Monday 20th Sept. 99/ Lundi 20 Sept. 99
  • 9h.-10h. 
Welcome and Registration in Room D at "Palacio de Pineda" Universidad Internacional Menéndez Pelayo, Plaza del Carmen ( Valencia)

Bienvenue et registration à la Salle D dans Palacio de Pineda" Universidad Internacional Menéndez Pelayo, Plaza del Carmen ( Valencia)


  • 10-11 h
Parallel Sessions/ Sessions Parallèles:

Simposium G: "Living Systems & Environmental Systems"

Chair-president: E. Bernard-Weil , A. Caselles , J.Martínez

Bioethism: a universal paradigm for a transdiciplinary approach of systems science of living problems on the Planet Earth

Blanc, Jean-Jacques  
A Perturbative Neural Network as a Universal Tool for Information Codification Lo Meo,S.
Camiz, P
L'innovation: Réponse Adaptative au Changement et à l'Agression. Nunez, Emmanuel  
Biological Basis for Social Systems Transformations Degtiar, Vladimir   
Process methods and the identification of biotic pattern of heartbeat variation
         Sabelli, H,
        Carlson-Sabelli, L.

Symposium M : "Information & communication"

Chair-president: E. Casaban , J. M. Lorente , R. Beneyto

Information Problem Taxonomy and its Relationship with Human Error

Bakehouse, George J.

AUSIAS: a System for Detcting Urban Traffic

Fuertes, A
Martínez, J.J

Some Peculiarities of Information Processing in Brain Unctioning Under Environment Uncertainty

Chorayan, O.G. 

Symposium B: "Complexity, chaos & order" 

Chair-president: I. M. de Lejarza, L. Ferrer , R. Pla

The Edge of Chaos: an Exploration Using Creative Thinking

Ortegón, Mª Carolina

Chaotic Dynamics in a Keynesian Model

Hernández Carrión, José Rodolfo
Martínez de Lejarza y Esparducer, Ignacio
Montoro Pons, Juan de Dios
The Study of Complex Systems in the Historical Context Masulli, Ignazio
  • 11h.-11:30h Café Break/Coffee Break 
  • 11:30-12:45 
Parallel Sessions/ Sessions Parallèles:

Simposium G: "Living Systems & Environmental Systems"

Chair-president: E. Bernard-Weil , A. Caselles , J.Martínez

Medical Decision Making with System Analysis

Doepp, Manfred Information Approach to Structural Optimization of Probabilistic Neural Networks Grim, Jirí Systemic Modelling of a Wetland for Sustainable Development Güneralp, Burak
Barlas, Yaman
Life as an Organized System

                          Kirvelis, Dobilas


Symposium M : "Information & communication"

Chair-president: E. Casaban , J. M. Lorente , R. Beneyto

Looking for the Information System System: Organizational and Structural Aspects

Niculcar Christian Estay Quaerendo Invenietis: Communication, Culture and Internet Tomás, Ignacio Equalization with Decision Prediction for Channels which Transfer functions have Zeros Kisilewicz, Jerzy

Symposium B: "Complexity, chaos & order" 

Chair-president: I. M. de Lejarza, L. Ferrer , R. Pla

Chaos and Complexity Theory: A review of its status, perspectives and implications for management

Ortegón-Monroy, María Carolina Dimension de Capacité d'Ensambles avec un Point d'Accumulation Sáiz Martínez, Andrés Ordre et Desordre en P.M.E.: Approche des Situations Complexes par la Notion de Perturbation Grandhaye, Jean-Pierre
Schmitt , Christophe

Une modelisation connexionniste pour la comprehension de la dynamique du changement organisationnel et des comportements humains

                          Robert-Demontrond, Philippe
                          Thiel, Daniel


13h-14h. Tourist Visit


Monday 20th Sept. 99/ Lundi 20 Sept. 99
  • 17h-19h
Parallel Sessions/ Sessions Parallèles:

Simposium G: "Living Systems & Environmental Systems"

Chair-president: E. Bernard-Weil , A. Caselles , J.Martínez

Change in Living Systems: Cellular Meiosis and Mutations

Lloret-Climent, Miguel Use of Different Ordination Techniques for Studying Human Activity in Herbaceous Systems Hernández, Ana Jesús
Pastor, Jesús
Urzelai, Arantzazu
Architecture of Complexity in the Nervous System Székely, George Politiques de formation continue dans les organizations apprenantes. Nouveaux enjeux autour des ntic

                          Mallet, Jeanne

Traversing levels of organization in biological systems: the s-propagator formalism

                          Chauvert, G.

