This web site contains references to research results, papers, books, training courses, seminars, questionnaires and intervention programs developed by the Psychometrics Unit

Psychometrics Research
Investigació Psicometria
Investigación Psicometría
Safety Psychology
Psicologia de la Seguretat
Psicología de la Seguridad
Docència Psicometria
Docencia Psicometría
Teaching Psychometrics

"We must change. We need a new kind of test theorists. The new test theorists (happily, some of the old transformed) will be primarily test constructors and validity people who attempt to realize their dreams. They will not accept the current state of the art in testing as the datum but will try to elevate the art" (Lumsden, 1976)

  Departament de Metodologia - Facultat de Psicologia - Universitat de Valencia - Av. Blasco Ibáñez, 21 - 46010 Valencia (España)