University of Valencia WebSite
Black Holes and Loop Quantum Gravity Workshop

Black Holes and Loop Quantum Gravity
Valencia, March 26-28, 2009
In honor of Prof. Joaquin Olivert

The Workshop on Black Holes and Loop Quantum Gravity will take place in Valencia, Spain, from the 26th to the 28th of March, 2009. The purpose of the workshop is to bring together researchers working on quantum aspects of black holes, with emphasis on ideas that have originated in loop quantum gravity. A partial list of topics to be covered is as follows:

    - Black hole entropy in LQG
    - Spin foam approach to black holes
    - Singularity resolution and information loss
    - Prospects for a detailed description of the Hawking radiation
    - Comparison between results from LQG and other approaches

This will be a 'Discussion Workshop'. Therefore a significant time will be set aside for a critical evaluation of ideas that are being pursued in current research and on finding fertile directions for future work.

Here you can download the poster of the workshop.
Dowonload poster

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