The files containing the UR instances have the following format: NOMBRE: COMENTARIO: VERTICES: CLIENTES: ARCOS_REQ: ARCOS_NOREQ: LIST OF REQUIRED ARCS: (,) coste . . . LIST OF NO REQUIRED ARCS: (,) coste . . . CONJUNTOS H : {,,...,} . . . Entries and may be empty. For each required arc from node u1 to node u2 there is a line (,) coste where c is the cost of traversing the arc. For each non-required arc from node u1 to node u2 there is a line (,) coste where c is the cost of traversing the arc. The list of customers is given after "CONJUNTOS H :". Each line contains, in braces, the list of arcs from which each customer is serviced