[UCI Critical Theory Resource | UCI Special Collections| UCI Libraries | UC Irvine]

The Wellek Library Lecturer Bibliographies

The Annual Wellek Library Lecture Series at the University of California, Irvine was inaugurated in 1981 by the Critical Theory Institute as a tribute to Professor René Wellek and in support of new scholarship. In the Spring of every year, a distinguished critic defends his or her critical stance over the course of three lectures. Since 1985, Dr. Yeghiayan has compiled exhaustive bibliographies detailing not only the work of each lecturer, but much of the related secondary literature as well. He continues to revise and expand these important and useful documents on a regular basis, and updated versions will appear in this space as they are made available.
1981 -- Harold Bloom The Breaking of the Vessels
1982 -- Perry Anderson In the Tracks of Historical Materialism
1983 -- Frank Kermode Forms of Attention
1984 -- Jacques Derrida Mémoires: For Paul de Man
1985 -- J. Hillis MillerThe Ethics of Reading
"Reading Reading: Kant"
"Reading Writing: George Eliot"
"Rereading Revision: Trollope, James"
1986 -- Jean-François Lyotard Peregrinations: Law, Form, Event
1987 -- Louis Marin Pascalian Propositions for Today
"Epistemology: An 'Almost Theory of Knowledge'"
"Ethics: Force Power Justice"
"Philosophy: Negation and Interpretation"
1988 -- Murray Krieger The Reopening of Closure
"The Figure in the Renaissance Poem as Bound and Unbounded"
"The Typological Imagination and Its Other: From Coleridge to the New Critics"
"Stricken by Metaphor: Some Thematic Consequences"
1989 -- Edward Said Musical Elaborations
"Performance as an Extreme Occasion"
"On the Transgressive Element in Music"
"Melody, Affirmation and Solitude"
1990 -- Hélène Cixous Three Steps on the Ladder of Writing
"The Hour of the Worst"
"The School of Dreams"
"The School of Roots"
1991 -- Fredric Jameson The Constraints of the Postmodern
"Antinomies of the Postmodern"
"Repressions of Utopia"
"The Spatial Constraints of the Postmodern"
1992 -- Geoffrey Hartman Three on 'Culture'
"Culture and the Abstract Life"
"The Progress of Cultural Discourse"
"The Idea of Culture After the Holocaust"
1993 -- Evelyn Fox Keller Metaphors of 20th Century Biology
"The Discourse of Gene Action"
"Molecules, Messages, and Memory"
"Shifting Valences of 'Organism'"
1994 -- Wolfgang Iser Variables of Interpretation: Iterations of Translatability
"Authority and Circularity: The Rise of Hermeneutics"
"Recursive Looping: The Cross-Cultural Relationship"
"The Travelling Differential: Converting God into Cognition"
1995 -- Rosalind Krauss Formless: A Feat
"The Scatological"
"The Heterogeneous"
"The Abjectile"
1996 -- Étienne Balibar On Politics and History: Presence, Cruelty, and the Universals
"Presence (on Contemporaneity and Non-contemporaneity)"
"Cruelty (about 'convertible' and 'non-convertible' Violence in History)"
"The Universals (or Why Emancipatory Ideals are contradictory)"
1997 -- Harry D. Harootunian"History's Disquiet: Modernity and Everyday Life"
1998 -- Judith Butler"Antigone's Claim: Kinship, Aberration, and Psychoanalysis"
1999 -- Jean Baudrillard
"The Murder of the Real"
"The Final Solution: Cloning beyond the Human and the Inhuman"
"The Millennium, or the Suspense of the Year 2000"
2000 -- Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak"The New Comparative Literature"
"Crossing Borders"

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    [UCI Critical Theory Resource | UCI Special Collections| UCI Libraries | UC Irvine]
    Author: Eddie Yeghiayan, 500D Main Library, University of California, Irvine, CA 92623-9557

    E-mail: eyeghiay@uci.edu
    Copyright © Eddie Yeghiayan, All rights reserved.
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