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       D'Història. Recursos (Links to History resources) Pàgina personal d'Anaclet Pons





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Docència/ Teaching Resources


American Social History Project . Center for Media and Learning of the Graduate School and University Center, City University of New York. Aquest projecte crea "multimedia materials and conduct professional development workshops for high school and college teachers".

AngliaCampus. AngliaCampus is the UK's leading online education service.Written exclusively to support the National Curriculum by a team of over sixty teachers, it is used in thousands of UK schools and homes.

Applied History Research Group - Multimedia History Tutorials . University of Alberta

Archivos Curriculares de Ciencias Sociales e Historia.

Bibliotecas Virtuales . Portal

Center for Teaching History with Techology

Centre National de Documentation Pedagogique  

Classroom: Electronic Courses in American Studies. University of Virginia. 

Les Clionautes : utilisation des Nouvelles technologies de l'Information et de la Communication . Les historiens et les géographes de l'avenir : Nouvelles Technologies Educatives en Histoire-Géographie.

Cliosoft : le multimédia au service de l'Histoire.  Histoire générale, dossiers mensuels, base de données historiques, multimédia.

Cliotexte : catalogue de textes utiles à l'enseignement de l'histoire. Patrice Delpin,   Collège de Saussure de Ginebra.

Correo del Maestro. "Publicación mensual argentina dedicada al intercambio de experiencias docentes y de nuevas propuestas en el área de la educación bàsica".

Ecole ouverte
Ecole ouverte permet d’accéder directement aux contenus de recherche et d’enseignement en ligne créés à l’Ecole Normale Supérieure Lettres et Sciences Humaines : éditions et revues électroniques, enregistrements audio et vidéo des événements scientifiques et culturels qui s’y déroulent, sites web centrés sur une discipline, un colloque ou une création des élèves. 

EDSITEment. National Endowment for the Humanities. USA.

Educaguía.com - Portal de Recursos Educativos


EDUCASOURCE : Des ressources électroniques pour l'enseignement

Education Journals and Newsletters . The Scottish Council for Research in Education.

Education Review: A Journal of Book Reviews .It publishes review articles of recently published books in education. ER contains sixteen departments covering the range of educational scholarship, and is intended to promote wider understanding of the latest and best research in the field.

Education World .

Educazione & Scuola. "La Rivista telematica della Scuola e della Formazione".

Enseigner l' histoire et géographie . Académie de Toulouse.

ERIC -- Educational Resources Information Center ..the Educational Resources Information Center (ERIC), a federally-funded national information system that provides, through its 16 subject-specific clearinghouses, associated adjunct clearinghouses, and support components, a variety of services and products on a broad range of education-related issues.

European History .Yale University Library

European Schoolnet.

"From Revolution to Reconstruction" .

Géonet.. : "dédiée aux nouvelles technologies pour l'enseignement de l'Histoire-Géographie".

The Globewide Network Academy .

Guide international de la recherche en histoire de l'éducation . Le prolongement des ouvrages édités depuis 1990 par le Service d'histoire de l'éducation de l’INRP, pour le compte de l’Association internationale pour l'histoire de l'éducation (ISCHE : International Standing Conference for the History of Education). 

Histor eSearch.com: Comprehensive History Resources. This site is intended for use by students, educators and history buffs.

Historias Paralelas. Spain, the United States, & the American Frontier. A multimedia English-Spanish digital library. Lybrary of Congress.

History's Best On PBS . Public Broadcasting Service

HistoryCentral.com. MultiEducator.

Historical Documentary Videos Online . Specializing in documetary and factual film (video) and utilizing the enormous inventories of both Amazon.com and Big Star Videos, this site is the most comprehensive source of this genre.

The History of Education Site. University Nijmegen. Netherlands.

The History Guide. "The purpose of The History Guide is to better prepare yourself for your history classes and to make your time in class more enjoyable and proficient".

The History Place.

History/Social Studies Web Site for K-12 Teachers .

Historical Studies WWW Pages. Paul Halsall,  Fordham University ( New York City's Jesuit University). En particular: Internet Modern History Sourcebook ; Modern History Course ; i Chinese Studies Course.

History on the Web .BBC Education

INDEXNET Santillana.

Scout Project Homepage.  Internet Scout, located in the Computer Sciences Department at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, is sponsored by the National Science Foundation and is a project of the InterNIC.

J. B. Owens Home Page . J. B. Owens, Professor of History, Idaho State University.

K-12 History on the Internet .

Kathy Schrock's Guide for Educators - General History & Social Studies Sites.

Learn.co.uk . Learn.co.uk — the educational website from the Guardian — has a simple mission: to support, stimulate and succeed. We support teachers and promote success. On the website you will find lessons to support the national curriculum, resources for learners which build on the 200-year-old archive of the Guardian and the Observer and a unique range of online events.

Lesson Plans and Resources for Social Studies Teachers . California State University.

Links for History Teachers . World Wide Web Links for Historians and History Teachers. Emporia State University.

National Center for History in the Schools . UCLA

National Council for the Social Studies (NCSS) Online .

Primary Source Materials & Document Based Questions

Portal .

Projects on the Web .   Jim Zwick (Syracuse University).

