ESNIE 2006
Fifth session of the European School on New Institutional Economics


Dear Colleague
ESNIE 2006, the fifth session of the European School on New Institutional Economics, will be held in Cargese (Corsica) from the 15nd to the 20th of May 2006.
This school seeks to promote the use of rigorous methods to analyze the economics of institutions and organizations, to provide researchers and decision makers with up to date synthesis on the evolutions of the research program, to develop networking and cooperation among researchers and among their institutions.
It is dedicated to Ph.D. students, Post-docs and researchers in Economics, Management Science, Sociology, Law and other social sciences.
They will benefit from lectures (every morning) dedicated to the extensive presentation of the state of the art of the discipline on a specific applied or theoretical topic, workshops (afternoon) devoted either to "research questions" or "technical topics", and seminars (second part of the afternoon) which will enable the attendants to have their work discussed by specialised scholars in the field.
Lecturers (ESNIE 2006) :

Workshop Organizers (ESNIE 2006) :

Calendar :

Attendant selection:

Attendants will be selected on the basis of their research program. They will present a paper that will be discussed in seminars.


Detailed information are available at:

We would be grateful if you could circulate this information to your colleagues and students who could be interested.
Sincerely yours,

Professor Eric Brousseau
EconomiX, Université de Paris X, IUF
Bâtiment K : Maison Max Weber
200 avenue de la république
F-92001 Nanterre Cedex