The files containing the DGRP_LAP instances have the following format: NOMBRE: COMENTARIO: VERTICES: ARCOS_REQ: ARCOS_NOREQ: VERTICES_REQ: LIST OF ARCS: (,) cost . . . ARCOS_NOREQ: (,) cost -1 . . . VERT_REQ: . . . Entries and may be empty. For each required arc from node to node there is a line (,) cost where is the cost of traversing the arc. For each non-required arc from node to node there is a line (,) cost -1 where is the cost of traversing the arc. The list of required vertices is given after "VERT_REQ:". The files containing the DGRP DGxxx_new instances have a similar format. All the vertices not incident with a required arc are required vertices, so there is no need for a list of required vertices and the line "VERTICES_REQ: " has been removed from the file.