
Electronic Essays on Artifice and Information

A dissertation presented to the Graduate Faculty
of the University of Virginia in Candidacy for the Degree of
Doctor of Philosophy

 Matthew G. Kirschenbaum

 Curriculum Vitae

 Department of English

University of Virginia


Dissertation Director:
John Unsworth

Jerome J. McGann, Michael Levenson, Kathy Ryall

 The Paperwork

 . . . 

For general information about electronic theses and dissertations in the humanities, please see a separate site I maintain here.

Netscape Communicator 4.0 or Internet Explorer 4.0 or higher are recommended for optimal presentation; the site's JavaScripted features have been tested with the Windows and Macintosh versions of both of these browsers. The site also includes QuickTime video (player available here, a VRML environment (plug-in available here), and some Java.

All dissertation materials are Copyright © 1997-9 Matthew G. Kirschenbaum, unless otherwise noted.



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València  15th September 2000