Oscar F. Garcia [HOME] Department of Developmental and Educational Psychology Faculty of Psychology · University of Valencia Room F-203 (second floor) - Av. Blasco Ibanez, 21 - 46010 Valencia, Spain oscar.f.garcia@uv.es Oscar F. García , PhD, is a developmental psychologist in the Department of Developmental and Educational Psychology at University of Valencia, Spain. Formerly, he has been a research fellow of the Department of Psychology at the Nottingham Trent University (UK). His research and writings are focused on study of development across the life-span, including family socialization, self-esteem, academic motivation at school, adolescence and adulthood, peer relationships and school adjustment, and measurement techniques (self-esteem and parenting). He is examining cross-cultural validity of the four-typology model of parenting. The project is funded by different public organizations (the European Social Fund, the Spanish Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities, and the Valencian Regional Government). Scholar WebOfScience Scopus Orcid SciPro Loop Academia ResearchGate ResearchID Dialnet