Reading, Writing, and Researching for History: A Guide for College Students. Professor Patrick Rael of Bowdoin College has put together an invaluable resource that not only covers writing research papers, but also how to read primary and secondary sources. Bowdoin College.

SchoolHistory.co.uk - online history lessons, worksheets, quizzes and links.

SCORE History/Social Science . Schools of California Online. Resources for Education: History/Social Science Resources.

Site Eric Ranguin - Histoire, Geographie et Education Civique. Les pages sur l'histoire-géo du serveur de l'Académie d'Orléans-Tours.

Sites for Teachers

Social Studies School Service - Online Resources .

Social Studies Sources. Indiana University.

Spartacus Educational - Free Educational Material .

La Storia - Paravia Bruno Mondadori Editori. Il sito vuole offrire a insegnanti e studenti sia materiali, elementi di aggiornamento, spunti di riflessione sul versante della ricerca storiografica, con particolare attenzione a quello che ormai si chiama comunemente “uso pubblico della storia” , sia concrete proposte didattiche come ausilio all’attività di insegnamento.

Teaching and Learning on the WWW . Maricopa Center for Learning & Instruction (MCLI), part of the Maricopa Community Colleges, Arizona.

The Times Higher Education Supplement.

Utiliser internet en histoire-géographie

Le web histoire-géographie. Ressources pédagogiques en histoire, géographie et éducation civique E.C.J.S. pour l'enseignement secondaire : cours, évaluations, fiches, modules, programmations, progressions, descriptions de sites, etc. Jean-François Carémel.

Web Sites for the History Profession . Indiana.

Women in World History Curriculum .

World History Archives .  Hartford Web Publishing. 

The World Lecture Hall . University of Texas at Austin. .



Mapes / Maps -  Cronologías /Chronos    Menú

Atlapedia Online . Atlapedia Online contains full color physical and political maps as well as key facts and statistics on countries of the world.

ATLAS HISTORIQUE - Cartographie & histoire.  L'histoire du monde contemporain (de 1815 à nos jours) en cartes. Ressources cartographiques et historiques pour une meilleure compréhension de l'histoire du monde contemporain et de la situation géopolitique du monde actuel.

Cartographic Materials Discipline Page
. University of Waterloo Library - Waterloo, Ontario, Canada.

Centennia Historical Atlas. Vector historical atlas historique of Europe covering the years 1000 to 2000.

A Comparative Chronology of Money . Glyn Davies

Cronologia Storica del Planeta.

Cultural Maps. The immediate goal is to build a digital American Historical Atlas. To the extent that maps serve as guides not only to the physical terrain but also and importantly as charts of the mapmaker's mental and cultural terrain, of the memories and desires, anxieties and assumptions he projects upon any terra incognita, we have begun building an historical geography of America. American Studies and The University of Virginia.

David Rumsey Historical Map Collection

Free Historic Maps

Geography World .

Histoire du monde.

Historic Atlas Resource - North America . University of Oregon.

Historical Atlas of Canada Online Learning Project
. A three-volume publication, released in English and French versions, which uses thematic mapping to describe Canada's development. Department of Geography, University of Toronto.

Historical Atlas of the 20th Century. Matthew White's Homepage

Historical Cartography : "compiling a list of non-printed reference material, on the subject of historical maps & cartography".

Historical Map Web Sites
. University of Texas at Austin (The Perry-Castañeda Library Map Collection)

Historical Pictures Collections. Department of History at the University of San Diego

The History of Cartography Project.     Department of Geography. University of Wisconsin

HyperHistory Online .

Map Collections Home Page . Series of maps depicting Americana and cartographic treasures of the Library of Congress.

Map collections as memories of the world:" more than 15,000 maps, charts, plans and views from the 16th to the 18th century, covering the whole globe". Universität Bern (Suïssa)

Map History / History of Cartography - old maps, early maps . Compiled by Tony Campbell, Map Librarian, The British Library, London.

The Map Room Bodleian Library Map Room.

Mapas Histórico-Políticos: "Atlas Histórico de la Frontera Política"

Maps and geography of the world.

Mil años en línea. "Desde el año 1000, fecha del poblamiento de Nueva Zelanda por los maoríes hasta la clonación de mamíferos en 1997, Indexnet hace un recorrido que se divide en ocho apartados: Historia, Historia del Pensamiento, Ciencia y Técnica, Arquitectura, Escultura y Pintura, Literatura, Música y Cine".

National Geographic Map Machine . The National Geographic.

Oddens's Bookmarks
.Universiteit Utrecht

Online historical atlas of Europe

Ordnance Survey .  The National Mapping Agency of Great Britain, based in Southampton, produce a wide range of maps of Great Britain and other areas of the world.

Osher Map Library

planiglobe - online map creation

Rare Map Collection . University of Georgia.

Shock-ing Geography . Daniel J Pfeifer, DePauw University.

WebChron. A program of the History Department at North Park University, is a series of hyperlinked chronologies developed by the instructors and historical articles prepared by students intended for use in history classe.

"The World of Maps - Die Welt der Karten". Kartensammlung der ETH-Bibliothek, Zürich.




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