Information environment and some aspects of mankind intellect

                         Volkov, Lev

Time series analysis of net radiation and soil heat flux simultaneous field measurements

                         Bodas, A.
                         López-Baeza, E.
                         Rubia, J. de la
                         Caselles Moncho, Antonio
                         Micó Ruíz, Juan Carlos
                         Ferrer Figueras, Lorenzo



Symposium M: "Information & Communication"

Chair-president: E. Casaban , J. M. Lorente , R. Beneyto

The Dynamics and Regulation of Virtual Communities

Marshall, Garry  The Equipartition Conjecture for the Phylogenesys of Birds Torrens, Francisco  About the New Communications Networks Technology and Mathematics Vajda, Igor 
  • 19 ½h.-20 ¾h.
Opening Public Lecture by Professor/ Conference d’Ouverture par le professeur: Hermann Haken

Honour Wine / Vin d’honeur Place: "Aula Magna" of the Facultad de Medicina

Tuesday 21 Sept. 99/Mardi 21 Sept. 99
  • 9-11 h Parallel Sessions/ Sessions Parallèles:

Simposia H "Artificial Neural Networks", I "Cognition and Artificial Intelligence" & J "Data Mining"

Chair-President: E.Casaban,I.Vajda, E.Andreewsky

An Approach to Solving the Problem of Understanding

Chernyshov, Michael Yu
Vassilyev, Stanislav ,N. 
Speaker-Independent Automatic Auditory Recognition of Speech Images: A Model and a System Chernyshov, Michael Yu. L'emergence du Sens dans un Système Artificiel: Conscience Artificielle et Systèmes Auto-Adaptatifs

                         Cardon, Alain

Self Organization Processes in the Visual System: Modelling Perceptual Organization Through Neural Coherence

Raffone, Antonino
Belardinelli, Marta Olivetti
Etude de l'activité de débogage d'un gros programme Fouet, Jean-Marc

Simposium N: "Sustenable Development"

Chair-President: F.Parra, R. Pla, E.Bernard-Weil

A System of Models for Studying the Impact of Different Energy Development Strategies on Sustainable Development of the Lake Baikal Region

Saneev, Boris G.
Agafonov, Gleb. V.
Developpement Soutenable et Strategie des Enterprises Canel-Depitre, Béatrice Ecological Interactions and Social Well-Being: The Case of Bangladesh Villages Hossain, Mohamad Shahadat
Mohiuddin, Mohammed
Choudhury, Masudul Alam
Shoaib, Jalal Uddin Mohammad
Gestion Durable et Systemique Foret-Bois-Papier Aquitain Guenneguez, Lysane
Rauscent, Luc
The Sustainability of a Rural System Through the Integration of Ecological, Economical and Social Indicators Jiménez, C
Hernández, Ana Jesús
The Impact of Environmental Policy on the Mining Industry O'Regan, Bernardette
Moles, Richard

Symposium P: "Competivity & Quality" 

Chair-president: I. M. de Lejarza, J.C.Micó

Observations and Comments to European Quality Promotion Policy

Quartieri, Giuseppe
Bonato, Maria
The System Approach to Quality and Integrated System Management Quartieri, Giuseppe               Quartieri, Matteo

Symposium O: "The European City of the Future" 

