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Preparing Your Manuscript for Production


When assembling your new edition's manuscript, you should use either the present edition's final page proofs or the text's actual pages (i.e., tearsheet) for any section of the current edition you are not substantially rewriting. Your final manuscript should therefore be a combination of new manuscript pages and edited page proofs or tearsheet. Preparing your manuscript this way will help you to focus on material new to the manuscript and monitor length. Using tearsheet enables us to use the compositor's already formatted files, thereby minimizing composition errors, and easily determine the revisions you've made.
A final set of page proofs should have been sent to you shortly after the publication of the present edition of your text. (If you are using page proofs, please make sure the proofs are of the final version of the current edition of your text.) If you do not have final page proofs, you will need to use tearsheet. Simply contact your editor or his/her assistant to request cut copies of the current edition of your text. You'll need at least two cut copies. (If your book has more than one author and each author is revising a different section, you may request two cut copies per author.)
If you are using tearsheet to prepare your manuscript, please tape each tearsheet page along the length of each side to an 8[ohm] x 11-inch sheet of paper. It's important that each side is securely taped down because your manuscript will be fed through a copier several times after it arrives at Allyn & Bacon.
Any pages from your present edition that are in columns must be cut and taped so that a single column is on a separate 8[ohm] x 11-inch piece of paper. If your book has a glossary or reference section that is in columns, please cut and tape each column so that there is one column of words per page.
Depending on the amount, new text can be either handwritten in the margins or typed (double-spaced) on a word processor and inserted in between the page proof or tearsheet sections. Specifically, any additions that are fewer than eight words can be entered in the margin. If you handwrite, please use black ink (which copies better than blue, red, etc.). Be sure to print your entries clearly, noting with an insertion mark where the entry should appear in the text. Never write vertically in the margins.

If you need to insert more than a few words, use a word processor to type the new material. All new text (especially new references and/or endnotes) must be double-spaced and have at least one-inch margins on all four sides, as it will be copyedited. To insert the new text into your manuscript, cut the page proof or tearsheet page up to where the new text is to be added. Then tape this portion of page proof or tearsheet to an 8[ohm] x 11-inch piece of paper. Take the new word-processed text and tape it below the cut tearsheet or page proof section. Then, below the new text, tape the rest of the cut page proof or tearsheet page. 

When inserting the new text that is several pages long in your manuscript, cut the tearsheet or page proof up to where the new material should begin and tape it securely to 8[ohm] x11-inch paper. Simply insert the new text section behind the page proof or tearsheet page. The remaining part of the page proof or tearsheet page can pick up again after the pages of new material end.
It's extremely important to consider length when adding new material to your text. As a general rule, you should delete as much material as you add so that the new edition's length is about the same as the present edition's.
If you are adding new words to your glossary, please insert them so that they are in the order they will appear in the final version the book (i.e., alphabetically). 
If your current edition has marginal text (e.g., a margin glossary or student notes) and your new edition will continue to have marginal text, you'll need to prepare a margin manuscript for each chapter. If you are re-using any of the marginal text from the present edition, cut it out and tape it (in the order it appears in the chapter) to 8[ohm] x 11-inch paper. Type (double-spaced) any new marginal text you may be adding, and insert it in between the old (taped up) marginal text as appropriate. These margin manuscripts should then be placed at the back of the chapter in which they appear. Call-outs indicating the placement of each marginal note or glossary word should then be written in the margins of your manuscript pages.
Indicate deletions by striking out unwanted material with black pen. If a whole page of tearsheet or page proof is being deleted, do not include it in the manuscript. You need only to include pages with material you want to re-use in the new edition.
In addition to your manuscript, we'll need a disk copy of your new manuscript material. The disk copy should match the printed version of your new manuscript material exactly. If you need to make last-minute changes, please make them on the hard copy instead of the disk and note any discrepancies in your cover letter. Also, please save your files as either ASCII text files or Microsoft Word files so that we'll be able to access them without a problem (please make a disk copy for yourself).
Your art and tables manuscripts will most likely consist of items you are re-using from the present edition and any new items you are adding. If you are re-using illustrations and/or tables from the last edition, cut them out from the page proof or tearsheet page (with their captions) and tape each one to a separate 8[ohm] x 11-inch piece of paper. If your illustrations and/or tables will be numbered differently in the new edition, cross out the old numbers lightly, so that the old version can still be seen, and label them with the new numbers. 

Your illustrations and/or tables should not be run-in with the text. Instead, make copies of each illustration and/or table and place the copies in the back of the chapter in which they appear. Indicate within the text where the figures/tables should appear, referring to them by number or label (e.g., "Figure 1.2 here"). 

If photos are in your present edition and your new edition will have them also, you'll need to prepare either a photo manuscript or photo specs (depending on your contract) for any photo that is being replaced with a new one. Check with your editor for specifics on how your photos should be revised.

If you are responsible for providing actual photos, place the new photos in a separate envelope for protection and send them to us with your manuscript. Label the back of the photos (e.g., "Photo 1.2") with a "Post-it" paper stuck to the back. Indicate where in your manuscript the photos should appear with a call-out in the margins of your manuscript pages (e.g., "Photo 1.2 here"). If you have the originals of any photos in the present edition that you are re-using, please send them to us in the same manner. If not, you may send us tearsheet photos cut from the present edition (be sure they're labeled). Cross out any photos in your page proofs or tearsheet that you are not re-using.

If your photos have captions, you'll need to prepare a photo captions manuscript for each chapter. To do so, type (double-spaced) any new captions and cut & tape any captions you're re-using from your current edition to 8[ohm] x 11-inch paper. Place each caption manuscript in the back of the chapter in which they'll appear. Label each caption according to the photo with which it corresponds (i.e., "Photo Caption 1.2").
Page numbering should begin on Page 1 of Chapter 1 (or Unit 1, if applicable) with the Number 1. Frontmatter should not be numbered. (See Preparing Your First Edition for details on Frontmatter.) Number each page in your manuscript consecutively, including all pages that bear Xeroxes of art and tables. This numbering system will help ensure that no pages of your manuscript are lost, missing, or out of order. Because you'll be using tearsheet or page proofs, page numbering will have to be done by hand.
A book with an incomplete permission file is unacceptable for production, so it's very important to begin work on Permissions as soon as possible. New permissions are required for any material you are re-using from the previous edition if the permission for that material covered only one edition. Please check your current edition's permission file to see if any permissions contain this stipulation. Permissions that do carry over from the previous edition should be included in the permissions log and file for the revision. For any new quotations and illustrations, permission should be obtained in the usual way. 
When it comes time to make the index for a new edition, the old index will be a valuable guide. But it should serve only as a guide; to be properly prepared the index must be thoroughly edited. All new items must be added and the old ones must be verified and updated or deleted.

You can choose to either prepare the index yourself or have Allyn & Bacon prepare the index and charge the cost against future royalty payments. Please indicate which you'd prefer on the "Author's Checklist," which must be completed and returned to Allyn & Bacon with your final manuscript.

 Next>> Preparing a Book of Readings

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