7th World Shakespeare Congress, Valencia 2001

Seminars and Workshops Information

Seminar No. 3.4.

Title:Revenge as a Mediterranean Phenomenon Before and After Hamlet.


Carla Dente (University of Pisa, Italy)
Ann Thompson (King's College, University of London, UK)


Hardin L. Aasand (Dickinson State University)
Monica Chesnoiu ('Ovidius' Constanta University)
Susan L. Fischer (Bucknell University)
Charles A. Hallett (Fordham University, New York State)
Frederick Kiefer (University of Arizona)
Akiko Kusunoki (Tokyo Woman's Christian University)
Markus Marti (University of Basel)
Alessandra Marzola (Independent Scholar)
Steven Mullaney (University of Michigan)
Giuseppina Restivo (University of Trieste)
Ildiko Elizabeth Solti (University of Middlesex)
Neil Taylor (University of Surrey Roehampton)
Linda Woodbridge (Pennsylvania State University)


This seminar invites short papers on any configuration of its three defining terms: revenge, the Mediterranean and Hamlet.
Topics might include: the perception of revenge as a Mediterranean phenomenon by Shakespeare and other English
authors; the historical reality of revenge in England and in Mediterranean countries; the specific influence of Hamlet on
later revenge narratives; revenge and its geographical/cultural connotations in other works by Shakespeare; the
significance of the Mediterranean in academic discussions of the revenge genre.

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Created: 24/01/2000 Updated: 05/04/2001
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