Chair-president: I. M. de Lejarza, J.C.Micó

GRASP: An International Information System for Lost/Stolen Art Goods

Cite et Territorialite Urbaine: Quelques Elements de Reflexion Major,W.
Simulation of Design Thinking in Architectural Teaching: Problems and New Ideas Kapustin, Peter
11h.-11:30h Café Break/Coffee Break 
  • 11:30-12:30 Parallel Sessions/ Sessions Parallèles:

Simposia H "Artificial Neural Networks", I "Cognition and Artificial Intelligence" & J "Data Mining"

Chair-President: E.Casaban,I.Vajda, E.Andreewsky 

Interactions entre Experiences In Vitro (Intelligence artificielle) et Experiences In Vivo (Neurologistique Cognitive)

Parisse, Christophe
Andreewsky, Evelyne
Quantization Phenomenon in Dynamical Stochastic Systems Krotov, V. F. A Dynamic Autopoietic Model of Interactinos Among Artificial Agents Martorelli, Luigino
Belardinelli, Marta Olivetti
Le Bruit et le Stress: Les Fonctions du Droit Face a l'Agression Bourcier, Danièle

Simposium N: "Sustenable Development"

Chair-President: F.Parra, R. Pla, E.Bernard-Weil

Long Term Assessment of Transport Policies to Achieve Sustainability. A System Dynamics Modelling Approach

Rothengatter, Werner
Schade, Wolfgang
Towards a Culture of Systemic Efficiency Schütz, Joachim Ecodynamic Modelling for Sustainable Development Tiezzi, Enzo
Marcettini, Nadia

Symposium L: "System in Management"

Chair-President: I. M. de Lejarza, J.R. Hernández, J. Martínez

The use of western management tools in russian realities today

                       Fedotova, Natalia
                       Fromental, Alain

Virtual team. The experience of a virtual corporation in italy

                       Minati, G.
                       Carrozzi, Luigi

Le balanced-scorecard comme l’élément intégrant d’un système. Application aux centre de santé d’attention primaire de la communauté valencienne

                       Parreño, Andrés
                       Teixidó, Enric

A systemic model for insurance management

                       Barlas, Yaman
                       Duman, Ekrem

13h-14h. Visit to/Visite à the Excmo. Ayuntamiento de Valencia (Valencian Local Government) Honour Wine/ Vin d’Honeur


Tuesday 21 Sept. 99/Mardi 21 Sept. 99
  • 17-19 h
Parallel Sessions/ Sessions Parallèles:

Simposia H "Artificial Neural Networks", I "Cognition and Artificial Intelligence" & J "Data Mining"

Chair-President: E.Casaban,I.Vajda, E.Andreewsky 

On the Nature of Modeling and Object Orientation

Wojtkowski, Wita
Polovina ,Rubin
Reflections on M. Werheimer's "Prodictive Thinking" And the Developments in Artificial Intelligence Guberman, Sheila
Wojtkowski, Wita

Data Quality Measurements for KDD

Hernández-Orallo, José
Alamañac Felipo, Francisco

Universal and Cognitive Notions of Part

Hernández-Orallo, José

Carplus system: a daily car-pooling service enhanced with telematics tools

Martínez, J.J.
Martínez, J.
Samper, J.
Fuertes, A

Special Session: presentation of the conclusions of the Conference "Before
and After Studies of Y2K" by the Professor Stuart A. Umpleby 

  • 19h.-21h. 
Visit to/Visite à the Cultural Centre: "La Beneficència". Diputación de Valencia (Provincial Council of Valencia).

Second Public Lecture/ Conference by Madamme Evelyn Andreewsky president of the U.E.S.



Wednesday Sept. 99/ Mercredi Sept.99
  • 9-11 h Parallel Sessions/ Sessions Parallèles:

Symposium L : "System in Management"

Chair-President: I. M. de Lejarza, J.R. Hernández, J. Martínez

Ecological Interfaces to Coordinate Real-Time Decision Making in Hierarchical Structures and Tehir Application to Emergency Management

Fujita, Tatsuya
Koiso, Takashi
Nishida, Shogo

Pour une Approche Mésoéconomicuqe du Systéme d'Information de l'Enterprise

Alban, Daniel

Des Systemes Distribues pur Objectiver l'Autonomie dans l'Organisation

Vincent, Béatrice
Canut, Marie Françoise
Alia, Claude

Competitive Organizations, a Systemic Approach

Briceño Gordillo, Roberto

Étude sur les Limites Épistémologiques d'une Naturalisation des Théories du Processus d'Achat

Robert-Demontrond, Ph.

