Short bio

Dr Reig graduated and obtained his PhD in Economics from the Universitat de València, where he is Professor of Applied Economics and Research Professor at the Ivie. He is specialized in regional and agricultural economics and in the analysis of efficiency and productivity, and recently, he has been studying the calculation of sustainability indexes and the agricultural ecoefficiency.

He has published several books and reports, among them: "La multifuncionalidad de la agricultura en España" (Ministry of Agriculture-EUDEMA 2007), "La sostenibilidad del crecimiento económico en España" (Funcas 2011), "La sostenibilidad de la agricultura en España" (Cajamar, 2013) and "Delimitación de áreas rurales y urbanas a nivel local: Demografía, coberturas del suelo y accesibilidad" (BBVA Foundation, 2016). He is author of over 40 articles in various specialized journals such as: Agricultural Economics, Applied Economics, Economic Modelling, Environmental and Resource Economics, Investigaciones Económicas, Journal of Productivity Analysis, Land Use Policy, Resource and Energy Economics, Revista de Economía Aplicada and Social Indicators Research. He is member of the Editorial Board of the journal Investigaciones Regionales.

He was Research Scholar at the London School of Economics (1983-84), Director of the Instituto Valenciano de Economía (1986-1991) and Director General of the Economy of the Valencian regional government (1991-95). He has been main researcher of several projects of the National R&D Plan, the most recent one titled "Indicadores sintéticos de sostenibilidad para la mejora de la gobernanza del sector agrario" (AGL2010-17560-C02-02). In 1997, he was awarded the 6th Premi Catalunya d’Economia (Prize in Economics of Catalonia) by the Societat Catalana d’Economia.



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Tel.: +34 963 19 00 50
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Facultad d'economia Universitat de València

Economic Structure Department
Faculty of Economics
Edificio Departamental Oriental
Avda. Tarongers, s/n.
46022 Valencia (Spain)
Tel.: +34 96 382 83 39