SANDFORD)                  253

Phillips, Catherine, trans., The Perception of English Literature in
Russia: Investigations and Materials, by Yu. D. Levin (W. GARETH
JONES)                                                                 531

Pickens, Rupert T., ed., Studies in Honor of Hans-Erich Keller:
Medieval French and Occitan Literature and Romance Linguistics
(PHILIP E. BENNETT)                                                    433

Picon, Isabel, trans., Monstres et Chimères: Montaigne, le texte et
le fantasme, by Fausta Garavini (KEITH CAMERON)                        996

Pierrot, Jean, Francis Ponge (IAN HIGGINS)                             457

Piva, Franco, ed., Catherine Bernard: åuvres, Vol. I: Romans et
nouvelles (MARTIN HALL)                                               1002

Plate, Ralf, and others, Findebuch zum mittelhochdeutschen
Wortschatz. Mit einem rückläufigen Index (ELIZABETH A. ANDERSEN)      1030

Poirier, Germain, Corneille témoin de son temps, II: Le Cid (1636)
(DAVID CLARKE)                                                        1001

Polhemus, Robert M., and Roger B. Henkle, eds, Critical
Reconstructions: The Relationship of Fiction and Life (PAUL
SMETHURST)                                                             987

Polowetsky, Michael, A Bond Never Broken: The Relations between
Napoleon and the Authors of France (CHRISTOPHER SMITH)                 449

Popkin, Cathy, The Pragmatics of Insignificance: Chekhov, Zoshchenko,
Gogol (JAMES WOODWARD)                                                 536

Postone, Moishe, and others, eds, Bourdieu: Critical Perspectives
(ANDREW BROWN)                                                        1023

Pot, Olivier, L'Inquiétante étrangeté: Montaigne: la pierre, le
cannibale, la mélancolie (KEITH CAMERON)                               749

Poulet-Malassis (foreword), Point de Lendemain, by Vivant Denon,
historical note by Anatole France (MALCOLM COOK)                       448

Powell, David, ed., George Sand Today: Proceedings of the Eighth
International George Sand Conference, Tours 1989 (EDITH McCORMACK)     199

Powrie, Phil, ed., Les Mots pour le dire, by Marie Cardinal (CARYS
OWEN)                                                                  774

Pyrhönen, Heta, Murder from an Academic Angle: An Introduction to the
Study of the Detective Narrative (JOHN MOWAT)                          988

Queirazza, Giuliano Gasca, ed., Atti del Secondo Congresso
Internazionale della Association Internazionale d'Études Occitanes
(Torino, 31 agosto-5 settembre 1987), 2 vols (MICHAEL J. ROUTLEDGE)    742

Quint, David, Epic and Empire: Politics and Generic Form from Virgil
to Milton (ALASTAIR FOWLER)                                            126

Raitt, Alan, ed., L'Eve future, by Villiers de l'Isle-Adam (RENZO
SCARCELLA)                                                             201

Redman, Harry, Jr, Major French Critics of Milton of the Nineteenth
Century (CERI CROSSLEY)                                               1011

Reeves, Nigel, Heinrich Heine: Poetry and Politics, 2nd edn (RITCHIE
ROBERTSON)                                                             801

Reichl, Karl, and others, eds, Words, Texts, and Manuscripts: Studies
in Anglo-Saxon Culture. Presented to Helmut Gneuss on the Occasion of
his Sixty-Fifth Birthday (RICHARD NORTH)                               130

Reichstein, Reinhard, Imagination in Gérard de Nervals Erzählerischem
Werk (PETER WHYTE)                                                    1014

Reid, James H., Narration and Description in the French Realist
Novel: The Temporality of Lying and Forgetting (P. M. WETHERILL)       764

Reiman, Donald H., The Study of Modern Manuscripts: Public,
Confidential, and Private (LYNETTE HUNTER)                             169

Reiss, Timothy J., The Meaning of Literature (JEREMY TAMBLING)         120

Reynolds, Michael, Hemingway: The American Homecoming (LIONEL KELLY)   162

Rheinsberg, Anna, Wie bunt entfaltet sich mein Anderssein.
Lyrikerinnen der zwanziger Jahre. Gedichte und Portraits (BRIAN
KEITH-SMITH)                                                           521