Systemique et Design

Hernandis Ortuño, Bernabé

Simposium A: "General System Theory and Methodology"

Chair-President: E.Andreewsky, R. Beneyto, L.Ferrer

The Causal Problem by Einstein

Bálsamo, Iris B.

Choix d'une Alternative avec le Modele de la Regulation des Couples Ago-Antagonistes

Bernard-Weil, E.

Activities to Develop Systems Thinking

Collen, Arne A Theory of Emergent Computation Based on Cooperative Self-Organization for Adaptative Artificial Systems Gleizes, Marie-Pierre
Glize, Pierre
Camps, Valérie

Peut-on Representer Differents Espace-Temps

Rizzo, Mariarosa Consola

Modelling the Evolution of Software Systems: a General Framework

Torres Carbonell, Juan Jesús
Parets-Llorca, José

Symposium K: "Cybernetics and Autonomous System" 

Chair-president: R. Pla, A. Caselles, I. Vajda

CMAC with Gausian Basis Functions for Car Behaviour Modeling

Benavent, X.
Domingo, J.
Pelechano, J.

Simulation is a Central Key in Designing Time-Varying Strategy Controllers for Uncertain Microbial Systems

Diaz, Constantino
Dieu ,Pierre
Salomé ,Marc
Lelong, Philippe
Feuillerat, Claude

A Parallel-Decomposition Method for Solving the Minimum Automaton Identification Problem

Sierocki, Ireneusz

The Role of Second-Order Cybernetics in Sociological Research; Fashion or Progress?

Parra-Luna, F.

Kosovo Crisis - A Cybernetic Approach

Rée, Stig

A Multilevel System for Short-Term Air Traffic Flow Management

Zerrouki, Leïla
Fondacci, Rémy
Bouchon-Meunier, Bernadette
11h.-11:30h Café Break/Coffee Break
  • 11:30-12:30 Parallel Sessions/ Sessions Parallèles:

Symposium L :"System in Management"

Chair-President: I. M. de Lejarza, J.R. Hernández, J. Martínez

Approche Systemique de la Creation d'Enterprise

Syssau, Jean-Luc

A Systemic Computational Outlook about the Pumping

Barglazan, M.
Navligu, Vasilica

On the Problem of Allocation and Transportation in Complex Operation System

Wolkowinski, Karol

Viable Joint Ventures

Yolles, Maurice

Simposium A: "General System Theory and Methodology"

Chair-President: E.Andreewsky, R. Beneyto, L.Ferrer

Conceptual Logic of Systems

Usó-Domenech, J.L.
Villacampa, Y.
Castro, M.A.
Sastre-Vazquez, P.

Contribution to a Theory of Isomorphism between Systems

Caselles Moncho, Antonio
Micó Ruíz, Juan Carlos
Ferrer Figueras, Lorenzo

La Méthode des Protocoles à L'Aune du Constructivisme

Robert-Demontrond, Ph.
Plouzeau, L.

Actions Creates Bios

Sabelli, H.
  • 13h Trip (optional) to La Valldigna: al "Monasterio de la Valldigna" (ticket required)



    Lunch for all participants

  • 18h.-20h. Round Table and General discussion
  • 21h. Official Dinner in El Perellonet: "casa Blayet" (ticket required)


Thursday 23 Sept. 99/ Jeudi 23 Sept.99
9-11 h Parallel Sessions/ Sessions Parallèles:

Symposium D : "Social Systems"

Chair-President: G.Minati, F. Parra,J.R. Hernández

L'Historie du Phenomene Religeux en Occident. Essai de Lecture Systemique du Modéle de Marcel Gauchet 

Donnadieu, Gérard  Face au Changement de Societe, un Processus de Formation a Co-Construire Tout au Long de la Vie Enriotti, Shéhérazade Towards an Alternative Mathematical Structure for the Analysis of the Economics of Markets and Institutions Marchant, Kenning

A Model to Distinguish and Compare the Organization of Classes in School

Ortali, R.

