Educational Improvement Strategies by using ICT and Active Learning

Estrategias de mejora educativa mediante TICs y técnicas de aprendizaje activo

Principal Investigator: Miguel Arevalillo Herráez

Vicerrectorado de Convergencia Europea y Calidad
Universitat de València

500 euro

This project continues with the initiative "Active Learning methods in undergratudate courses" described below. A special emphasis is placed on a) motivational strategies, both intrinsic and extrinsic; b) formative evaluations; and c)development of transferrable skills and competences. In addition, an educational netwoks has been established, with lecturers from three other universities: Jaume I in Castellon, Universidad Católica in Valencia and University of Malaga.

Active Learning methods in undergratudate courses

(Metodologías activas de aprendizaje en títulos de grado y licenciatura)

Principal Investigator: Miguel Arevalillo Herráez

Vicerrectorado de Convergencia Europea y Calidad
Universitat de València

1,000 euro

This project continues with the initiative "Methodologies to teach programming modules in current and new degree programs" described below. In this case, methods to increase the student participation in the learning process are attempted. In addition, we attempt to focus teaching objectives on the highest levels of Bloom's taxonomy.

Using ICT to improve learning resources

Mejora de la calidad de los materiales educativos mediante TICs

Principal Investigator: María Dolores Sancerni Beitia

Vicerrectorado de Convergencia Europea y Calidad
Universitat de València

2,500 euro

In this project, different approaches to using ICT to improve learning are explored. Some of these include the use of applets, advanced communication platforms and the use of virtual worlds.

Methodologies to teach programming modules in current and new degree programs

(Implantación de nuevas metodologías docentes para la mejora del aprendizaje de programación en las titulaciones actuales y en los nuevos grados científicos y de ingeniería)

Principal Investigator: Miguel Arevalillo Herráez

Vicerrectorado de Convergencia Europea y Calidad
Universitat de València

1,500 euro

This project aims at applying some active learning teaching methods in the context of several degree modules. In particular, a special emphasis is placed on the application of problem and project based learning to develop competences and transferrable skills. To this end, student collaboration is encouraged from serveral perspectives, and student motivation is placed at the center of the strategies.

Interactive Learning Resources in Psychology

(Recursos docentes interactivos en psicología)

Principal Investigator: Juan Luis Chorro Gascó

Vicerrectorado de Convergencia Europea y Calidad
Universitat de València

1,673 euro

This project focuses on the development of interactive learning resources for a statistics module in the physcology degree. Both theoretical and practical contents are developed, mixing short explanations with interactive exercises.

Development of a Collaborative Tool to Help Creating Teaching Materials

(Desarrollo de una Herramienta Colaborativa para la Elaboración de Materiales Docentes)

Principal Investigator: Miguel Arevalillo Herráez

Vicerrectorado de Convergencia Europea y Calidad
Universitat de València

5,000 euro

This project is an initiative of the research group "Grupo de Investigación en Metolodogías Docentes Colaborativas, Cooperativas y Competitivas" (Research Group in Collaborative, Cooperative and Competitive Teaching Methodologies). This group gained official recognition as a consolidated research group from the University of Valencia in 2009 and was then composed of 5 members, namely: Miguel Arevalillo-Herráez (coordinator), Xaro Benavent García, José M. Claver Iborra, Ricardo Ferris Castell y Francesc Ferri Rabasa.

In this project we propose the development of a computer tool to improve teaching materials in a collaborative manner, motivating the student's participation in the process. In particular, we are extending MediaWiki with a subsystem which allows and automatic evaluation of the student's contributions. To this end, we are using heuristics to determine their quality.

ICT usage in Teaching and Learning

(Aplicación de las TIC en docencia Universitaria)

Principal Investigator: Miguel Arevalillo Herráez

Vicerrectorado de Convergencia Europea y Calidad
Universitat de València

This project aims to study the results of using ICT in teaching and learning. In particular, the application "Elluminate" is being used as a tool to support remote tutorial sessions for computer related subjects. This application includes several facilities which contribute to improving the learning experience, eg. it allows the student to share their applications with the lecturer. This makes it possible that the lecturer helps students to solve compilation errors or other issues which would otherwise be difficult to explain in words.

Educational Strategies in First Level of Maths degree

Principal Investigator: Miguel Arevalillo Herráez

School of Mathematics
Universitat de València

This project aims to introduce innovative teaching strategies in the first level of the Maths degree in the university. We collaborate in this project in the context of the module "Computer Science", by testing strategies which focus on increasing student support and guidance by several means.