Ribbans, Geoffrey, History and Fiction in Galdós's Narratives
(STEPHEN MILLER)                                                       478

Rich, Adrienne, intr., A Muriel Rukeyser Reader, ed. by Jan Heller
Levi (RICHARD GRAY)                                                    990

Richards, Earl Jeffrey, and others, eds, Reinterpreting Christine de
Pizan (ROSALIND BROWN-GRANT)                                           747

Riordan, Colin, ed., Vati, by Peter Schneider (RODNEY LIVINGSTONE)     529

Ritter, Alexander, and others, eds, René Schickele aus neuer Sicht.
Beiträge zur deutsch-französischen Kultur (MARGARET ROGISTER)          519

Robb, Graham, Balzac (MICHAEL TILBY)                                  1013

Robertson, Ritchie, sel. and intr., Heinrich Heine: Poems (PETER
BRANSCOMBE)                                                            801

Robinson, Fred C., `The Tomb of Beowulf' and Other Essays on Old
English (RAYMOND P. TRIPP, JR)                                         128

Robinson, Roger, ed., Katherine Mansfield: In from the Margin (CLARE
HANSON)                                                                989

Roche-Mahdi, Sarah, ed. and trans., Silence: A Thirteenth-Century
French Romance (ROSALIND BROWN-GRANT)                                  995

Röll, Walter, and others, Findebuch zum mittelhochdeutschen
Wortschatz. Mit einem rückläufigen Index (ELIZABETH A. ANDERSEN)      1030

Romer, Stephen, and others, trans, Selected Poems, by Jacques Dupin,
sel. by Paul Auster, intr. by Mary Ann Caws (ANDREW ROTHWELL)          211

Ronzeaud, Pierre, and Roger Duchêne, eds, Ordre et contestation au
temps des classiques: Actes du 21e colloque du Centre Méridional de
Rencontres sur le XVIIe siècle jumelé avec le 23e colloque de la
North American Society for Seventeenth Century French Literature
(Marseille, 19-23 juin 1991), 2 vols (C. J. GOSSIP)                    997

Rooney, Anne, Hunting in Middle English Literature (DEBORAH M.
SABADASH)                                                              134

Rosellini, Jay, Wolf Biermann (R. S. LIVINGSTONE)                      266

Rosenberg, Aubrey, ed., Simon Tyssot de Patot: Voyages et avantures
de Jacques Massé (CHRISTOPHER TODD)                                    756

Rosi, Ivanna, L'immagine in trasparenza: Mito, techne, natura in
Villiers de l'Isle-Adam (RENZO SCARCELLA)                              201

Rossel, Sven H., ed., A History of Scandinavian Literature, Vol. II:
A History of Norwegian Literature, ed. by Harald S. Naess (MARIE J.
WELLS)                                                                1047

Rossetti, Gabriele, Carteggi, Vol. III, ed. by Alfonso Caprio and
others (LUIGI POLO FRIZ)                                               777

Rouse, Mary A., and Richard H. Rouse, Authentic Witnesses: Approaches
to Medieval Texts and Manuscripts (TERESA WEBBER)                      399

Rubin, David Lee, ed., Continuum: Problems in French Literature from
the Late Renaissance to the Early Enlightenment, Vol. IV: Libertinage
and the Art of Writing 2 (TERENCE ALLOTT)                              178

Rubin, David Lee, ed., Sun King: The Ascendancy of French Culture
during the Reign of Louis XIV (ELIZABETH WOODROUGH)                    190

Rudanko, Juhani, Pragmatic Approaches to Shakespeare: Essays on
Othello, Coriolanus and Timon of Athens (C. E. McGEE)                  735

Russell, Terence M., with Anne-Marie Ashworth, Architecture in the
Encyclopédie of Diderot and d'Alembert: The Letterpress Articles and
Selected Engravings (DAVID COWARD)                                    1002