Models of Dual Social Evolution

Castellar-Busó, Vicent
Pla-López, Rafael

Méta-Analyse des Méthodologies d'Audit du Changement des Systémes Sociaux Complexes: Necesité d'une Approche Alternative

Perret, Véronique
Robert-Demontrond, Ph

Analysis of Human Systems in the Post-Modern Society

Vertan, Horia
Cantaragiu, Stefan

Simposium C: "Mathematical System Theory "

Chair-President: A. Caselles,R. Pla, L.Ferrer

Cheminement dans les Graphes Flous: Application au Routage du Transport des Matieres Dangereuse

Boulmakoul, A.
Laurini, R.
Zeitouni, K.
Janati Idrissi, M.A.

Traversing Levels of Organization in Biological Systems: the S-Propagator Formalism

Chauvet, Gilbert A.

Systemic Approach and Statistical Estimation

Chorro Gascó, Juan Luis

Externally Positive 1D and 2D linear discrete systems


Adaptive Optimization of Stochastic Systems via Invariant Embedding Technique and Fiducial Approach

Nechval , Konstantin N.
Nechval, Nicholas A.
Integrodifferential Equations Modelling the Dynamics of Current Networks Simionescu-Badea, Claudia Lidia

A dynamic pattern-oriented test for model validation

Barlas, Yaman
Korhan, Kanar
  • 11h.-11:30h Café Break/Coffee Break 
  • 11:30-12:30 Parallel Sessions/ Sessions Parallèles:

Symposium D : "Social Systems"

Chair-President: G.Minati, F. Parra,J.R. Hernández

Analyse Systemique d'une Organisation Pedagogique

Syssau, Jean-Luc
Rouzé, Jean-Pierre

The Problems of Construction Economic Indices and Inflation Processes in Russia

Zorkaltsev, Valery I.

Social Cooperatibility: the Case of Majors in the Czech Republic, Poland and Slovaquia

Vajdova, Zdenka

Self-Referent Systems and the Fixed Point Problem

Martínez Fernández, José
  • 13-14 h
Visit to the "Palacio La Bailia" de la Excma. Diputación de Valencia
(Palace of the Provincial Council of Valencia)

Visit to the "Palacio de la Generalitat Valenciana" 
(Palace of the Regional Government of Valencia).



Thursday 23 Sept. 99/ Jeudi 23 Sept.99
  • 17-18h Parallel Sessions/ Sessions Parallèles:

Symposium D : "Social Systems"

Chair-President: G.Minati, F. Parra,J.R. Hernández

Simulation for Unemployment Control

Pla-López, Rafael
Martínez de Lejarza y Esparducer, Ignacio
Temre, Rachid
Ferrer Figueras, Lorenzo
Caselles Moncho , Antonio

Equations and Methodology to Construct Multidimensional Mathematical Models. Application to an Urban System

Soler Fernández, David
Micó Ruíz Juan, Carlos
Caselles Moncho, Antonio
Ferrer Figueras, Lorenzo

La comunication éducative dans les systèmes d’interaction humaine

Rius Lozano, Mercedes
García López, Rafaela
Aznar Minguet, Pilar

Le systeme ville-dechets. Logiques techniques et logiques sociales

Berdier, Chantal
Deleuil, Jean-Michel

Simposium "Ethical, political and Juridical Systems"

Chair-President: Marie-Noëlle Sarget, J. Martínez

Approche systémique pour l’elaboration des etudes universitaires

Martínez, Josep
Ribera, Bárbara
From Reasoning about Vagueness to Reasoning under Vagueness in the Legal System Legrand,Jacky

L'Approche Systemique de la Decision Politique

  • 18 h aprox. Departure to Ibiza