7th World Shakespeare Congress, Valencia 2001

Seminars and Workshops Information

Seminar No. 2.3.

Title: Messengers and Communication in Shakespearian and Renaissance Drama.


Lloyd Davis (University of Queensland, Australia)
Michael Dobson (University of Surrey, Roehampton, UK)


Philippa Kelly (Australian Defence Force Academy, University of New South Wales, Australia)


Derek Cohen (York University)
Manfred Draudt (University of Vienna)
Gabriel Egan (Globe Education, Shakespeare's Globe)
Corinna Evett (California State University Fullerton)
Maria Amelia Fraga (University of Santiago)
Linda Gregerson (University of Michigan)
Elina Huhtikangas (University of Helsinki)
David Linton (Marymount Manhattan College)
Richard Madelaine (University of New South Wales)
Ninian Mellamphy (University of Western Ontario)
Barbara Traister (Lehigh University)


This seminar will explore the social-historical conditions informing representations of communication and travel in
Shakespearian drama. It will examine the ways in which Shakespeare and others stage the interplay among
commissioning, delivering and interpreting messages, shifts in location and context realized by travel, and personal and
social relations. The seminar leaders seek papers that analyse and interpret a wide range of communicational genres,
from personal to political, economic, colonial, sexual and gendered exchange. The dramatic significance of messages
and travel make the plays crucial texts for understanding early modern communications, transport and the various relations they construct and reveal.

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Created: 24/01/2000 Updated: 05/04/2001
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