Rüth, Jutta, Jerusalem und das Heilige Land in der deutschen Versepik
des Mittelalters (1150-1453) (D. A. WELLS)                             496

Ryding, Erik S., In Harmony Framed: Musical Humanism, Thomas Campion,
and the Two Daniels (DAVID LINDLEY)                                    409

Sammons, Jeffrey L., intr., The Ghost-Seer, by Friedrich Schiller,
trans. by Henry G. Bohn (1849) (F. J. LAMPORT)                         239

Sammons, Jeffrey L., intr., Life of Friedrich Schiller, by Thomas
Carlyle (1825), facsimile edn (F. J. LAMPORT)                          239

Sand, George, Questions d'art et de littérature, ed. by D. J. Colwell
(EDITH McCORMACK)                                                      199

Sandler, Stephanie, and others, eds, Sexuality and the Body in
Russian Culture (J. A. E. CURTIS)                                      814

Sauer, Hans, and others, eds, Words, Texts, and Manuscripts: Studies
in Anglo-Saxon Culture. Presented to Helmut Gneuss on the Occasion of
his Sixty-Fifth Birthday (RICHARD NORTH)                               130

Saunders, Corinne J., The Forest of Medieval Romance: Avernus,
Broceliande, Arden (DEBORAH M. SABADASH)                               134

Scarcella, Renzo, Surfaces et profondeurs dans l'univers imaginaire
de Villiers de l'Isle-Adam (P. W. M. COGMAN)                           203

Scatton, Linda Hart, Mikhail Zoshchenko: Evolution of a Writer
(MICHAEL FALCHIKOV)                                                    538

Scheuermann, Mona, Her Bread to Earn: Women, Money, and Society from
Defoe to Austen (JOHN A. DUSSINGER)                                    415

Schiller, Friedrich, The Ghost-Seer, trans. by Henry G. Bohn (1849),
intr. by Jeffrey L. Sammons (F. J. LAMPORT)                            239

Schmidt, Kari Anne Rand, The Authorship of The Equatorie of the
Planetis (JEREMY J. SMITH)                                             405

Schmidt, Ricarda, and Moray McGowan, eds, From High Priests to
Desecrators: Contemporary Austrian Writers (J. H. REID)               1046

Schneider, Peter, Vati, ed. by Colin Riordan (RODNEY LIVINGSTONE)      529

Schneider, Ulf Michael, and others, eds, Jahrbuch der
Raabe-Gesellschaft, 1992 (WILLIAM HANSON)                              511

Schoeps, Karl-Heinz J., Deutsche Literatur zwischen den Weltkriegen,
3. Literatur im Dritten Reich (J. M. RITCHIE)                          525

Scholdt, Günter, Autoren über Hitler. Deutschsprachige Schriftsteller
1919-1945 und ihr Bild vom `Führer' (RAYMOND FURNESS)                  807

Schöne, Albrecht, Götterzeichen. Liebeszauber. Satanskult. Neue
Einblicke in alte Goethetexte, 3rd edn (HANS REISS)                   1038

Schormann, Sabine, Bettina von Arnim. Die Bedeutung Schleiermachers
für ihr Leben und Werk (CAROL DIETHE)                                  508

Schrader, Hans-Jürgen, and others, eds, Jahrbuch der
Raabe-Gesellschaft, 1992 (WILLIAM HANSON)                              511

Schrader, Richard J., Old English Poetry and the Genealogy of Events
(GERALD MORGAN)                                                        404

Sedaine, Michel-Jean, Le Philosophe sans le sçavoir, ed. by John
Dunkley (DEREK F. CONNON)                                              762

Seghers, Pierre, Piranesi, trans. and ed. by Ian Higgins (MARTIN
SORRELL)                                                               463

Servet, Pierre, ed., Le Mystère de la Résurrection Angers (1456), 2
vols (K. JANET RITCH)                                                  745

Sgard, Jean, and Geraldine Sheridan, eds, Le Père Bougeant: Voyage
merveilleux du prince Fan-Férédin dans la Romancie (ROBIN HOWELLS)     757

Shaffer, Brian W., The Blinding Torch: Modern British Fiction and the
Discourse of Civilization (MACDONALD DALY)                             166

