Gorka Bastarrika G y col. New techniques for the evaluation and therapeutic
planning of patients with KlippeleTreŽnaunay syndrome J Am Acad Dermatol 2007;56:242-9.


Fig 1. A, Geographic stain on thigh and knee of a 26-year-old female with KlippeleTreŽnaunay
syndrome (patient 5). B, MDCT images. C, Volume rendered images of the right lower
extremity. Severely dilated lateral veins (arrows) extending into the pelvis. Antero-posterior
view. D, Duplication of the superficial femoral vein (arrows). Note a normal superficial femoral
vein in the contralateral limb (arrowhead ). Posterio-anterior view.

Fig 2. A, Geographic stain on lateral thigh, knee, and leg of a 34-year-old male with
KlippeleTreŽnaunay syndrome (patient 7). B, MR venography. Persistent lower sciatic veins
(arrow) originate in the region of the popliteal vein and terminate in the proximal superficial
femoral vein (arrowhead ).
Fig 3. A, Geographic stain on the foot of a 24-year-old
male with KlippeleTreŽnaunay syndrome (patient 8). B,
MDCT images. C, MDCT venography. Normal superficial
femoral vein (arrow) with aplasia of the popliteal vein
(arrowhead ), and a persistent sciatic vein (asterisk).