7th World Shakespeare Congress, Valencia 2001

                Seminars and Workshops Information

Seminar No. 4.7.

Title: Commedia dell'arte and the Performance of Shakespeare.


Andrew Grewar (University of Fort Hare, South Africa)
Stephen Hazell (Nanyang Technological University, Singapore)


Melissa Aaron (California Polytechnic State University)
Gian Giacomo Colli (University of Toronto)
Rob Conkie (King Alfred's College, Winchester)
Luke Dixon (Theatre Nomad)
Ronald Hall (Rhodes University)
Clarissa Hurley (University of Toronto)
Hilde Slinger (Shakespeare Society of Southern Africa)


This topic will be explored through both academic papers and a practical workshop. Papers can explore any aspect of
the way in which the commedia dell'arte may have contributed to performance of Shakespeare's plays. The workshop is
expected to include presentation of scene-work from Love's Labour's Lost, and an experimental section on commedia
methods applied to scenes from a play not normally associated with commedia influence.

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Created: 24/01/2000 Updated: 05/04/2001
© 1999-2001, Shakespeare Foundation of Spain