Solidary Concerts. Universitat de València
Christmas Concerts 2024: Solidary Concerts
The Universitat de València begins Christmas with a five concerts programme for the restoration post-DANA
The traditional Christmas Concerts by the Universitat de València will begin this year surrounded by a special magic for their solidary role adopted with the purpose of contributing to the restoration post-DANA.
It will be a five concerts programme, from the 12 to the 27 December, that will sum up to the activity University Culture Service for the course 2024/25 with a solidary role dedicated to the people affected by the DANA.
UV Philharmonic Orchestra. Hilari Garcia Gázquez, conductor. Teatre Serrano de Gandia, Thursday 12, 7pm. Free entry, limited capacity
La Nau UV Choral Club. 25 anniversary. Mònica Perales, conductor. University Senate of La Nau Cultural Centre, Saturday 14, 12pm. Free entry, limited capacity
UV Philharmonic Orchestra. Hilari Garcia Gázquez, conductor. With the Escuela Coral from l’Eliana, the Orfeó Valencià Infantil (Barcavella and Gatapata choires), Pequeños Cantores from Valencia (Bardissa and Minicantores choires), Escola Coral Veus Juntes from Quart de Poblet (Gallarda Choir) and Escola Coral La Nau from the Universitat de València. Palau de la Música of València. Sala Iturbi, Wednesday 18, 7:30pm. Tickets in the Palau ticket office and on the website
UV Philharmonic Orchestra. Hilari Garcia Gázquez, conductor. Charles Darwin Hall from the Burjassot Campus, Friday 20, 1pm. Free entry, limited capacity
University Choral Society of Valencia. El món canta davant un bressol. Maayan Licht, soprano. Música Trobada. Francesc Valldecabres, conductor. Palau de la Música of València. Sala Iturbi, Friday 27, 7:30pm. Tickets in the Palau ticket office and on the website Charity Concert for the Sin Fronteras Psychologists Association
Date From 12 december 2024 to 27 december 2024. 24h. Every day.
Teatre Serrano de Gandia Claustre. Centre Cultural La Nau Sala Iturbi. Palau de la Música de València Sala Charles Darwin. Campus de Burjassot
Passeig de les Germanies, 29 Gandia Carrer de la Universitat, 2 València Pg. Albereda, 30 València Calle Dr. Moliner, 50 Burjassot
Gandia, València, Burjassot (46702 Gandia 46003 València 46023 València 46100 - Burjassot)
Àrea d’Activitats Musicals FGUV. Aula de Música, Servei de Cultura Universitària UV.