Shapiro, David, and others, trans, Selected Poems, by Jacques Dupin,
sel. by Paul Auster, intr. by Mary Ann Caws (ANDREW ROTHWELL)          211

Shapiro, Gavriel, Nikolai Gogol and the Baroque Cultural Heritage
(ANTHONY HIPPISLEY)                                                    532

Shedletzky, Itta, and Hans Otto Horch, eds, Deutsch-jüdisches Exil
und Emigrationsliteratur im 20. Jahrhundert (J. M. RITCHIE)            808

Shepherd, David, Beyond Metafiction: Self-Consciousness in Soviet
Literature (KATHLEEN PARTHÉ)                                           268

Shepherd, Stephen H. A., sel. and ed., Middle English Romances
(PHILLIPA HARDMAN)                                                     973

Sheridan, Geraldine, and Jean Sgard, eds, Le Père Bougeant: Voyage
merveilleux du prince Fan-Férédin dans la Romancie (ROBIN HOWELLS)     757

Sheringham, Michael, French Autobiography: Devices and Desires:
Rousseau to Perec (CATHERINE RODGERS)                                  430

Shewring, Margaret, and J. R. Mulryne, eds, Theatre and Government
under the Early Stuarts (JOHN D. COX)                                  144

Short, Bryan C., Cast by Means of Figures: Herman Melville's
Rhetorical Development (JAMES HURT)                                    160

Short, Ian, ed., Anglo-Norman Anniversary Essays (D. A. TROTTER)       992

Silverstein, Marc, Harold Pinter and the Language of Cultural Power
(RONALD KNOWLES)                                                       737

Snow, Joseph T., and Ivy A. Corfis, eds, Fernando de Rojas and
Celestina: Approaching the Fifth Centenary. Proceedings of an
International Conference in Commemoration of the 450th Anniversary of
the Death of Fernando de Rojas (Purdue University, West Lafayette,
Indiana, 21-24 November 1991) (DAVID HOOK)                             780

Sprecher, Thomas, Thomas Mann in Zürich (HINRICH SIEFKEN)              255

Staiber, Maryse, and others, eds, René Schickele aus neuer Sicht.
Beiträge zur deutsch-französischen Kultur (MARGARET ROGISTER)          519

Starobinski, Jean, and Charles Wirz, eds, Annales de la Société
Jean-Jacques Rousseau, Vol. XL (J. E. FOWLER)                          446

Stein, Alexandra, `Wort und werc'. Studien zum narrativen Diskurs im
Parzival Wolframs von Eschenbach (MARION E. GIBBS)                     501

Stern, Martin, and others, eds, Dramen, 10 (Vol. XII of Hugo von
Hofmannsthal: Sämtliche Werke. Kritische Ausgabe (gen. eds Rudolf
Hirsch and others)) (W. E. YATES)                                      516

Stewart, Joan Hinde, and Philip Stewart, eds, Letters of Mistress
Henley Published by her Friend, trans. by Philip Stewart and Jean
Vaché (T. M. PRATT)                                                    761

Stewart, Joan Hinde, and Philip Stewart, eds, Lettres de Mistriss
Henley publiées par son amie, by Isabelle de Charrière (T. M. PRATT)   761

Stewart, Philip, and Jean Vaché, trans, Letters of Mistress Henley
Published by her Friend, by Isabelle de Charrière, ed. by Joan Hinde
Stewart and Philip Stewart (T. M. PRATT)                               761

Still, Judith, Justice and Difference in the Works of Rousseau:
`Bienfaisance' and `Pudeur' (JEAN BLOCH)                               758

Stimpson, Brian, and Paul Gifford, eds, Paul Valéry: Musique,
Mystique, Mathématique (URSULA FRANKLIN)                               455

Sturges, Dugald S., The German Molière Revival and the Comedies of
Hugo von Hofmannsthal and Carl Sternheim (RHYS W. WILLIAMS)            250

Sturrock, John, The Language of Autobiography: Studies in the First
Person Singular (JEREMY TAMBLING)                                      123

