Mostly this Serendipity website is a libertarian, anti-fascist, anti-war, anti-Zionist and anti-prison-planet website, asserting the natural right of people everywhere to pursue their lives, interests and pleasures free from harmful childhood conditioning, from exploitation and domination by covert political and economic forces which seek to enslave them and from repressive authoritarian governments, rapacious capitalist corporations, mendacious religious organizations, fraudulent international bankers and the unholy alliance among all of these which works to deprive the common people of all countries of their freedom, health, happiness and the full realization of their spiritual potential.


This website is anti-war and anti-lie. We are non-partisan. We do not support or endorse any particular political party or candidate. The purpose of this site is to expose deceptions by governments and media used to trick the public into wars and out of their money.


This site exists because we are not being told the truth about our history. Are you under the impression that Oswald killed Kennedy? That the Media is independent? That the CIA never operates without presidential authority? If so, you need to peruse these archives and find out what you've been missing.