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14th European Congress on Work and Organizational Psychology EAWOP




[see video][see abstracts] [see program]


14th European Congress on Work and Organizational Psychology to be held in Santiago de Compostela from 13 to 16 May 2009. The Congress is being organized by the Consejo General de Colegios Oficiales de Psicólogos (COP) under the auspices of the European Association of Work and Organizational Psychology (EAWOP).


The Congress has always represented for the EAWOP the most important event in the association’s life. It is an international occasion for work and organizations psychologists to meet; an opportunity to disseminate research results in different areas of W/O psychology; and a forum for discussion between researchers and practitioners. For these reasons, the congress is a key part of EAWOP’s mission.


Professor José M. Peiró director of the European Master on WOP-P and The Research Unit of Organizational, Work and HR Psychology (UIPOT) speaker invited to participate at the XIV European Congress EAWOP ( European Association of Work and Organizational Psychology).


José M. Peiró (University of Valencia, Spain) is chair of the Program Committee and Vicente González-Roma and Jesús Salgado (University of Valencia, Spain) are members of the Program Committee.


The team members of the Research Unit of Organizational, Work and HR Psychology (UIPOT) which present Symposia, Round Tables, Oral Presentations and Posters are: José M. Peiró, Ana Zornoza, Vicente Martinez-Tur, Francisco Javier Gracia, Jesús Salgado, Ana Hernández , Inés Tomás, Carolina Moliner, Irene Bresó M. Felisa Latorre Navarro, Kristina Potocnik, Edurne Martínez Moreno, Nuria Gamero, Juan Pablo Gamboa Navarro, Elvira Pomares, Inmaculada Silla, Mercedes Argaña, and Eva M. Lira Rodríguez.




(14 May 2008)

Sala 19-20 15:30 - 17:00

Human Resource Management: Performance at


Chair: Karina Van De Voorde (Netherlands)

Co-Chair: Wolfgang Beiglboeck (Austria)

Human resource practices and employee performance:

moderating effect of organizational employment stability

Chair: M. Felisa Latorre Navarro (Spain)

Sala 23 13:40 - 15:10

Job Stress and Employee Well-Being: Time and


Chair: Philip Dewe (United Kingdom)

Co-Chair: Pascale Widmer (Switzerland)

Does Emotional Intelligence protect against negative

effects of stress?

Chair: Lira Rodriguez (Spain)

Invited Symposium

Auditorio Principal 15:30 - 17:00

Trust and social capital in organizations

Chair: Ana Cristina Costa (United Kingdom)

Discussant: José M. Peiró (Spain)

Trust and Coordination in virtual teams A temporal perspective

Chair: Ana Zornoza (Spain)




Sala Obradoiro 12:00 - 13:30

Safety culture in nuclear power plants

Chair: Francisco Javier Gracia (Spain)

Co-Chair: Markus Schöbel (Germany)

Dimensions and correlates of safety culture

Chair: Francisco Javier Gracia (Spain)


Auditorio Principal 13:40 - 15:10

Innovation and creativity at work: International

perspectives and advances

Chair: Neil Anderson (Netherlands)

Discussant: Miriam Erez (Israel)

Selecting for innovation: What is good for job performance

is not necessarily good for innovative performance

Chair: Jesús Salgado (Spain)


Pasillo Sur 10:20 - 15:10

The role of organisational factors on the chance

of road accidents in transport organisations

Chair: Nuria Gamero (Spain)


(15 May 2008)

Oral Session

Sala 8-9 10:50 - 12:20

Changing Employment Relations: Change and


Chair: Marina Mondo (Italy)

Co-Chair: Juan Pablo Gamboa Navarro (Spain)

Employability and Type of Employment Contract as

antecedents of Psychological Contract Fulfilment by


Chair: Juan Pablo Gamboa Navarro (Spain)

Invited Symposium

Auditorio Principal 10:50 - 12:20

Leadership and Health

Chair: Lois Tetrick (USA)

Discussant: Lois Tetrick (USA)

A multilevel analysis of transformational leadership

as antecedent of job stress appraisal

Chair: José M. Peiró (Spain)

Oral Session

Sala 19-20 12:30 - 14:00

Human Resource Management: HRM Practices and

Industrial Relations

Chair: Ole Henning Sorensen (Denmark)

Co-Chair: Ruan Van der Walt (South Africa)

Predictors of retirement intentions and planned retirement

age: the role of health, work-related variables and social


Chair: Kristina Potocnik (Spain)


Pasillo Sur 09:00 - 14:00

The role of health behaviours on work stress process

Chair: Elvira Pomares (Spain)


Sala 10 09:00 - 10:30

Organizational Justice: Different Contexts,

Methods, and Levels of Construct

Chair: Carolina Moliner (Spain)

Linking justice climate in service settings to customer


Chair: Carolina Moliner (Spain)


Pasillo Sur 09:00 - 14:00

Organizational factors and safety climate: the moderator

role of safety climate from a multilevel perspective

Chair: Inmaculada Silla (Spain)


Pasillo Sur 09:00 - 14:00

Determinants of a safe workplace: the role of safety climate

Chair: Inmaculada Silla (Spain)

Oral session

Sala 8-9 16:00 - 17:30

Research and Methodology: Methods

Chair: Ana Hernández (Spain)

Co-Chair: Ángela Campillo Álvarez (Spain)

A comparison of within-group agreement

indices: A Monte Carlo simulation

Chair: Ana Hernández (Spain)


Sala 13 12:30 - 14:00

Customer Behavior and Service Quality:

Public, Private, and Social Sectors

Chair: Vicente Martinez (Spain)

Relationships between Service Quality and Customer

Satisfaction: comparing tow different service sectors

Chair: Vicente Martinez (Spain)

Invited Symposium

Sala 14 10:50 - 12:20

Intra-Team Processes in Virtual Collaboration

Chair: Matti Vartiainen (Finland)

The antecedents and consequences of group potency: A

comparison of face-to-face and videoconference teams

Chair: Lira Rodriguez (Spain)

Invited Symposium

Sala 14 12:30 - 14:00

Technology, Cognition and Training in Distributed


Chair: Matti Vartiainen (Finland)

Training for virtual teams: developing a guide for

organizational teams

Chair: Mercedes Argaña (Spain)

Sala 14 14:10 - 15:40

Leadership in Virtual Teams

Chair: Matti Vartiainen (Finland)

Towards the Smooth Running of Virtual Teams:

A Team Self Guided Training

Chair: Edurne Martínez Moreno (Spain)


(16 May 2008)

Oral session

Sala 21 09:00 - 10:30

Human Resource Management:

Selection and Assessment Diversity

Chair: Inés Tomás (Spain)

Co-Chair: Madeleine Dipper (United Kingdom)

Educational diversity and team performance:

the mediating effect of communication and the

moderating effect of group cohesion

Chair: Inés Tomás (Spain)

Sala 4-5 10:50 - 12:20

Teams and Workgroups: Team composition and


Chair: Björn Gustavsson (Sweden)

Co-Chair: Marta Alves (Portugal)

Role ambiguity, Stimulating employees participation,

Formalization of procedures or Economic resources and

infrastructure as antecedents of team learning

Chair: Irene Bresó (Spain)

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