Suárez, José I., The Carnival Stage: Vicentine Comedy within the
Serio-Comic Mode (THOMAS R. HART)                                      210

Sullivan, Zohreh T., Narratives of Empire: The Fictions of Rudyard
Kipling (DAVID PUNTER)                                                 156

Szkilnik, Michèle, and Emmanuèle Baumgartner, eds, Le Roman de
Tristan en prose: Vol. VI: Du séjour des amants à la Joyeuse Garde
jusqu'aux premières aventures de la Queste du Graal (gen. ed.
Philippe Ménard) (PHILIP E. BENNETT)                                   995

Teraoka, Takanori, Stil und Stildiskurs des Jungen Deutschland
(RITCHIE ROBERTSON)                                                    800

Thibault, Bruno, L'Allure de Morand: du Modernisme au Pétainisme
(ALEC G. HARGREAVES)                                                   208

Thompson, E. P., Witness Against the Beast: William Blake and the
Moral Law (BRIAN WILKIE)                                               416

Thompson, G. R., The Art of Authorial Presence: Hawthorne's
Provincial Tales (BRIAN HARDING)                                       420

Timm, Eitel, ed., Challenges of Germanistik: Traditions and Prospects
of an Academic Discipline/Germanistik weltweit? Zur Theorie und
Praxis des Disziplinrahmens (J. J. WHITE)                              486

Timm, Erika, and others, Findebuch zum mittelhochdeutschen
Wortschatz. Mit einem rückläufigen Index (ELIZABETH A. ANDERSEN)      1030

Tissier, André, ed., Recueil de Farces (1450-1550): textes annotés et
commentés, Vol. VII: Maître Pathelin (A. HINDLEY)                      437

Tobin, Patricia, John Barth and the Anxiety of Continuance (DEBORAH
L. MADSEN)                                                             428

Todd, Christopher, A Century of French Best-Sellers (1890-1990)
(MICHAEL SCRIVEN)                                                     1018

Todd, Janet, Gender, Art and Death (CLARE HANSON)                      401

Todtenhaupt, Martin, Veritas amoris. Die Tristan Konzeption
Gottfrieds von Straßburg (D. H. GREEN)                                 790

Tolomei, Claudio, Del raddoppiamento da parola a parola, ed. by
Barbara Garvin (BRIAN RICHARDSON)                                      215

Tomlinson, Gary, Music in Renaissance Magic: Toward a Historiography
of Others (JULIE ROBIN SOLOMON)                                        137

Toumayan, Alain, ed., Literary Generations: A Festschrift in Honor of
Edward D. Sullivan (RACHEL KILLICK)                                    175

Trüb, Rudolf, and others, Wortgeographie IV: Haus und Hof (Vol. VII
of Sprachatlas der deutschen Schweiz (gen. eds Rudolf Hotzenköcherle
and others)) (R. E. KELLER)                                           1029

Turner, C. J. G., A Karenina Companion (MICHAEL PURSGLOVE)             534

Turner, Harriet S., Benito Pérez Galdós: Fortunata and Jacinta (PETER
A. BLY)                                                                223

Underhill, Hugh, The Problem of Consciousness in Modern Poetry (JOHN
LUCAS)                                                                 167

Vaché, Jean, and Philip Stewart, trans, Letters of Mistress Henley
Published by her Friend, by Isabelle de Charrière, ed. by Joan Hinde
Stewart and Philip Stewart (T. M. PRATT)                               761

Vaget, Hans Rudolf, ed., Thomas Mann-Agnes E. Meyer. Briefwechsel
1937-1955 (HINRICH SIEFKEN)                                            526

Valis, Noël, and Carol Maier, eds, In the Feminine Mode: Essays on
Hispanic Women Writers (JO LABANYI)                                    473

Van Cleve, John, Sebastian Brant's The Ship of Fools in Critical
Perspective, 1800-1991 (JOHN L. FLOOD)                                 793

Van Cleve, John, and A. Leslie Willson, Remarks on the Needed Reform
of German Studies in the United States (J. J. WHITE)                   486

