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Conference for the Legal Sciences Chairs of the UV
Conference for the Legal Sciences Chairs of the UV

UVchairs 30th anniversary


In celebration of the 30th anniversary of the University and Business Chairs programme (UVchairs), the Office of the Vice-Principal for Innovation and Transfer has organised a series of activities in order to share and promote the important work of the university chairs.

On 17 September the Conference of the Legal Sciences Chairs of the UV will take place in the Faculty of Law.

The conference will begin with a presentation that will detail the work carried out by each of the chairs in this area led by the Principal of the Universitat de València.

It will continue with a panel discussion titled ‘The social impact of the legal chairs of the Universitat de València’, followed by a conclusion by Rosa Maria Donat, Vice-Principal for Innovation and Knowledge Transfer. 

The conference will end with a networking session.


Date 17 september 2024 at 09:00 to 15:00. Tuesday.


Faculty of Law

6 Av. de los Naranjos

Valencia (46022)

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Price: 0€

Departure date: 03/09/2024

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