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The downturn challenge, 4th Dialogue on Social Responsibility at the Universitat de València

The downturn challenge. Implications for a fair and inclusive eco-social transformation 15 January UV Faculty of Economics and online


THE DOWNTURN CHALLENGE. The downturn challenge. Implications for a fair and inclusive eco-social transformation

15 January

UV Faculty of Economics


We recommend to have previously watched ​​​​​Carta a G. Repensando nuestra sociedad con Andrè Gorz Watch the movie "Carta a G., Repensando la sociedad con André Gorz" (

16:00 - Institutional opening of the Dialogues on Social Responsibility at the Universitat de València

Vice-Principal of Sustainability, Cooperation and Healthy Life of the Universitat de València, prof. Dra. Pilar Serra Añó

16:15 -  Dialogue

Julien Tortora, member of l'équipe de Lettre à G. (connecting online from France)

Núria Albet Torres, coordinator of La Palma Renovable and president of Energía Bonita

Juan Bordera, Journalist, Activist, Member of the Valencian Parliament and co-author of "El Fin de las Estaciones"

Ramón Ruiz, University Lecturer in the Department of Economic Analysis at the UV

Moderated by:

Nuria García Cebriá. Journalist

18:00 - Closing ceremony:

Vice-Principal of Sustainability, Cooperation and Healthy Life of the Universitat de València, Pilar Serra Añó


Assambly Hall of the Faculty of Economics



Avenida  dels Tarongers, 4. 46021 València


Date 15 january 2025 at 16:00 to 18:15. Wednesday.


Facultad de Economía, Salón de Grados

Avda. Tarongers, s/n.

València (46022)

Organized by

Vice-Principal of Sustainability, Cooperation and Healthy Life

Chair for Cooperation and Sustainable Development

Faculty of Economics.



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