Wednesday 17 June,  19:00 h
Centre Cultural La Nau. Seminar Room Calle Universitat, 2, 3rd floor
- Dramatised performance of the exhibition Norman Bethune. Imprint of Solidary, by Assaig, according to the original idea by Jesus Majada, curator of the exhibition.
- Launching of the comic El paseo de los Canadienses (Canadians’ walk), with the presence of the author and Paco Camarasa. Published by Edicions de Ponent.
Tuesday 24 June, 18:30
Roundtable “Bethune: humanitarian action and commitment in armed conflicts”
Place Assembly Hall of Palau de Cerveró. Plaza de Cisneros, 4.
With the participation of Almudena Bernabeu, International lawyer, human rights defender.
José Elías Esteve, professor and IDHUV member
Natalia Fernández, Autonomous University of Barcelona, editor and translator of the book Norman Bethune. The Wounds (Ed. Pepitas de Calabaza, 2012)
Moderated by
Javier de Lucas, López Piñero Institute for the History of Medicine and Science
Documentary screening Heart of Spain (1937) 30', Spanish version, USA, Herbert Kline, produced by CBC
Wednesday 23 June, 18:30
Roundtable “In the face of barbarism: healthcare provision in wartime”
Place Assembly Hall of Palau de Cerveró. Plaza de Cisneros, 4.
With the participation of Mila Font, Doctors Without Borders
Natalia Fernández, Autonomous University of Barcelona, editor and translator of the book Norman Bethune. The Wounds (Ed. Pepitas de Calabaza, 2012)
Representative of Red Cross Spain
Moderated by Àlvar Martínez, López Piñero Institute for the History of Medicine and Science
Documentary screening Bethune (1964) 58', English version, produced by the National Film Board of Canada. Director: Donald Brittain.
Tuesday 30 June, 18:00
Place Assembly Hall of Palau de Cerveró. Plaza de Cisneros, 4.
Screening of the film Bethune. The Making of a Hero (1990) 115’ English version with Spanish subtitles. Director: Philip Borsos. Starring Donald Sutherland, Helen Mirren and Anouk Aimée.
Presented by Javier de Lucas
Wednesday 1 July, 18:00
Place Assembly Hall of Palau de Cerveró. Plaza de Cisneros, 4.
Screening of the documentary There Are No Outdoor Ice Rinks in Madrid (2011) 75’ Original English version. Spanish subtitles.
Presented by the film director, Bruno L. Pacheco
With the participation of Olga García, Aula de Cinema Universitat de València