
El Prof. Keith James (Portland State University, USA) impartira el seminario "Psychology of Creativity, Innovation, and Change" en la Universidad de Valencia

El profesor Keith James (Portland State University, USA), impartira un seminario (con diversas sesiones) en el Salón de Grados de la Facultad de Psicología de la Universidad de Valencia.

El seminario está patrocinado por el Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación MICINN, el Banco Santander Central Hispano BSCH y el Vicerrectorado de Postgrado

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Psychology of Creativity, Innovation, and Change

Keith James, Ph.D.

Portland State University

“Creativity is an arbitrary harmony, an expected astonishment, a habitual revelation, a familiar surprise, a generous selfishness…..”  George Prince


This short course is focused on the following: the methods and strategies that psychologists and others have used to try to research influences on creativity; major forms and types of creativity; individual, group, and organizational factors that inhibit or promote creativity; the links between creativity, innovation and change; and influences on successful innovation and change in organizations and society.  In addition, it includes review and some practice of strategies for promoting both personal creativity and creativity in groups, teams, and organizations.  It exposes students to examples of creativity and innovation from a variety of cultures, eras, and fields.  Course format  includes lectures, demonstrations, discussions, and exercises.


Selected draft chapters from a book on the psychology of creativity that I am writing (James, K. Creativity, Innovation, Entrepreneurship: Fundamentals and Applications) will be the text for the course.  A bound photocopy of that draft textbook will be made available for student use. 


Día: 9-18 de Septiembre de 2009.

Lugar: Salón de Grados de la Facultad de Psicología de la Universidad de Valencia.

Para consultar el cv del Prof. Keith James (Portland State University, USA) pinche aquí