Van Sant, Ann Jessie, Eighteenth-Century Sensibility and the Novel:
The Senses in a Social Context (JOHN MULLAN)                           150

Vercruysse, Jeroom, and Christiane Berkvens-Stevelinck, Le métier de
journaliste au dix-huitième siècle: Correspondance entre Prosper
Marchand, Jean Rousset de Missy et Lambert Ignace Douxfils
(CHRISTOPHER TODD)                                                     755

Verlaine, Ex-Madame Paul, Mémoires de ma vie, ed. by Michael Pakenham
(RACHEL KILLICK)                                                       454

Verrey, Dominique, ed., Le Discours anthropologique à la fin des
Lumières (Annales Benjamin Constant, 13) (DENNIS WOOD)                 198

Versényi, Adam, Theatre in Latin America: Religion, Politics, and
Culture from Cortés to the 1980s (DONALD SHAW)                         481

Viala, Alain, preface, La Politique-spectacle au grand siècle: les
rapports franco-anglais, by Marie-Claude Canova-Green (HENRY
PHILLIPS)                                                              439

Villiers de l'Isle-Adam, L'Eve future, ed. by Alan Raitt (RENZO
SCARCELLA)                                                             201

Vincent, Deirdre, Werther's Goethe and the Game of Literary
Creativity (WILLIAM HANSON)                                            799

Vollmer, Hartmut, ed., `In roten Schuhen tanzt die Sonne sich zu
Tod'. Lyrik expressionistischer Dichterinnen (BRIAN KEITH-SMITH)       521

Vowles, Judith, and others, eds, Sexuality and the Body in Russian
Culture (J. A. E. CURTIS)                                              814

Vuillemin, Jean-Claude, Baroquisme et théâtralité: le théâtre de Jean
Rotrou (WILLIAM BROOKS)                                                998

Wagener, Hans, Understanding Franz Werfel (J. M. RITCHIE)              524

Walker, Nicholas, trans., The Decline of Modernism, by Peter Bürger
(JEREMY TAMBLING)                                                      723

Wall, Wendy, The Imprint of Gender: Authorship and Publication in the
English Renaissance (ELIZABETH HEALE)                                  977

Waller, Gary, The Sidney Family Romance: Mary Wroth, William Herbert,
and the Early Modern Construction of Gender (ELIZABETH HEALE)          412

Walsøe-Engel, Ingrid, Fathers and Daughters: Patterns of Seduction in
Tragedies by Gryphius, Lessing, Hebbel and Kroetz (ELIZABETH BOA)      795

Walters, Robert L., and W. H. Barber, eds, Éléments de la philosophie
de Newton (Vol. XV of The Complete Works of Voltaire/åuvres complètes
de Voltaire (gen. eds William Barber, Ulla Kölving, and others)) (E.
D. JAMES)                                                             1005

Watanabe-O'Kelly, Helen, Triumphall Shews: Tournaments at
German-Speaking Courts in their European Context 1560-1730 (PETER
SKRINE)                                                                505

Watson, Bruce Stephen, Les Figures du labyrinthe dans A la Recherche
du temps perdu (W. L. HODSON)                                          205

Watts, Derek A., Corneille: Rodogune and Nicomède (DAVID SHAW)         186

Weil, Michèle, and Jacques Cormier, eds, Robert Challe: Continuation
de l'histoire de l'admirable Don Quichotte de La Manche (ROBIN
HOWELLS)                                                              1004

Weiner, Marc, Undertones of Insurrection: Music, Politics and the
Social Sphere in the Modern German Narrative (RAYMOND FURNESS)         514

Weiss, Beno, Understanding Italo Calvino (MARTIN L. McLAUGHLIN)        779

Wessell, Eva, and Herbert Lehnert, Nihilismus der
Menschenfreundlichkeit. Thomas Manns `Wandlung' und sein Essay
'Goethe und Tolstoi' (HINRICH SIEFKEN)                                 255

Wetherill, Michael, Proust: Du Côté de chez Swann (ROBIN MACKENZIE)    203

White, Allon, Carnival, Hysteria, and Writing: Collected Essays and
Autobiography, intr. by Stuart Hall (JEREMY TAMBLING)                  170

