Species file model:


The Atlas is made of files for each of the selected species, containing the updated knowledge of their populations. The aim is to establish their category of threat following IUCN criteria as well as to detail the information that lead us to such qualification, allowing species monitoring, future revisions or even changes of the qualification because of eventual changes in the criteria followed.

Category of threat following IUCN. This atlas include critically endangered species (CR), endangered (EN), vulnerable (VU) and some data deficient species (DD).http://intranet.iucn.org/webfiles/doc/SSC/RedList/redlistcatspanish.pdfshapeimage_4_link_0
Scientific name, phylum and family of the taxon, and authors of the file.
General biological information: life history strategy, generation length and definition of individual.
Photograph of the species or its habitat.
Identification of the species, containing the most important diagnostic characters.
Reproduction in general or in the territory: sexual or vegetative, dioicous or monoicous species and frequency of reproduction if known.
Ecological description of the species: type of environment where it lives, specific type of habitat and altitudinal range in Spain.
Distribution of the species in bioclimatic and biogeographical terms.
Summary of the state of conservation of the species indicating wether it is or not in a protected area, changes of situation  considering previous information available, fragility of habitat, key areas or populations for the conservation of the species, general or particular threats, presence or absence in national or regional catalogs or red lists and suggested conservation measures.
Red record with basic information for the application of the IUCN categories. Criteria for the qualification of the species are provided. http://intranet.iucn.org/webfiles/doc/SSC/RedList/redlistcatspanish.pdfshapeimage_25_link_0
Summary table of the studied populations: number of individuals, reproductive situation, number of 1x1 UTM grid cells occupied and area covered.
When locations are more than 100 Km apart different populations have been considered, except for exceptional cases where severe fragmentation can be expected at shorter distances. Subpopulations have been defined to reflect fragmentation within populations.
Reproductive state is shown as sterile, fertile, fructified (Fr) o with propagula (Pr).
Map of distribution of the known populations.
Additional observations on biological, ecological, historical or conservation aspects regarding the species populations.
Bibliographic references used in the study.
Acknowledge to those who have collaborated in the task of producing the file by helping the field work, providing photos, revision of materials and drafts, etc.
Suggested citation of each file as part of the digital book, including the date of the on-line publication and latter revisions.
Work teamWork_team.htmlWork_team.htmlshapeimage_46_link_0
Species files../avances/Fichas.html../avances/Fichas.htmlshapeimage_47_link_0
Selected speciesSelected_species.htmlSelected_species.htmlshapeimage_51_link_0