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Research Group: Fuschrom (FUndamental Studies in CHROMatography)

Departament of Analytical Chemistry

Tel. +34 963544005
Fax +34 963544436

Funded by Projects:  CTQ2013-42558-P; PROMETEO/2016/128, Generalitat Valenciana

 CTQ2016-75644-P; PDI2019-106708GB-I00, MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033 

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The activity of the group started in 1992 in the field of micellar liquid chromatography, focused on the analysis of drugs in physiological fluids, screening studies and suppression of peak tailing for basic drugs. Eventually, the group moved its interest area to more fundamental studies and Chemometrics, aimed to extract the potential information contained in chromatographic signals and improve the separations, assisted by numerical methods. Particularly, the group has worked in the development of new optimization strategies, reliable peak models, purity assays, deconvolution methods, and quantitative-structure retention relationships. Currently, it is involved in column characterization, development of clean analytical methods, secondary equilibria in liquid chromatography, bidimensional separations and fast chromatography. Besides the main researcher, the permanent staff is composed by five Professors (Juan José Baeza-Baeza, José Ramón Torres-Lapasió, Samuel Carda-Broch, María José Ruiz-Ángel and Juan Peris Vicente). The number of publications of the group is over 420, over 220 belonging to the first quartile of the ISI WEB of Knowledge ranking of journals (11 in Analytical Chemistry, 108 in Journal of Chromatography A, 40 in Analytica Chimica Acta and 20 in Analyst, among others), 28 book chapters, and 3 books ("Micellar Liquid Chromatography", written in collaboration with Alain Berthod, “Chemometrics”, written in collaboration with Guillermo Ramis), and Ionic Liquids in Analytical Chemistry: New Insights and Recent Developments). Under the members of the group, 33 PhD students from different countries have promoted most with a number of published articles ranging between 5 and 15 articles (8 students received the PhD award given to 1 every 10 PhD students in each university, 3 has enjoyed a Marie Curie fellowship from the European Community, 3 obtained the Ramón y Cajal contract, 10 are Professors in the University of Valencia, Polytechnic University of Valencia and University of Amsterdam). The group has received several visitors from France, Brazil, Belgium, Mexico, Argentina, Nicaragua and China, and its members have done stays in France, Belgium, The Netherlands and USA. The main collaborations have been established with researchers from Laboratoire des Sciences Analytiques (Université de Lyon, France), Farmaceutisch Instituut (Vrije Universeit Brussel, Belgium), Department of Chemistry (University College London, United Kingdom), Daniel W. Armstrong (Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry, University of Texas, Arlington, TX, USA), van't Hoff Institute of Molecular Sciences (University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands), Elisabeth Bosch, Martí Rosés and Clara Ràfols (Department of Analytical Chemistry, University of Barcelona, Spain), Devasish Bose (Department of Criminology and Forensic Science, Dr. Hari Singh Gour University, Sagar, Madhya Pradesh, India), and Benjamín Monrabal and Alberto Ortín (PolymerChar, Polyolefin Characterisation Company, Paterna, Valencia, Spain).

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