White, Andrea, Joseph Conrad and the Adventure Tradition:
Constructing and Deconstructing the Imperial Subject (DAVID PUNTER)    156

Whitehead, Frederick, ed., La Chanson de Roland, revised and ed. By
T. D. Hemming (PHILIP E. BENNETT)                                      994

Whitton, David, Molière: Le Bourgeois gentilhomme (NOËL A. PEACOCK)    188

Wieland, Christoph Martin, History of the Abderites, trans. and ed.
by Max Dufner (ALAN MENHENNET)                                         237

Wierlacher, Alois, and others, eds, Jahrbuch deutsch als
Fremdsprache, Vol. XIX: Grenzen und Grenzerfahrungen (SUZANNE
KIRKBRIGHT)                                                            787

Wilkins, Nigel, Catalogue des manuscrits français de la Bibliothèque
Parker (Parker Library) (LESLIE C. BROOK)                              436

Wilkins, Nigel, Nicolas Flamel: Des Livres et de l'or (LESLIE C.
BROOK)                                                                 436

Williams, David, ed. and trans., Voltaire: Political Writings
(CHRISTOPHER TODD)                                                    1006

Willson, A. Leslie, and John Van Cleve, Remarks on the Needed Reform
of German Studies in the United States (J. J. WHITE)                   486

Wilson, Christopher P., White Collar Fictions: Class and Social
Representation in American Literature, 1885-1925 (JAMES HURT)          161

Wilson, Jason, Traveller's Literary Companion to South and Central
America (JOHN WALKER)                                                  480

Winton, Calhoun, John Gay and the London Theatre (PAUL ALKON)          148

Wirz, Charles, and Jean Starobinski, eds, Annales de la Société
Jean-Jacques Rousseau, Vol. XL (J. E. FOWLER)                          446

Wisbey, Roy, and Martin H. Jones, eds, Chrétien de Troyes and the
German Middle Ages: Papers from an International Symposium (D. H.
GREEN)                                                                 491

Wolfzettel, Friedrich, and Volker Mertens, eds, Fiktionalität im
Artusroman (D. H. GREEN)                                               788

Woodhouse, J. R., and others, eds, Gabriele Rossetti: Carteggi, Vol.
III (LUIGI POLO FRIZ)                                                  777

Wright, Michael, and others, Old English Prose of Secular Learning
(Vol. IV of Annotated Bibliographies of Old and Middle English
Literatures (gen. ed. T. L. Burton)) (T. A. SHIPPEY)                   402

Wunderlich, Werner, and Ulrich Müller, eds, `Waz sider da geschach':
American-German Studies on the Nibelungenlied: Text and Reception
with Bibliography 1980-1990/91 (NEIL THOMAS)                           229

Wysling, Hans, and Cornelia Bernini, eds, Jahre des Unmuts. Thomas
Manns Briefwechsel mit René Schickele 1930-1940 (HINRICH SIEFKEN)      255

Yates, W. E., Schnitzler, Hofmannsthal, and the Austrian Theatre (IAN
F. ROE)                                                                251

Ygaunin, Jean, La Femme et le prêtre: thème littéraire (C. K.
CHADWICK)                                                              432

Ygaunin, Jean, Paris à l'époque de Balzac et dans la Comédie humaine:
la ville et la société (GRAHAM ROBB)                                   199

Zinguer, Ilana, ed., Le Lecteur, l'auteur, et l'écrivain: Montaigne
1492-1592-1992. Actes du Colloque International de Haifa, avril-mai
1992 (KEITH CAMERON)                                                   438

Ziolkowski, Theodore, Virgil and the Moderns (ALASTAIR FOWLER)         126

Zola, Émile, Correspondance, ed. by B. H. Bakker, Vol. IX: 1897-1899
(COLIN BURNS)                                                          767

Zwicker, Steven N., Lines of Authority: Politics and English Literary
Culture, 1649-1689 (RONALD KNOWLES)                                    146

Zwiebel, William L., Theodor Fontane (GERALD OPIE)                     246

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