The downturn challenge. Implications for a fair and inclusive eco-social transformation 15 January UV Faculty of Economics and online
THE DOWNTURN CHALLENGE. The downturn challenge. Implications for a fair and inclusive eco-social transformation
15 January
UV Faculty of Economics
We recommend to have previously watched Carta a G. Repensando nuestra sociedad con Andrè Gorz Watch the movie "Carta a G., Repensando la sociedad con André Gorz" (andregorz.fr)
16:00 - Institutional opening of the Dialogues on Social Responsibility at the Universitat de València
Vice-Principal of Sustainability, Cooperation and Healthy Life of the Universitat de València, prof. Dra. Pilar Serra Añó
16:15 - Dialogue
Julien Tortora, member of l'équipe de Lettre à G. andregorz.fr (connecting online from France)
Núria Albet Torres, coordinator of La Palma Renovable and president of Energía Bonita
Juan Bordera, Journalist, Activist, Member of the Valencian Parliament and co-author of "El Fin de las Estaciones"
Ramón Ruiz, University Lecturer in the Department of Economic Analysis at the UV
Moderated by:
Nuria García Cebriá. Journalist
18:00 - Closing ceremony:
Vice-Principal of Sustainability, Cooperation and Healthy Life of the Universitat de València, Pilar Serra Añó
Assambly Hall of the Faculty of Economics
Registration: https://ir.uv.es/ac4mP0i
Avenida dels Tarongers, 4. 46021 València
Date 15 january 2025 at 16:00 to 18:15. Wednesday.
Facultad de Economía, Salón de Grados
Avda. Tarongers, s/n.
València (46022)
Vice-Principal of Sustainability, Cooperation and Healthy Life
Chair for Cooperation and Sustainable Development
Faculty of Economics.
Contact sostenibilitat@uv.es